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View Full Version : possession and entities

11-01-2003, 11:07 AM
Here's a seasonal topic - what do chi kung or meditation practitioners think about spiritual entities and/or possession?

The Mage of Java book for instance included a lot on this topic, but frankly I find it a little far out and I think I remember the Zen sects have no use for the concepts at all as simply more delusions of an unenlightened mind.

Any experience out there?

11-01-2003, 11:25 AM
Well... I once saw this thing I believe was a ghost.

It was late in the night, at about 2:00 am(Ok so it was in the morning.) and I got up to go to the washroom. When I came back to my room, I saw something in my chair, I'll try to describe it now.

It was a very big, whitish glowing shape, and very tall. It looked like it was constantly shifting and moving.

Naturally, I was scared ****less, so I ran out. When I reentered my room, it was gone.

I really dunno what it was. I never saw anything like that again.

11-01-2003, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by nairb
Here's a seasonal topic - what do chi kung or meditation practitioners think about spiritual entities and/or possession?

Possession- Old term for a schizoid personality.

Entities? Huh? Please elaborate.

The Mage of Java book for instance included a lot on this topic, but frankly I find it a little far out and I think I remember the Zen sects have no use for the concepts at all as simply more delusions of an unenlightened mind.

Listen to the Zen sects. Kosta Danoas is a gullible lackey and his "teacher" is an embarrassing fraud.

11-01-2003, 03:29 PM
Entities = beings that exist outside the physical form - ghosts, daemons, jinns, etc.

That's a pretty strong statement about Danaos. On what do you base your statement? I'm not an apologist for him, just wondering how you came to your conclusion. His first book does seem to follow the Javanese traditional beliefs mixed in with some Chinese nei gung/chi kung AFAIK.

Do you practice chi kung or meditation?

Originally posted by QuaiJohnCain

Possession- Old term for a schizoid personality.

Entities? Huh? Please elaborate.

Listen to the Zen sects. Kosta Danoas is a gullible lackey and his "teacher" is an embarrassing fraud.

11-01-2003, 03:30 PM
Interesting. You should call the Art Bell show.

Originally posted by _William_
Well... I once saw this thing I believe was a ghost.

It was late in the night, at about 2:00 am(Ok so it was in the morning.) and I got up to go to the washroom. When I came back to my room, I saw something in my chair, I'll try to describe it now.

It was a very big, whitish glowing shape, and very tall. It looked like it was constantly shifting and moving.

Naturally, I was scared ****less, so I ran out. When I reentered my room, it was gone.

I really dunno what it was. I never saw anything like that again.

01-20-2021, 05:36 PM
there is a lot of talk about this subject on spiritual forums