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11-01-2003, 10:23 PM
Who are you? Or, more to the point, what are you? Have you Purpose, goal, need?

Do you have dreams, visions, prophecies
Of what you want, wish, or what might be
For You?

I ask this only because, with my return to training coming nigh (hopefully within 2003) I've had to reevaluate my stances on a lot of issues.

I'm becoming downright furious with my job. My manager, to be specific. Once, a cool assistant manager. Now, a two-faced, double talking manager. My scheduling conflicts with school and job are becoming horribly muddled.

I've come to question the cultural trappings of my style. Why do things a Japanese way? Just becasue they've been done like this before? Karate, at least the style we practice, isn't Japanese, but Okinawan. Same nation, but the intent is different. Besides, this is a gym in the U.S. I don't pronounce things, I butcher them.

I've come to know more about myself than I'd've liked previously. I've come to define myself through my physicallity. Something, previous to weight training and later, martial arts, I didn't do.

So, to the topic:

Who is being honest with the self? Whether that honesty be conveyed in training, living, spirituallity (spit and gasoline cover the face of religion), are you being yourself?

11-01-2003, 10:32 PM
I am the embodiment of stoned. I am the wind and the clouds, or maybe its a puff of smoke.:confused:

I have a dream...It had William Shatner in it and he's wearing a lime green jumpsuit. He was trying to peddle off all the surplus Playboy's that no one would buy because of the Anna Nicole Smith spread.*shutters*

But Seriously, my dream is to have a productive life, and to have enough clout & finances that when my days are over, my children can live happily.

Royal Dragon
11-02-2003, 06:34 AM
Me, I just want a cushy high paying job with easy hours so I can enjoy doing what I enjoy, and enjoy being around family and frinds as much as I can. This 60 hours a week working for a psycotic nutcase is killing me.

11-02-2003, 08:01 AM
Vash - you're christian? Go Get a copy of "Purpose Driven Life" you might like it.

11-02-2003, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by Vash

I've come to question the cultural trappings of my style. Why do things a Japanese way? Just becasue they've been done like this before? Karate, at least the style we practice, isn't Japanese, but Okinawan. Same nation, but the intent is different. Besides, this is a gym in the U.S. I don't pronounce things, I butcher them.

Ease of teaching. Also standardization. Take judo for example. For the basics techniques for the throws - teach them the Japanese way. That's the way the technique was created. Once you compete, however, you see that the typical traditional way isn't effective in competition. You have to modify your grips and attacking angles, etc., but first you must be comfy with the basics. Also, standardization. If there wasn't a standard, then different clubs would have different names for the same techniques, making the style more convoluted.

11-02-2003, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar
Vash - you're christian? Go Get a copy of "Purpose Driven Life" you might like it.

Yep. Christian w/added attitude and a teriyaki flavor.

I'll have to pick that up next paycheck.

Ease of teaching, standardization

I think I started another thread for this debate. I know I'm not gonna change anyone's opinions on the matter, and I really don't think I should, even if I could. It doesn't groove for me, is all.
Most everyone else seems to get along with it just fine.

Maybe it's just me? :confused: Naaahhh. The whole world is insane. :eek:

BUTT seriously, who's being honest with themselves? Whether it be in their purpose, living, training, whathaveyou?

Just seems like an interesting question.

11-02-2003, 08:16 AM
Do you get in trouble for saying the names wrong?

If you dont like lingo, then stay away from it.

Eventually, even if you cant pronounce all the stuff in japanese correctly, you should be able to "codify" your personal method.

I train because I train. :confused:

If you dont like your job, its probably not worth it.


11-02-2003, 09:21 AM
Nah, we don't get in trouble, just corrected.

I don't use it outside of class. Not even in my personal workouts, whatever.

Yeah. Gonna stop by the office today, talk to boss. Depending on how that goes, I may or may not decide to leave and become unemployed.

11-02-2003, 11:09 AM
Being honest with yourself is nothing more than making a decision to be something and being it.

And I'm rapidly learning, decisions are all-powerful.

11-02-2003, 11:16 AM
Who are you? Or, more to the point, what are you?I'm a father and husband.

Have you Purpose, goal, need? To provide for my family, protect my family and to raise my sons to be good men. Martial arts are part of what I use to help me achieve those goal.

Volcano Admim
11-02-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Vash
Do you have dreams, visions, prophecies
Of what you want, wish, or what might be
For You?

no mystical crap (however you spell mystical)

11-02-2003, 08:11 PM
If I may borrow something:

Warrior's Creed by Robert Humphrey
Wherever I go,
everyone is a little bit safer because I am there.

Wherever I am,
anyone in need has a friend.

Whenever I return home,
everyone is happy I am there.

"It's a better life!"


Sounds good to me!

Former castleva
11-02-2003, 08:51 PM
I just want to learn as much about the universe as possible (a little selectively of course).

11-02-2003, 09:33 PM
Me, I just wanna be. I want to do the stuff that matters to me, the stuff I define myself by. My personal truth, or whathaveyou.

I intend to live in a rather ferocious and defined manner.

Starting tomorrow. To frikkin late today. Goodnight.

11-02-2003, 10:19 PM
i train because my life was going on a downword spiral. all i did was work seven days a week and i went to school full time. i had zero time to have fun. so i started kung fu. it gave me discipline i never had before, it improved my mentality. it made me a better person. now i train kung fu because it is more of a life style for me. i stopped drinking alchohal. i have a healthy diet now, i dont even drink caffine anymore. it changed me completely. if i told myself 2/3 years ago that this would happen the old me would say "F THAT" but now when new things come up I say bring it on. Kung fu is a way of life. i do it over many things these days. all my friends go out on the weekends to get drunk and whatever. i rather spend my time meditating and practicing. yeah it sounds extreme, but kung fu has brought me a peace that i have not known before.

11-02-2003, 10:45 PM
i'm going out to get a six pack.

i'm a drunk.

11-04-2003, 10:35 PM
I think it's the winter draggin everybody down. First FC gets tired, then my girlfriend, then me. Think I'm coming out of it, though.

Was thinking about leaving Isshinryu. Naw. Decided that, whether I like it or not, the system is a part of me now. Might as well become one bad-@$$ mofo wit it ;)

Was thinking about quiting my job at Hellywood Video. Gonna do that. Gotta talk to my old manager from K-Mart tomorrow about my job at a Family Dollar. Probly get it, despite my broken torso.

Thinking about leaving college. Don't know, yet. Gonna see how next semester goes, then decide.

The Willow Sword
11-05-2003, 07:53 AM
I think that we all have our own idea of our "personal truths".

Although i do not like it when others try force or prosalitize thier "truth" onto others. we need to realize that we are unique and have our own minds and sometimes,,,we dont follow the organized ideals of "truth".

I believe this to be just as evident in the Martial arts community as well as that of the spiritual community(ie: X-tian, muslim jew, pagan).

If i were to share my personal truths with everyone i would start out by quoting this.

"Seek not the answers,,,,seek not the way,,,,seek not the truth,,,just seek,,,,,,The answers are within YOU anyway.":cool:

Many respects,,,,TWS

11-05-2003, 08:03 AM
Kung Lek may disagree but

"everything is everyhting"

chen zhen
11-05-2003, 08:06 AM
dont bring me into this, Vash.