View Full Version : atten: truewrestler

Brad Souders
11-03-2003, 08:31 AM
Yo man just check to see if i ever met u before. U train with Lloyd Irvin and if so where you there when he ran a little two day event at his school in 98 i think?

Brad Souders

11-03-2003, 08:40 AM
Hey Brad, I don't believe I met Lloyd until 99 or early 2000 and I haven't trainned at his place for a couple years.

Brad Souders
11-03-2003, 08:54 AM
lol sometimes i can't remember who irun into and who i don't. I'm sure u don't know me but u may have met my cousin Eric Grove who was training there around that time for the Adrian Serrano fight. Good times back then enjoyed beating on Eric miss those days now that i'm the one getting the beating. Man i can't believe the awesome sh*t lloyd is putting out free with grappling blue print.

Later, Brad

11-03-2003, 09:03 AM
The name "Eric Grove" sounds really familiar but I'm not sure if I met him. Got choked out too many times back then I think (kidding).

Where do you train? I have been really inactive the last couple years. Just doing a little wrestling and jiu-jitsu here and there, and more recently Judo with ShaolinTiger. Looks like I'll be joining the NIH judo club in Bethesda if I know what's good for me :)

Brad Souders
11-03-2003, 09:13 AM
I train with Eric and used to help run a school up here in PA before we had some issues with the owner bailing on us. ****es me off because we where starting to enter tourneys and our guys where lookin sharp. But o well

I've been pretty seriously sick for about two months now and am just now training again. Looking to start competing heavy next year. I also run a submission/bjj tourney in Chambersburg Pa which last event i had MerryP and a couple other really good guys compete in. It was a f*cken blast and one of the top five events i ever been too. Even for going 0-6 for the day i had fun lol.

Brad SOuders