View Full Version : Cool resource for Pressure Point illustrations

11-06-2003, 08:39 AM
The Website below provides an interesting graphical reference for pressure points.




Judge Pen
11-06-2003, 09:09 AM

You know a pressure point guy did somthing like that to me once and said "See if I touch this meridian and then smack you across the face and your legs will buckle and you will fall down." I said, "ok, do it" and he did it and I fell down and I thought: Forget about grabbing so-and-so meridian, just smacking me across the face would have knocked me down."

I suppose there is some legitimacy to pressure points, but I'm skeptical because every demonstration I've seen is hokey and unconvincing imo.

11-06-2003, 09:28 AM
Judge Pen,

you are right in as far as demos are quite often staged. However, I can tell from my own experience that it works quite well. I had this demonstrated to me by Shi Wang Heng and the Da Mo Yuan more than once, when I trained with them.

The main difference was just using the pressure point, instead of first the pressure point, then a smack and similar nonsense.


Judge Pen
11-06-2003, 09:34 AM
I guess I haven't been exposed to good pressure point practice. I'm always skeptical of soemthing until I experience it first hand. I've seen some good chin na and control points used, but no one has convinced me of the touch knock-outs and the like. I'm not saying that they do not exist and I ment no disrespect. It's impossible to tell from the video whether it was staged or legit.

11-06-2003, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Judge Pen
I guess I haven't been exposed to good pressure point practice. I'm always skeptical of soemthing until I experience it first hand.

I am with you on this one, because there are few teachers really good at this one. As for the video, I don't know either. I mean mainly the graphics, which show the placements quite nicely. It was meant as a reference for interested people.

I'm not saying that they do not exist and I ment no disrespect.

I did not take it as disrespect at all. Your stated your opinion and there is nothing wrong with that.


Repulsive Monkey
11-06-2003, 11:41 AM
The charts they have showed are not accurate so for gods sake don't take any notice of them, beyond the fact that it is totally irresponsible by what the website have done.

Dian Xue is totally legitimate but not in this way. In fact it good that this stuff springs up because shows their complete half-azzedness in tryng to transmit ropey information obtain in what I suspect to be ropey sources.

If it had anything whatsoever to do with Dillman, I would drop it like dead dog.

Dark Dragon
07-13-2004, 05:12 AM
try this link or a comprehensive guide on pressure points:


07-13-2004, 01:54 PM
for your viewing pleasure -- it's a bit of a lark, but it's a good example of what can go wrong when you mix up pressure points. click on "OK" when it shows up.


07-13-2004, 02:21 PM
Uwe you trained with Shaolin monks?


07-13-2004, 02:24 PM
Dark Dragon is My Little Bro

I Know of this pressure point in your upper middle back where you can strike ,, and It throws the victim into uncontrolable Laughter no bs ,, it works

then to counter act it you just Kick the victim in the Nuts