View Full Version : Because I like the Shaolin Do guys

Water Dragon
11-07-2003, 12:11 PM
I decided to take the heat off you guys for a while (http://www.adrianroman.com/)

Cheese Dog
11-07-2003, 12:56 PM
Cool. I'm gonna get me a black belt today!

11-07-2003, 12:58 PM
Don't you mean a feather.

11-07-2003, 01:00 PM
he is the highest ranked Native American in the martial arts world today.

US Senator Ben Nighthorse Cambell would **** his world up.

All-American in Judo; three-time U.S. Judo champion; captained the U.S. Olympic Judo Team at Tokyo Games in 1964; Gold-medal winner in Pan-American Games of 1963; coached the U.S. International Team.

11-07-2003, 01:04 PM
I'm going for my gold feather in Running Horse Squatting Deer Kung Fu. When I reach Platinum Feather I get to learn the Tomahawk...I can't wait!

Judge Pen
11-07-2003, 01:07 PM

Scroll down: He has a hot daughter.

11-07-2003, 01:11 PM
Now that I received my black belt I'm going into the UFC to kick some behinds!

11-07-2003, 01:11 PM
I wasn't even aware native american indians used kenpo

11-07-2003, 01:16 PM
It's a good thing Ed Parker is a senior grandmaster. I'm tired of those 18-year-old grandmasters lording it over everyone.

How can you tell his daughter is hot? The picture is so small!

Judge Pen
11-07-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Tak
How can you tell his daughter is hot? The picture is so small!

Because he said so! Plus I eat my carrots.

11-07-2003, 01:22 PM
The transfer of knowledge is easily done in 365 day or less by concentrating on the material rather than being your physical drill instructor

A bunch of fat, egotistical black belts who couldn't beat up a senior citizen running a school that churns out useless fighters

Water Dragon
11-07-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe

A bunch of fat, egotistical black belts who couldn't beat up a senior citizen running a school that churns out useless fighters

hmmm, I don't know why, but that sounds awfully familiar.

11-07-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Judge Pen
Because he said so! Plus I eat my carrots. Hmm, so are carrot goggles like beerk goggles?

11-07-2003, 01:46 PM
hmmm, I don't know why, but that sounds awfully familiar.

The funny thing is I originally had that @ the end of my post...

11-07-2003, 02:37 PM
Yes his daughter is hot....

I love those pics of Elvis.

Check out the group photo with Elvis, Ed Parker, and the huge fro.

MonkeySlap Too
11-07-2003, 03:40 PM
Well, heck MY system has EIGHT Special Feathers...

Golden Snake
11-07-2003, 03:58 PM
why you shuai chaio guys always have to be putting down perfectly legit martial arts styles? inferiority complex maybe? always running around bragging about how much throwing you do, pshaw:rolleyes: maybe you should come check out shaolin-do to see the non-wushu version of your precious art.

Water Dragon
11-07-2003, 05:38 PM
Oh! Hi crazymaddrunk. How ya been kkm?

11-07-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Golden Snake
why you shuai chaio guys always have to be putting down perfectly legit martial arts styles? inferiority complex maybe? always running around bragging about how much throwing you do, pshaw:rolleyes: maybe you should come check out shaolin-do to see the non-wushu version of your precious art.
If this is what you consider a perfectly legitimate martial arts style, then I can see why you're in Shaolin-Do. Most of us consider legitimacy a function not only a function of an art's effectiveness (ultimately provable only in a real fight) but also on an art's foundations (ie lineage, history, and roots). Given this definition, this "Red Warrior" style has no legitimacy, because Adrian Roman clearly made up this art to gratify his own ego. Many here will see a parallel between "Chief" Roman and your own "Master", excuse me, "Grand Master" Sin The. Judging from the intelligence level shown in your posts so far, I'm guessing the parallels will pass you by.

By the way, you're a pitiful example of a troll. If you're going to troll, you should at least be interesting. Keep working on it.

Water Dragon
11-07-2003, 05:45 PM
Shame on you kenso. No feather for you.

Royal Dragon
11-07-2003, 07:22 PM
I saw this guy on cable once. He did a bare hand break through like 4 feet of ice. If he learned from parker, his kempo is probably pretty good.

11-07-2003, 07:36 PM
Golden Snake DOES remind me of Crazy Mad Drunk now that it's brought up. Probably one in the same.

None the less, though I myself belong to shaolin do, I do not condone his opinions, much less take them as my own.

Though in ALL likely-hood, he's just another troll.

Chang Style Novice
11-07-2003, 07:39 PM
Did anyone say anything negative about kempo? As far as I can tell, what was being mocked was changing the name from "kempo" to "red warrior" and selling blackbelts on the internet. Which should be mocked.

11-07-2003, 07:48 PM
The transfer of knowledge is easily done in 365 day or less by concentrating on the material rather than being your physical drill instructor Don't know if he can really do it, but I like the idea.

11-07-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Did anyone say anything negative about kempo? As far as I can tell, what was being mocked was changing the name from "kempo" to "red warrior" and selling blackbelts on the internet. Which should be mocked.

not even the part about selling blackbelts, but the fact that he says b/c of his native american culture his system is based on an honor code, and u get the 'beautiful' black belt decree from day one upon opening your course material. you are FREE to send in a video for evaluation, but it is perfectly legitimate for you to progress based on YOUR (emphasis added by the kempo guy!) opinion only, and no other professional's opinion!

i also love how his whole premise is partly based on saving you money but the moment u want to progress passed black (6-9 months?) the fees already jump to over the 1000 dollar mark :eek: :confused:

Royal Dragon
11-07-2003, 07:51 PM
There's nothing wrong with changing the name of his system to whatever he wants. It's his system, and if he's doing something other than following parkers exact curriculem, then he should name his system uniquely. At the very least, He should have his own name for his school.

As for the selling Black belts thing, I'm against that, but I have seen them for sale at sportmart for $6.95 too.

11-07-2003, 07:59 PM
The only arts where a black belt really means something is Judo and BJJ. Rank in most arts has nothing to do with combative ability.

Royal Dragon
11-07-2003, 08:00 PM
That's why I don't even belive in rank anymore.

Chang Style Novice
11-07-2003, 08:13 PM
If you stood a little closer to me after a workout, you'd believe in rank alright!:D

Water Dragon
11-07-2003, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Tak

How can you tell his daughter is hot?

Because she has a vagina dum-dum

old jong
11-07-2003, 10:08 PM
The last of the Moronhicans?... (http://www.adrianroman.com/GM__RO1.gif)
Holy ****!...:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Felipe Bido
11-07-2003, 10:28 PM
Let's focus on the most important ****ing issue here:

His daughter is HAWT!

11-08-2003, 04:29 AM

I gotta admit the Elvis pics is really cool

MonkeySlap Too
11-08-2003, 08:50 AM
Hey Golen Snake - Don't I knw you? You go to the San Jose SD school. Why don't you come by the park this weekend and show us what TMA iis all about.

Your the same guy I met at that party, right?

SanSoo Student
11-08-2003, 08:51 AM
Almost makes me want to learn that style when I see his daughter! :D

Golden Snake
11-08-2003, 01:49 PM
I was visiting san jose a while back but I don't live there.

yes that was me if you were the white dude who was babbling about shuai jaio all night:rolleyes:

shuai jaio this and shuai jaio that.

Gene Chicoine gots all the real shuai jaio training. he teaches the real combat shuai chaio. according to the article I just read you guys just have chang's tai chi chuan, you aren't even doing shuai chaio.

which park you train at? maybe next time I'm in San Jose I'll have to stop by and show you a thing or two.

how come there are like 20 different ways to spell shuai chaio. a real art would have standardized spelling.

11-08-2003, 01:58 PM
Are you an SDer, Golden Snake?

If so, your ****in' up all the respectable SDer's hard work.
Trolling is a sign of ingnorance.

Your in San Deigo? Is there good Combat Shuai Chiao in the Bay Area?

11-08-2003, 02:00 PM
Sin The has a cute daughter as well, if my memory serves me correctly.

Golden Snake
11-08-2003, 02:18 PM
whatever captinjakazz. quitter. Yes I'm a SDer and **** proud of it. you walked out on shaolin-do so you are pretty much dead to me, you and your gay lover meat shake.

I'm not trolling anyone.

Your in San Deigo? Is there good Combat Shuai Chiao in the Bay Area?

monkeysmack is somewhere in the bay area, unless he moved. I bet he'll pm you jackazz because he's afraid that I might find out where he trains.

11-08-2003, 02:20 PM
Aahh, the humbleness of Shaolin.... D'OH

11-08-2003, 02:28 PM
I'm positive this is crazy mad drunk. It makes me laugh....wait...you make me laugh. I make a true comment and all your feble mind can come up with is slander and gay jokes? Better be careful, you might begin to belive your own lies. Your giving yourself the false premenition that you are somebody, when in fact your just some flamer who hides behind a computer talkin' **** because you aint got the balls to back it up. SO, just go ahead and make some "witty" slanderous term out of my name again, so we all know how smart you are...

Oh, And I could care less If I'm dead to you. Because from now on you don't exist.

Golden Snake
11-08-2003, 02:49 PM
whatever lieutenantjizzazz, you been demoted sucka.

gay jokes? who was joking?

you moving to the bay area lieutenant? I visit san jose, ca from time to time maybe I can meet you and monkeysmack at the same time.


false premenition

learn how to use the english language. dictionaries are your friend.

11-08-2003, 03:19 PM
Heh, heh! CMD & Golden Snake are definitely one and the same :D . As for the original subject of the thread, I like how this guy claims to have been a Golden Gloves boxer IN 6TH GRADE! Well, I suppose if he flunked a whole BUNCH of grades he could have been :p . When I competed in the Golden Gloves at the age of 16 I was considered one of the younger guys there (I'm not sure but I think 16 is the minimum age requirement to compete in the G.G., or it was back in the mid 80s). It's probably good for him that Ed Parker isn't around anymore. If Parker were to read this guy's garbage, he'd probably whoop him & take back every rank that was ever issued to him (buying an instant Black Belt... that's more than a little degrading to the whole MA community :mad: ). Though I'm no fan of Shaolin-Do, they at least seem to have a standard of hard work & solid training to receive their ranks (though I still don't agree with using basically the same kind of "energy" & body movement/ alignment for every style they do, but at least they're dedicated & hardworking). T.

MonkeySlap Too
11-08-2003, 03:52 PM
Nah, this guy is just a putz with a mullet. Talked real big, but couldn't back it up. Fred Sanford was at the same party - all I could do to keep Fred from tossing this poor deluded guy out the window was to feed hi more Jamesons. Waste of good whiskey. But GS had me laughing pretty hard.

I can be found in Civic park in Walnut Creek Caliifornia most weekend mornings around 10 AM. Near the gazebo - We stick out becase we are not a tai chi group. Look for the knives.

CPA - i'm not aware of any Combat Shuai Chiao in San Diego - I'd e-mail David Lin and ask.

Chang Style Novice
11-08-2003, 03:54 PM
Doesn't Daniel Weng have lots of teachers in California?

11-08-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Golden Snake
why you shuai chaio guys always have to be putting down perfectly legit martial arts styles? inferiority complex maybe? always running around bragging about how much throwing you do, pshaw:rolleyes: maybe you should come check out shaolin-do to see the non-wushu version of your precious art.

This guy is f uckin funny.

11-08-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by rogue
The only arts where a black belt really means something is Judo and BJJ. Rank in most arts has nothing to do with combative ability.

I'll second that.

11-08-2003, 08:34 PM
I kid you not, one of his students came into where I work once. At the time I did not know about him and his black belt program, and he told me about how he mixes the Native American weapons with Kempo and thought "That's pretty cool". Now that I know about him, I'd of turned and walked off.

And he lives in my area too.

Royal Dragon
11-09-2003, 10:34 AM
I did not know about him and his black belt program, and he told me about how he mixes the Native American weapons with Kempo and thought "That's pretty cool". Now that I know about him, I'd of turned and walked off.

So,let me get this striat, you thought the idea of mixing Kempo and Native American weapons was really cool, but now that a bunch of guys on the internet are making fun of the idea your against it?

Really, this guys is a Parker trained Kempo guy, so he has a solid background. He's not hiding what he's doing, it blatently clear he's going off in his own direction and following his own path. He's not making up bizzar lineages, and fantastical stories about flying Grandmasters 11 story buildings or Wolf boy Grandmasters and such. You thought it was a cool thing originally. Why is it suddenly not cool anymore?

11-09-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
[I]He's not making up bizzar lineages, and fantastical stories about flying Grandmasters 11 story buildings or Wolf boy Grandmasters and such. You thought it was a cool thing originally. Why is it suddenly not cool anymore?
Well I agreed with your post until you took the time to once more slur SD. On one hand you try to take this moral high ground against Philbert then in the same breath you slur someone else. Maybe I should finally wise up and quit slumming on this waste of time message board.

11-09-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by themeecer

Well I agreed with your post until you took the time to once more slur SD. On one hand you try to take this moral high ground against Philbert then in the same breath you slur someone else. Maybe I should finally wise up and quit slumming on this waste of time message board.

Since the only things I've seen you contribute have been tiresome religious and political flamefests, and "street advice" that is blatantly wrong and likely to get people hurt, I for one would be quite happy to see you stop "slumming" here.

11-09-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog
Since the only things I've seen you contribute have been tiresome religious and political flamefests, and "street advice" that is blatantly wrong and likely to get people hurt,
If you ever feel the need to test out my street advice or any of my other theories you are more than welcome to bring yourself here to the south and try me out.

Originally posted by FatherDog
I for one would be quite happy to see you stop "slumming" here.
Actually, I think I would be the happiest of the group. I have spent too much time with you armchair martial artists as it is. (Not all .. I like some of you)

*Walks off in the distance...*

Royal Dragon
11-09-2003, 02:19 PM
Well I agreed with your post until you took the time to once more slur SD. On one hand you try to take this moral high ground against Philbert then in the same breath you slur someone else. Maybe I should finally wise up and quit slumming on this waste of time message board

That's becasue I differentiate between arrogantly beliving your superior to someone, and calling them frauds legitimately. If someone,or group of someones, as is the case with SD, are blatently bullsh!tting, lying, and generally being deceptive purely to get marks on thier hook, then they deserve what they get.

A great example comes from my own past. I used to belong to this "Cloud Forest Chin Woo" organasation. I was a member because they claimed to have the martial arts system I was very interested in (Although I was too inexperianced in it to judge at the time), they were suposedly the headquarter school for the USA Chin Woo Athletic association, and the master heading it was suposedly taught by a descendant of the family that founded my art.

Later, I learned that not only did they not teach the style I signed up for, but they were teaching Taiji Quan, Hsing I and Bagua in it's place and fradulantly "Claiming" it was the other style. THEN, I found out they have absolutely NOTHING to do with Chin Woo whatsoever, let alone being the Headquarters School".

Then there was Chung Moo Quan, another complete bullsh!t lie I was at the time not experianced enough to see for what it was (Old Saw Bro.s movies coped from Samurai Sunday tv, taught as if it were an actual traditional art).

SD is another one of those, lots of lies floating around over there. Then there is Yellow Bamboo, Temple Kung Fu and a small list of others as well. It is not arrogant to call BS what it is, BS. A spade IS a spade. It's when your calling something for being crap solely becasue you feel your better than them for whatever reason you "Think" you have, then you become arrogant. But when you can present a clear and decisive argument that catches and exposes real lies, that's another story all together.

Honestly, SD is guilty of the very arrogance I am speaking of, with their whole claim of being the only true Shaolin, when infact they don't resemble even the core of Shaolin practice at all. It's like a total dissing of the entire Chinese martial arts community all in one fell swoop. It's no wonder those guys are so disliked by the legitimate Kung Fu world. It would be different if they were a legit Shaolin system, and were just realy realy bad at it. But it's not that simple with them (And I'm sure there are dozens of threads devoted to this.). Everytime they put some of thier forms on the net, reguardless of which school does it, it looks like some sort of karate with animal claws just haphazardly thrown into the form for looks. There is no body structure, the flow is all wrong, the moves are not linked up in any sort of logical mannor. And of the ones I specifically compered to authentic Kung fu, even the spirit of the style was completely absent. I compared side by side thier Mantis set, with authentic mantis, and it's so far off, it can't even be considered a bad copy. It's not at all the same as saying TKD is crap and Hackney's academey is the bomb, when the two are totally different in goal and function to begin with. What is being said, is SD is NOT even remotely what it, in itself, claims to be. And that my freind is calling BS when it is seen for what it is and nothing more.

11-09-2003, 04:03 PM
Honestly, SD is guilty of the very arrogance I am speaking of, with their whole claim of being the only true Shaolin, when infact they don't resemble even the core of Shaolin practice at all. It's like a total dissing of the entire Chinese martial arts community all in one fell swoop. It's no wonder those guys are so disliked by the legitimate Kung Fu world. It would be different if they were a legit Shaolin system, and were just realy realy bad at it. But it's not that simple with them (And I'm sure there are dozens of threads devoted to this.). Everytime they put some of thier forms on the net, reguardless of which school does it, it looks like some sort of karate with animal claws just haphazardly thrown into the form for looks. There is no body structure, the flow is all wrong, the moves are not linked up in any sort of logical mannor. And of the ones I specifically compered to authentic Kung fu, even the spirit of the style was completely absent. I compared side by side thier Mantis set, with authentic mantis, and it's so far off, it can't even be considered a bad copy. It's not at all the same as saying TKD is crap and Hackney's academey is the bomb, when the two are totally different in goal and function to begin with. What is being said, is SD is NOT even remotely what it, in itself, claims to be. And that my freind is calling BS when it is seen for what it is and nothing more.

I often disagree with your approach to things, RD. In fact, I prob wouldn't lump SD with Chung Moo Do or whatever, but there are many similar points that I see in the above statement as well. You can go back to the original premise of GS's "SD has preserved many arts that would have been lost" to see that it reflects all the things you stated regarding arrogance. Other than that though, many guys seem to have gotten quite a bit out of it (SD that is). It pointed me away from what I didn't like about martial arts. So, as long as there is no refutable "street advice" given, IMO who cares what they think/believe. Of course these debates will go on ad nauseum/perpetuam...

11-09-2003, 04:03 PM
Who are you trying to convince, Royal Dragon? The SD community, or yourself?

11-09-2003, 04:31 PM
ok, Lets redefine the legitimacy of an art

NOT: Combat effectiveness
Roots, history

How legitimate an art is, is defined by one and only one thing:

Whether the grandmaster have a hot daughter or not !!!

Bak Kuei
11-09-2003, 05:17 PM
It's obvious that RD isn't trying to "convince" anyone. He's just stating the truth (not a very popular thing to do these days). Peace.

11-09-2003, 06:07 PM
Royal Dragon, it is his black belt program that would make me turn and walk off. Originally I thought it was a cool thing, up until I heard about his 1 year to get a black belt. People make fun of Shaolin-Do all the time, but I've yet to form an opinion.

Chang Style Novice
11-09-2003, 06:55 PM
Philbert has mail-ordered a black belt in the correct with only only eight months of diligent training.

11-09-2003, 07:28 PM
Agreed about the one year black belt thing. That's the shortest advertised time to get a blackbelt I've ever come across :p Despite whatever skill and legitimacy this guy might have, or what his intentions might be, giving away blackbelts after one year is pretty darn irresponsible in my opinion.

11-09-2003, 07:38 PM
Actually, you're all puttin' WAY too much effort into it. Read what he says, you send the money, he sends the course complete with black belt & signed black belt certificate. As soon as you receive the package in the mail, you're certified, why waste all that time trying to actually learn the stuff (well, I mean unless you're serious about learning a martial art, in which case you should leave this stuff alone in the first place). Maybe I'm being too harsh. The guy DID receive HIS training through a recognised master and his course might be worthwhile, BUT he should DEFINITELY require AT LEAST video testing for each level BEFORE awarding that rank. I can see alot of fake Kenpo blackbelts with zero fighting ability coming out of this scheme. T.