View Full Version : This Just In: Axe Kick To Head Hurts...

11-09-2003, 12:04 AM
Just wanted to write a quick thanks to Coach Ross & Coach Ventura for hosting a cool event.

It was nice to see Mutant Warrior- Sorry I didn't introduce myself but my head's still ringing (I was the guy with glasses sittin behind Suntzu).

Big ups to the Lebanese team- they were all real cool- and my homeboy Suntzu who put on a helluva show (still real sorry I didn't record it).

Congrats to BadBradBurrick from the UG who won what looked like a battle with Smyzt from Boston. Dunno if he cross-pollinates over here on KFO- but I thought that was an awesome fight, both of those guys got mad skills.

Was markin out to meet Marvin Perry; even if only for a minute.

Great seein Khun Kao again; wish we coulda hung out more.

Thanks to my team members from Baltimore, Coach Julio, and everybody else who helped me prepare.

Watchin the replay on my camcorder I was like "B*tch! I just got knocked the fugg out!".

Gonna figure out how to scrounge up my dignity, fix my gaping flaws, and give it another shot in the future. In the meantime any advice to a struggling young fighter is extremely welcome and greatly appreciated.

Probly wait for Coach Ross to post a more official recap.

Meat Shake
11-09-2003, 12:10 AM
You got took out w/an axe kick?
Kudos for getting in there and goin at it. I plan on training hard, at least 25 hours a week,for a good 6 or 7 more months before I try and enter any tournies... I want to go up to you guys area to compete as well... Not much San Shou/San Da scene around here.

Edit: the film should help... I really want to buy a camera just to record myself free wrestling...

11-09-2003, 12:14 AM
First time even sparring without glasses or contacts.

I think I misread the kick as a roundhouse and tried to slip it- exposing the side of my head as he reangled the kick. Follow-up punch, that I never saw, finished me off (tho I was pretty much already out).

Not to take anything away from my opponent though, he destroyed me, just one mistake I wish I hadn't made.

Back to the drawingboard I guess...

But at least I got a cool T-Shirt. :D

11-09-2003, 11:41 AM
it was good to meet your team, i had fun bs-ing with suntzu and all you guys seem way cool. your coach julio is a riot :D

a lot of good fights yesterday. don't feel too bad about getting ktfo, just use the experience to focus your training make you a better fighter.

at least you guys got to fight, i was side-lined with busted ribs. sitting around watching, now that sux, makes it a real long day....:(

take care man, and be careful with that head injury, don't spar for awhile. your coach will know what to do.


11-09-2003, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the advice man.

I'm gonna try to get in touch with Jurgen to see how he handles fighting without the specs; assuming he hasn't moved again. hehe

Broken ribs must suck. Broke my arm in June and sitting on the sidelines drove me nuts.

I'll be back though. Gonna spend the next couple months really getting to know my basics again.

Hope we'll get to hang out more at one of next year's events.

11-09-2003, 02:21 PM
Rest that noggin. I made the mistake of sparring again two weeks after getting TKO'd and it was not pretty.
I think 6 weeks is a minimum.

Meat Shake
11-09-2003, 02:26 PM
Suxors. Thats part of the game tho, good to see it doesnt discourage you. Just train hard and get in there and knock someone else TFO.

11-09-2003, 03:11 PM
You got took out w/an axe kick?

The late Andy Hug, kyokushin BB and K-1 champ, took many opponents out with the axe kick.

11-09-2003, 05:53 PM
Its horribly telegraphed, but I'm sure if you slip it in at the right place you can knock someone out cold.

Bak Kuei
11-09-2003, 06:54 PM
The tricky thing about the axe kick is that it telegraphs as a crescent kick, so you duck or go to block, then it comes straight down on you. T.

11-09-2003, 09:30 PM
MS, aren't there some SC competitions in your area?

11-09-2003, 10:01 PM
Axe kick to the head hurts? No way! :D Dude, if you were curious about that all ya' had ta do was ask, I woulda let ya' in on that lil' secret so ya' didn't hafta git tha' poop knocked outta ya' :p . Good show getting out there & putting it on the line though. Train hard so you win the next one (yeah, I know, I don't have to tell you that). Later. T.

Meat Shake
11-09-2003, 10:57 PM
"MS, aren't there some SC competitions in your area?"

Yeah, there was one a couple weeks ago. I want to get at least a couple more months in SC before I compete.

11-10-2003, 02:28 AM
I thought only Paulie Zink did the axe kick. If I could pull of a axe kick ko I don't know if I"d ever stop rewatching the replay of it.

Ikken Hisatsu
11-10-2003, 03:47 AM
never really thought of an axe kick having much practical application, but then ive never been on the recieving end so I couldnt say

norther practitioner
11-10-2003, 10:48 AM
Three kicks...

I try to practice three variations on the axe kick.. outside crecent to axe, inside crecent to axe, and straight kick to axe. The last is an interesting thing, I've been using it by getting to just outside of range, making it look like I missread the range than try to stretch foward to increase range by a few inches...:D

Big ups to those that fought.

11-10-2003, 11:28 AM
jowbacca, good job getting out there.
definitely rest as long as your coach tells you to.

11-10-2003, 11:36 AM
FYI, from teh KSD rule book

(10) Procedure after an “RSCH”.
a) Unconscious athlete. If the athlete is rendered unconscious, then only the referee and the doctor summoned should remain in the ring, unless the doctor needs additional assistance.

b) Medical attention. An athlete stopped in a contest as a result of head blows (RSCH), rendering said athlete defenseless or incapable of continuing, shall be examined by a physician immediately afterward to determine the need for additional medical assessment. Upon issuing the Restrictions Affidavit, the physician will counsel the athlete and coach and provide instructions as deemed necessary.

c) Notation of an “RSCH” and of restrictions placed upon said athlete will be recorded by the organization.

d) Restriction periods - defined.

1) A restricted athlete shall not be permitted to take part in sparring or competitive fighting of any type for the duration of medical restriction. All other training, for conditioning and maintaining of weight, shall be permitted.

RSC - No restriction period applies. Examples are mismatching (one athlete clearly outclassed the other or an athlete received excessive body blows) or an injury other than a head injury which does not require a restriction period.

RSCH (30) - 30-day restriction period applies. Examples are: three standing-eight counts in one round or four in a match due to head blows; an athlete who receives a stunning head blow and demonstrates a lack of normal response but has not been knocked down; or an athlete who has been knocked down from a head blow but immediately responds normally and assumes the upright, on-guard position, indicating intent to go on, however, the referee stops the contest.

RSCH (90) - 90-day restriction period applies. Examples are: an athlete who has been knocked unconscious and is unresponsive to normal stimuli for less than two minutes.

RSCH (180) - 180-day restriction period applies. Examples are: an athlete who has been knocked unconscious and is unresponsive to normal stimuli for at least two minutes.

The above restriction periods also apply to an athlete who has won by disqualification but was rendered unconscious by illegal blows to the head (head butts, elbows, etc.)

e) The above descriptions and restrictive periods may be applied to situations arising from kick catches, throws and takedowns upon the advise of the attending physician.

11-10-2003, 12:10 PM
just curiosity questions...

how long have these restrictions been in effect?

what's the KSD rule book?

is this for amature full contact venues or pro-venues as well?

just thinking about Ali and his condition nowadays. Also just heard something about how Sugar Ray Leonard is now suffering somewhat from all the head blows.

those guidelines sound like good ones that should help mitigate long term damage, I'm imagining that they weren't around in the 60's and 70's.

which classification does Jowbacca fall into?


11-10-2003, 12:57 PM
Hey, thanx coach.

I was out less than 2 minutes, so the next 90 days are gonna be roadwork and weights for me.

Yah, maybe I let an easy kick slip in.
Hey, I ain't Cro Cop...............................yet.
It was my first fight and a learning experience.
Losing like that means I don't have to look hard for my lesson.
I could easily drive myself nuts with "woulda, coulda, shoulda"; but the only realities are "did" and "didn't".
Better to use that energy to make sure it doesn't happen next time.

Thanx again everybody.

11-10-2003, 01:29 PM
cool. well rest up, man.

11-11-2003, 02:12 AM
Jowbacca just axe-kicked the correct into unconsciuosness for well over two minutes with his last post! :D Peace. T.

11-12-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by norther practitioner
I try to practice three variations on the axe kick.. outside crecent to axe, inside crecent to axe, and straight kick to axe. The last is an interesting thing, I've been using it by getting to just outside of range, making it look like I missread the range than try to stretch foward to increase range by a few inches...:D Straight kick...this is like a pistoning heel or or ball of the foot kick?

norther practitioner
11-12-2003, 12:06 PM
Make it look like you were trying to land the heel or ball on there chin, go higher then lean into it a bit... I haven't pulled this off yet, don't know how far I'll go to incorporate this into normal sparring, as I don't know how much I'll try to use any axe kick... we'll see.

11-12-2003, 12:49 PM
Hehe, it's pretty rare that I'd try to kick someone in the chin, unless I'd previously doubled them over.

Interesting to see if I could catch someone off guard with it, though.