View Full Version : First World Kuoshu Championship Tournament results.

11-10-2003, 12:26 PM
Tournament held in Sao Paulo, Brazil Nov. 8-9th

Brazil - 1st
USA - 2nd
Italy - 3rd
Germany - 4th

Just in case anyone wanted to know...


11-10-2003, 12:37 PM
I used to take a ku shu class. Is there a website w/ those results?

11-10-2003, 12:42 PM
I'm sure the official results will be available here:


perhaps later this week.

The info I have comes from my students that participated down there, so it's "unofficial".


11-10-2003, 12:46 PM
thanks I bookmarked it. I've been meaning to get back with those guys, but they are sort of a family and are all way better than me, so it's kind of tough. Paul Rosado and co. here in Bos is the team

11-10-2003, 03:08 PM
Haven't the World Kuoshu Championships been around for quite awhile now?

11-10-2003, 03:21 PM
This was the first one headed by the new world federation. It used to be the I.C.K.F. (International Chinese Kuoshu Federation) that organized the tournament. Now the T.W.K.S.F (The World Kuoshu Federation) has assumed that position.

So, in essence, it's the first one for the new federation.


norther practitioner
11-10-2003, 04:01 PM
My shirfu was pizzed he couldn't go....:mad:

Big ups to those that represented...

11-12-2003, 07:07 AM
Congrats to Musicalkatachamp..... world champion ;) :D

11-12-2003, 07:31 AM
Sorry to hear your Shrfu could not go, I couldn't go myself... **** daytime job!! :mad:

My guys said it was tons of fun and, to be expected, the Brazilians were the ones to beat. I'll be watching the footage tonight, can't wait!


11-12-2003, 08:13 AM
I've watched the tape about 10 times already. Will try to put some footage online tonight.

Sun Tzu- I still want your opinion because I received a lot of criticism for the way that I fought. I wasn't very active, but I knew I had to fight at least three times that day. Can you come to the kung fu school tonight? I will have the tape with me.
I'll get my pics developed today and bring those too.

I was happy with how things went but already I see A LOT of things that I need to work on. Most of all, I need to stop being so afraid of throwing punches and kicks...I guess I was afraid they would catch my foot or knock me out if I did this or that.

I have a new strategy for kuoshu and that is when I am ahead I don't do anything untill the ref starts counting for stalling. I wasn't as tired after 3 fights as I normally am.
Overall the tournament was awesome...the Brazilian and Mexican teams were both very tough, I thought. One Mexican dude got KTFO then won his next fight an hour later.

11-12-2003, 08:43 AM
- "One Mexican dude got KTFO then won his next fight an hour later."

LORD! You have to be joking! This is why Chinese led organizations will be the death of you, LITERALLY

They let someone fight again after being KO'd? That is a good way to DIE!

Stuff like that is precisely why "traditional" run fight events will never get anywhere!

11-12-2003, 09:00 AM
What place did the UK team get? :)

Theres one guy from the club that went

11-12-2003, 09:09 AM
I'm not really sure about the team placings b/c during the awards ceremony I was going around getting pictures with people...

I did fight one guy from the UK though in my first fight...

11-12-2003, 09:56 AM
What weight division were you in?

Did you watch the fight between Wanderley Luccas (Brazil) and an Italian team member? My guys said that Wanderley kicked this guys so hard that he was horizontal to the Lei Tai for a second!



11-12-2003, 10:30 AM
"LORD! You have to be joking! This is why Chinese led organizations will be the death of you, LITERALLY"

I agree with you on that being a stupid move by whoever allowed that fighter to continue (if that is what really happened), but this is the first time I've heard of that happening. In my past experience they usually will eliminate the contestant.

It does say something about the organization of the event but it says a lot more about the coach that allowed his athlete back on the Lei Tai. Scary stuff.

Interesting story about safety at kuoshu events:

The new President of the ICKF, a couple of years ago, decided that he was going to stage a Worlds with the Lei Tai surrounded by water (publicity stunt) in Taiwan. The few representatives from other countries that were present for this "very last minute meeting" all agreed that it was too dangerous and voiced their concern for an event that could have disastrous consequences. This event (among other bad moves by the new president) set the stage for the creation of the T.W.K.S.F.

I have always been impressed by the organization and professionalism of the U.S.C.K.F. and how they take care of the fighters involved in their tournaments. Since the tournament was in Brazil it was hosted by the B.C.K.F. with most help (volunteers, translators and referees) coming from them (same way the Pan-Ams were). So it might be a local issue that should be addressed by the T.W.K.S.F.

Hopefully this was an oversight and they can take it as "lessons learned" for future events (again, if this is exactly what happened).


11-12-2003, 10:34 AM
"Stuff like that is precisely why "traditional" run fight events will never get anywhere!"

I hear that! One of the heavy contact tournaments I was in last year didn't even have so much as a first aid kit!! When one of the competitors got his nose cut on the caged headgear, my sifu (not one of the organizers) had to run out to his car to get the guy some bandages.

11-12-2003, 01:35 PM
Yeah traditional fight events are going absolutely nowhere. The kuoshu tourney held the day after TWKSF tournament only had 300 fighters.

Safety, and organization at the tournament sucked. But the fighters were good.

Thanks. I met all of your guys and they were really cool. We hung out before and at the tournament, but most of us had to leave too early, it was a lot of fun.

I fought at like 80 kg.

I saw a fight between an Italian and a Brazilian, but I'm not sure if that was Lucas or not. All of the Brazilian fights were really good. I didn't get as much footage as I wanted b/c they had me in the prep area for a while, then kept telling me it was time to come out, only to send me back. Like I said, organization sucked, but it was fun. I hope they address the safety issues in the future.

11-12-2003, 01:51 PM
Wow! Sorry to hear it was so disorganized. I'm having a meeting with my guys tonight to gather some more info to pass along to the B.C.K.F. and the T.W.K.S.F. I'll voice your concern as well, if you don't mind.

Yeah, they said that they had quite a bit of fun and met some cool people too. Next time we gotta plan for a few extra days of down time... party!


I've been talking to Wanderley about taking my guys down for a "training camp" with his students, maybe next year a few months before Baltimore, should be fun.
