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11-10-2003, 03:16 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm working on an english assignment. It's an investigative report whose working tittle is, "What is the purpose of martial arts training?" I'd like to find two or three people intersted in subjecting themselves to an interview via Internet. This is the shorter part of two part project. The interview will only consist of a few questions and shouldn't take more than a half an hour.

A little about me: I'm a former IT worker and current full time student seeking a degree in criminal justice. I've had an interest in martial arts all my life and am currently practicing pan nam wing chun.

Here is one of the questions I will ask you:

What do you hope to accomplish by training in martial arts?

If you have any questions about me or the project please feel free to email me, or post to this thread. My deadline for the interview is this Thursday, November 13th.



11-10-2003, 04:57 PM
My deadline for the interview is this Thursday, November 13th

*looks when posted*

hehe... yeah, thats college/university/insert-your-place-of-study. Nothing gets done until the last few days before deadline :) I'd love to help, but I have some deadlines of my own breathing down my neck.

Hope you get it done.

T'ai Ji Monkey
11-10-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by morgan
Hi everyone,

I'm working on an english assignment. It's an investigative report whose working tittle is, "What is the purpose of martial arts training?" I'd like to find two or three people intersted in subjecting themselves to an interview via Internet. This is the shorter part of two part project. The interview will only consist of a few questions and shouldn't take more than a half an hour.

I am game, pm me how you want to conduct the interview.

11-10-2003, 07:48 PM
I'd also be glad to help Morgan. PM me if you want.

11-10-2003, 10:19 PM
I guess my gimp-@$$ can be a labrat, too.

Hit up my PM and we'll share some noise.

11-11-2003, 08:09 AM
Check out the article on my website by lkfmdc on that very topic. And if you're interested in what he has to say, perhaps you could contact him directly.

He's given the subject some serious thought, and I think you'd benefit from talking to him.


Stuart B.

11-11-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Hermit

*looks when posted*

hehe... yeah, thats college/university/insert-your-place-of-study. Nothing gets done until the last few days before deadline :) I'd love to help, but I have some deadlines of my own breathing down my neck.

Hope you get it done.

Yeah, thats the way it seems to work out. I was having a lot of trouble coming up with a subject until practicing with a friend Sunday night.

Thanks, I'm sure it will get done :)

11-11-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by apoweyn
Check out the article on my website by lkfmdc on that very topic. And if you're interested in what he has to say, perhaps you could contact him directly.

He's given the subject some serious thought, and I think you'd benefit from talking to him.


Stuart B.

Excellent article, thanks. I will contact the author.


11-11-2003, 12:00 PM
Thanks for your interest, I will be sending a list of questions via PM. Once I recieve your responses I will be contacting you for further correspondece. I'd like to complete the interviews by Thusday, November 13 or Firday, Novermber 14 at the latest.

I understand the concern for anonymity, but I would appreciate it if you would include your first and last names so that I can give proper credit.
