View Full Version : training schedual

11-11-2003, 11:57 PM
Hi everyone,

i would just like to know how others train in northern mantis. i have only been training for a year and i would find it interesting as to what others have done and how they have gone about it.

for me now when i go to class i do

im up to 11 of 12 drills
the form i think my teacher calls it
tong long sao which im just im learning the last few moves
kicking practice
fist sets
practice picking
and other things i cant remember now

regards gaiyi

11-18-2003, 05:47 PM
well no one wanted to reply
thats ok
i spose the reasons maybe

no one cares
you think im an idiot lol
you are all too high and mighty lol
or id just say maybe your a clicky bunch

but what the hell doesnt matter

in all honesty i think all you that carry on about sparring are just egotistical, sounds like typical primitive males. you must play slapsies cause what ive been taught is meant to rely hurt someone not play with them, not that im an expert but that comes from my teacher. but whatever.

and i spose while im on a role

i dont get all this branching off of mantis forms, over here i think its just southern and northern mantis styles, but thats probably the americanisation of it id say. people trying to take ownership when in reality the slight differences between clubs or whatever you have is just due to differences in individuals strenghts and weaknesses, not the style itself. but whatever again.

:) well im glad i got that off my chest, thankyou all

Tainan Mantis
11-18-2003, 06:46 PM
Don't be so sensitive.
Your routine is not clear to me.
What is 11 of 12 drills?
Is this the Tan Tuei routine?

I also know Tang Lang Shou. As this form is not so common I think ouir lineage is related.
Can you tell us where your teacher comes from or learned from?

What are fist sets? Are they different from what is written above?

What is practice picking?
Sounds like something I do on the guitar.

11-18-2003, 06:53 PM
I don't think your statment is fair but like you said "whatever".

What exactly do you wish to discuss? It sounded like you were "telling" the board what your wonderful teacher has been showing you all these material that you are so proud of.

How could anyone comment on a non specific curriculum (assuming that it is your current curriculum)? What style of mantis? Which lineage? You may not feel these are important but the fact of the matter is they are important because they affect the way you approach the final goal. It's like a good wine producer would know exactly which rows of grape vines produce which batch of wine and the reasons why. I could not imagine how a serious Northern Mantis Sifu would tell his students that they need not care about these things. I am sorry it sounds to me that someone has not done their homework about the style's history. Only Mcdojo and Mckwoon would do that because they don't have a history to begin with. Mantis is at least 350 years old. Some prominant lineages go back at least 250 years old with unbroken transmission. When you are involve in mantis, you are involve in a practice that is older than countries such as the United States of America or Canada. It is as much a cultural thing as a physical activity.

If you are serious about getting serious response to your questions, may be you should at least give a better effort in writting out your question and provide as much detail as possible. You can't ask people to tell you what they think how you look like by just telling them that you are a guy wearing a shirt and a pair of jeans.

I don't think the way you acted and reacted is going to win you friends.

Just some food for thoughts.



11-18-2003, 06:55 PM

I found it hard to answer your post too, sorry.
Tainan is right, perhaps a description of what kind of Tanglang you do might help us discuss.
Being that you are from Australia, I am curious as to where you train (I am down here too).

You wrote:

in all honesty i think all you that carry on about sparring are just egotistical, sounds like typical primitive males. you must play slapsies cause what ive been taught is meant to rely hurt someone not play with them, not that im an expert but that comes from my teacher. but whatever.

Are you a female? ('typical primative males')
I often 'play slapsies' when I spar because sometimes its not practical to punch your partner in the face during training. Other times you may use gloves. Either way, you are right about the techniques of Mantis Boxing but there are many ways to train them, definitely also including sparring.

Tainan Mantis
11-19-2003, 06:24 AM
I thought maybe this was a student of yours, guess not.
Mighty perceptive to figure that gaiya is a female.

11-19-2003, 02:09 PM
im going to apologise for my crappy posts, wasnt feelin the best yesterday.

ill try to elaborate on what ive been learning at another date, gotta got go to work.

i suppose all i wanted to know is how northern mantis practitioners started their training, what they were learning.

im unsure about the lineage, i know my teachers teacher is cordia, i found this tree on the web which shows her in it under the name of Zhu Ming Ruo. anyway here it is


i spose i cant talk ive played slapsies with my friend, but no we dont spar.

thanks gaiyi :)

11-19-2003, 02:13 PM
lol i dont really have any idea, maybe my teacher feels theres no need to know at this stage im unsure, ive only trained now for a year.


11-19-2003, 02:15 PM
lol i dont really have any idea, maybe my teacher feels theres no need to know at this stage im unsure, ive only trained now for a year.


ps: actually the reason i spose im here is to learn something off you all, as there is alot of information here, and maybe ill learn something about my lineage.

thanks again

11-19-2003, 03:01 PM

Welcome back to life!

-I thought maybe this was a student of yours, guess not.

Your guess was correct.

A- if my student ever posted anywhere about Tanglang I would kick their ass.
B- If my student ever publicly embarrassed me I would kick their ass.
C- We dont train anything like that.

Are you all clear with the ear in future?


11-19-2003, 03:07 PM
sorry, just read about the ear in the other post.
good luck with recoveryand watch out for real cops coming from the left...

Tainan Mantis
11-19-2003, 06:51 PM
Your great grandmaster is Gao Dao Sheng.
That is the lineage you come from that everyone will understand.
Master Gao is still alive and I think he still teaches.
There are students, grand students of his (etc.) who post and view here(including me).

There is also a recently posted video clip on this board WHAT FORM IS THIS.
You can see a form which you will most likely learn within a year or two.