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View Full Version : Rickson to play Kato in new Green Hornet movie.

10-14-2001, 03:12 PM

The Machado Philosophy:
We respect everyone and every style of martial arts.We share what we know and are open to new ideas.Martial arts is not about
fighting,but about lifestyle.Harmony is our g oal,hard training is our way..ê`›

10-14-2001, 03:59 PM

"****ed be the day that befalls us in a most hostile manner that shall compromise our Country, and ****ed be the great lengths at which are required of to stir our Patriotism." - Anonymous

old jong
10-14-2001, 03:59 PM
Oh yeah?...Really?...Back in the good old days,Kato used to kick through doors and even walls to save the poor green hornet from death traps.What will he do now?...Choke the door or wall?...Kato used to fight dozens of bad guys at the same time.Now,he will have to take them one by one,explain the rules,bring in a referee,hire a few ring girls,and take his time to tap everyone out.By this time the bomb,the poor green hornet had tied to his neck will have blown up an hour ago!...Picture the scene:Green hornet calls Kato for help. "Please come to save me Kato,they are planning to drop me in an acid bath" Kato replies. " Heyyy Grreen Horrnet!...Coma onn,Dont you know I'm on the beach rrighta now with soma girls?...See ya in hell buddy cause it'sa Disneyland here!.. :D
Beside the name should be changed to "Rato" :rolleyes:

Les paroles s'envolent.
Les écrits restent!...

10-14-2001, 04:10 PM
The badguys will also have to have an "aura" before he will fight them. :rolleyes:


The Machado Philosophy:
We respect everyone and every style of martial arts.We share what we know and are open to new ideas.Marti al arts is not about
fighting,but about lifestyle.Harmony is our g oal,hard training is our way..ê`

10-14-2001, 04:17 PM
Badger what website did you get that pic from?

Use what works not what looks pretty.

old jong
10-14-2001, 04:18 PM
Bad guys with visible auras are very rare! ;)

Les paroles s'envolent.
Les écrits restent!...

10-14-2001, 04:19 PM
old jong,

That was freakin' hysterical!!! :D :D :)

"Bruce Leroy. That's who!"

10-14-2001, 11:02 PM
I think they should've put Jason Scott Lee in there.

KC Elbows
10-14-2001, 11:17 PM
What, David Carradine wasn't even up for the part?!? :D

10-15-2001, 12:12 AM
He doesn't look chinese to me. He could get away with being hawaiian but thats about it.

So hick has to learn a fake chinese accent? this is going to be cool in Beavis and Buthead sort of way.!! LOL!


KC Elbows
10-15-2001, 12:21 AM
Okay, could someone explain the aura comments to me? I'm a little behind the times, apparently.

10-15-2001, 12:58 AM
Will his costume have to change too? I.E. Have the little "Bad Boy" face on the back of his pants? Makes one wonder what the darts will look like...maybe itty bitty BJJ gis hanging from the ends? Or will he just throw sharp "Gracie Jujitsu" VCD's around?

And of course, we all know "Rato" would be pronounced "Hey-toe". :rolleyes:

We are trained in wushu; we must protect the Temple!

10-15-2001, 01:00 AM
You can't see it in the above picture, but from the waist down all he's wearing is those tight "Bad Boy" MMA shorts.

Martial Joe
10-15-2001, 01:03 AM
They should give Bass Rutten a wig and have him kick things down...he is an actor himself...

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif
I am Sharky's main man...

10-15-2001, 01:19 AM
"They should give Bas Rutten a wig and have him kick things down..."

ROFLOL! Does that have to be limited to The Green Hornet only, because I can see a whole direct-to-video bad MA flick based around that plot. :eek:

10-15-2001, 01:29 AM
I thought Jet Li is to play Kato, but production date was uncertain because Li signed on for Da One. Isn't Green Hornet about a superhero w/ a kung fu Asian sidekick...? What's going to happen to the action figures? Will they have bjj grip instead of kung fu grip? Wait, that sounded dirty. :p :D :D



<TABLE BORDER="3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1"><TR><TD><form><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" Art Tsai " onClick="parent.location='http://people.we.mediaone.net/arttsai/home.html'"></TD></TR></table></form><HR Width="97%">"You fight like you train." --Motto, USN Fighter Weapon School (TOPGUN)

10-15-2001, 01:42 AM
Too late...Bas already made an acting attempt. Did an episode of Sammo Hung's Martial Law with Kevin James (King of Queens) as bank robbers. He pulled a Terminator deal too, storming through a police precinct in riot gear that was somehow incredibly beefed up so that when he got blasted by 12 cops he was unfazed. Only Sammo's kungfu could thwart the bad guy! It was pretty entertaining watching him disco dance in riot gear to "Macho Man" though (outtakes)!

We are trained in wushu; we must protect the Temple!

10-15-2001, 01:50 AM
Too bad for Kato. I hope he doesn't get jumped by more than one guy because he won't be able to whoop 'em all. Oh, and Kato? Sorry, but bad guys don't tap out and they don't fight in "rounds" either.

If I were Green Hornet I'd get me a tae bo sidekick. At least then he'd have a hope in Hades of surviving the attack....

K. Mark Hoover

Mr. Nemo
10-15-2001, 02:00 AM
damm!t, someone beat me to the "aura" joke.

Martial Joe
10-15-2001, 02:03 AM
I saw that episode...that bullet to the face sure worked better then kung fu ;)

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif
I am Sharky's main man...

10-15-2001, 02:10 AM
Badger, I'm getting a feeling you're just pulling our leg... :D :D Maybe the producers are so worried about the strike they hire an non-union guy so they can began production... :p

<TABLE BORDER="3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1"><TR><TD><form><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" Art Tsai " onClick="parent.location='http://people.we.mediaone.net/arttsai/home.html'"></TD></TR></table></form><HR Width="97%">"You fight like you train." --Motto, USN Fighter Weapon School (TOPGUN)

10-15-2001, 05:47 AM
Jet Li's Cancelled/Turned Down and Passed Projects:

1. Absolutely Stop Breathing - with Chingmy Yau Suk Ching
2. Dragon City Threatens Heaven - with Lau Ching Wan
3. Matrix 2 & 3 - sequel to the hit sci-fi movie
4. The Green Hornet - Jet to play the famous sidekick Kato
5. Iron Fist - marvel comics character that is good in martial arts
6. Black Mask 2 - Chinastar's sequel to Jet Li's sci-fi action flick movie Black Mask

Damit Jet li would have rocked in numbers 3 4 5. That's one fast son of a b!tch. Rickson is going to scare away all bad guys with his funky ab trick (watch choke).

Use what works not what looks pretty.

10-15-2001, 06:29 AM
There's also a rumour that he turned down the role of Boba Fett in some of the upcoming Star Wars movies because George Lucas would not let him do any scenes without the helmet.

You're fu(king up my chi

10-15-2001, 08:16 AM
7. crouching tiger, hidden dragon

<TABLE BORDER="3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1"><TR><TD><form><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" Art Tsai " onClick="parent.location='http://people.we.mediaone.net/arttsai/home.html'"></TD></TR></table></form><HR Width="97%">"You fight like you train." --Motto, USN Fighter Weapon School (TOPGUN)