View Full Version : Importance

Meat Shake
11-12-2003, 10:09 AM
What is the most important aspect of your training? (Dont give me this "equally important" crap, Im talking about personal preference here)
What do you feel still needs the most work?
Just trying to get the ball rolling here...

11-12-2003, 10:14 AM
Most work: Conditioning. No question.

That, in and of itself, is a very broad statement. But applies across the board. From cardiovascular endurance to being less and less gunshy, it's all about the conditioning.

Not to say my skills don't need work. But one sets the stage for the other. And, oddly, I think many martial artists (or is this just me) do it backward.

Stuart B.

11-12-2003, 10:19 AM

i don't care what it is i learn. unless i drill it over and over and over and over and ... you get the idea ... the only place i'll be able to use it is in my head, and maybe on tekken.

11-12-2003, 01:04 PM
Conditioning and stancework. I need to be in a lot better shape, and my rooting is weaker than I'd like.

11-12-2003, 01:19 PM
Actually doing it! (sorry, gimp reference a necessity.)

For me, I'd say that conditioning is the cornerstone of my training. That includes skipping rope, bagwork, and weights. However, I'm going to be throwing in-depth kata study into it when I get back to slaying the beast, or whatever.

Bob, bob, weave, motherf#cker.

11-12-2003, 02:01 PM
i dont really have that problem anymore. not very often anyway.

11-12-2003, 02:02 PM
having someone around to spar/roll/fight with that is better than I am. I don't move forward unless I am having to push myself to beat someone else. No matter how much drilling I do nothing becomes 'mine' until the first time I pull it off sparring. doesn't have to be 100% sparring but at least with a partner that is resisting equal to my efforts.

right now I feel my arm conditioning is the weakest. I've always thought I was ok judging from the reactions of people that have had the benefit of contacting my forearms but I've been training with my new sifu and his students and they are killing me.

needs me a tree.

11-12-2003, 08:30 PM
I agree with Oso. For me it's having a partner to work with. I do a fair bit of conditioning at home and I go through all my forms and drills etc, but the one thing training provides is a bunch of partners to work with.

Meat Shake
11-12-2003, 10:39 PM
Im working to get my technique excessively sharp. I concentrate pretty hard on conditioning, but right now Im really trying to get my stuff crisp.

shaolin kungfu
11-12-2003, 10:52 PM
Holy Jesus! GDA is back! Everything seems to have changed while i was gone.


11-13-2003, 02:15 AM
"I agree with Oso. For me it's having a partner to work with. I do a fair bit of conditioning at home and I go through all my forms and drills etc, but the one thing training provides is a bunch of partners to work with."

Exactly. Can't get crisp technique without them.

SanSoo Student
11-13-2003, 05:11 AM
I think stance training is the most important thing you need to practice, because strikes are naturally learned because you train it so much in class when you spar. Stance training is all about time you put into it yourself.

David Jamieson
11-13-2003, 06:29 AM
Alright, I'm gonna say it.

all aspects of training are of equal importance.

however, where ever you are weak or lacking is where you should train more.

If you right no shadow kick is good,but you still don't have your left one down, then leave the right side and work the left.

which brings us to another aspect of Kungfu. Many styles work both sides of the body, some styles are right dominant.

So work your weaker side more so that it is as useful fully as your dominant preferred side.


11-13-2003, 07:46 AM

seems the one thing you cant get enough of ever is free-sparring partner work... rolling, randori, sparring, what have you. We call it play.


Water Dragon
11-13-2003, 07:55 AM
For me, right now the most important aspect is control. I'm in that dangerous stage right now where I'm hurting people if I'm not careful. For example, I blackhanded Crippled Avenger last Saturday and almost hurt him bad. I didn't know what I did until I described it to my teacher. Also, It didn't feel like I really did anything until I saw Crip lying on the ground too long making funny little noises.

I also saw some of the video we shot last Saturday and I was making Crips body bounce off the ground when I threw him. Again, it didn't seem like I did much at the time.

At least I didn't break any arms, ribs, or noses yet! ;) :D

11-13-2003, 08:21 AM
No arms, ribs, or noses, just lots of other things?

Meat Shake
11-14-2003, 08:49 AM
"I also saw some of the video we shot last Saturday and I was making Crips body bounce off the ground when I threw him"

Dude, I wish I had video of me last night... hehe... It was only me and kirk so I took a beating for a good solid 2 hours... Was bouncing like 1 foot up... ugh...

11-14-2003, 03:46 PM
Endurrence. I've hit a brick wall, so to speak. I can't really take my training any ****her without improoving my endurence. I have plenty of strength, but I can't "go all out" for more than about 15 minets, and cannot hold a good, low stance for more than 3-5.