View Full Version : The Meatrix

11-13-2003, 12:52 PM

11-13-2003, 04:31 PM
Great movie.

11-13-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Phenix
Great movie.
Mmm, "bacon sammiches". :p Plus you get the free antibiotics and growth hormones. Yummy! :cool:

11-13-2003, 08:04 PM
let's just add that to the long list of reasons i don't eat meat

11-13-2003, 08:04 PM
Take the blue pill and you stay in this fantasy world.

Take the red pill and I will show you the truth. ---- Silence.

and, by seing silence doesn't mean to play mister nice guy to everyone, agree upon the agent ideas'
which looks logical but it is a mind traping program, to make you think your are in hawaii while you are "squice" in a box, to make you think your are perfect directed but living and trap within a book, or to make you think you become perfect instantly.

There is much things needs to be undo or done. there is much dirty laundry to be wash, there is much lesson to be learn from everyone, there is unlimited grow ...........within the silence.

And the Meetrix starts...... the critically important step is the step that step out of the fantasy world. then, there on, you have your GPs activates......

The rest, every Leo is a differnt Leo. every Leo comes with his own GPS, every Neo wear different cloth every day... and that is every Neo's freedom.

Where is the Train now ? it is about 8PM we need to meet the French men.................. Loe is trap between program world and human world and don't know what to do... get him out or else he will be trap there for decades to come.....


11-13-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
let's just add that to the long list of reasons i don't eat meat

there is a different between I don't eat meat and I eat only vegi? :D

11-15-2003, 12:55 PM
Check the news. 3 people dead from Hepatitis A and 500+ people sick with it...from veggies (leeks or green onions are suspected) at restaurants on the East coast. T.