View Full Version : updates (again)

11-13-2003, 03:29 PM
New judo clips from Oso.


And on that note, I'm off to Florida for a few days. Talk to the lot of you next week.

Stuart B.

shaolin kungfu
11-13-2003, 07:51 PM
cool clips.

have fun AP, and watch out for mickey mouse, he's a killer.

11-20-2003, 08:54 AM
I was more frightened of Peter Pan, quite honestly. :)

11-20-2003, 09:51 AM
Ap, you can admit that you're really afraid of Tinkerbell, it's OK.
I like how you have the site set up-good work.


11-20-2003, 10:15 AM
Well, in all fairness to me, the last time someone offered me "magical fairy dust", I woke up with a splitting headache wearing a sarong.


I'm just saying.

And thanks! Coming from you, I take that as a serious compliment. I'm no **** at web design. But I do enjoy it.

(Oh for crying out loud. I'm no wh!z at web design. Who's the censor for this site? Mr. Wilson?!)

Stuart B.

11-20-2003, 11:46 AM
isn't it supposed to be wiz' as in (wizard) ????
wizard=(wise man)
wh!s=(springing a leak)

welcome back.

11-20-2003, 12:01 PM

Interesting point. I hadn't thought about it like that. (And I usually dig on that sort of word derivation stuff.)

Cheers Starchaser.

11-20-2003, 02:48 PM

I just checked out the mmelton6 clip and the ref is a *******. That was an Ippon--a rolling ippon, but an ippon nonetheless....