View Full Version : My bodyweight over the last 5 weeks

11-15-2003, 08:19 PM
Because I'm so bored, I made a graph of my bodyweight over the last 5 weeks. The numbers at the bottom are the week numbers. Usually I worked out 4 times a week, but sometimes 3 times, and once I didn't get to weigh myself.

Heh, you can see where I got food poisoning. :D

11-18-2003, 03:39 PM
Wow. Looks like my graph almost exactly. I was in DC for a week and lost 6 pounds just from eating a little bit less (still superhuman portions) and not lifting. Next weekend, its on. EDT and Westside till 175-180. Thanksgiving is always a nice opportunity for us hardgainers to add in a little extra calorie-age. Good luck getting it back. Interestingly enough, theres an article on T-Mag this week where the T-mag staff has agreed to train a competitive MA who is at about 150 or so right now to get him bigger and stronger and more competitive. Might be worth checking out. I know that if it works for him I will be on whatever they have him doing so fast...

11-19-2003, 09:50 AM
I haven't been in the gym in 12 days. I haven't weighed myself either, but it appears that I am losing weight (not intentionally). Hopefully today I can get back in the groove.

11-19-2003, 10:07 AM
I'm on a back-off week but my appetite has remained the same. My weight went up to a new record.

CD Lee
11-19-2003, 11:27 AM
Hey that does not look so bad. Not sure what it means.

You have to weigh at the same time everyday to get an accurate reading over time, and watch your eating/drinking/workout times. I used to lose 5-7 lbs. every workout when running and biking. Of course that was all water loss, but I weighed before and after every workout to make sure I rehydrated properly before the next one.

Notice sometime after you workout and are pretty light, how much you weigh later after a party, where you ingest a food like pizza, with a lot of salt and liquids. Then weigh. You won't believe it. The salt will hold like 3 times it's weight in liquids for a while.

11-19-2003, 05:38 PM
Those weights were taken at the same time every 2nd or 3rd day so they're pretty accurate.

11-19-2003, 05:39 PM
Yay! Yesterday I was up from 162 to 162.3 :D

11-19-2003, 05:40 PM
fatass. :p

11-19-2003, 05:45 PM

CD Lee
11-19-2003, 06:05 PM
Iron, dude, enjoy this time my friend.

I was once stuck at 162 for years and I ate like a maniac. I really did.

Now, I can do 190 to 210 in a month eating half what I used to. Trust me man, you do not want to be us old guys with slow metabolisms!!! It is like being on a steep mountain. Fast trip down anytime...S-L-O-W trip up always.

11-19-2003, 09:13 PM
Gotta agree with CD Lee. I was 160lbs in high school. Hated it. It was good for rowing, but not nearly enough for rugby. I was a hardgainer, ate heaps, never put on anything. Over the 5-7 years from 18 onwards, I steadily crept up to 215lbs. Since then, I've ranged from 205 to 215. I couldn't imagine going back to 160 - it's (for all intensive purposes) impossible for me. However, when I was 160, I always wanted to be heavy. 6'3" 160 isn't nearly as physically intimidating to others as 6'3" 215, so it's all good. Enjoy eating while you can :).

11-20-2003, 01:56 AM
Interesting perspectives. Thanks guys. :D