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11-17-2003, 07:36 PM
Pros and cons of punching barehanded someone in the head?

Volcano Admim
11-17-2003, 07:44 PM
i hit a fire extinguicher metal thing today
when i was standing up i didnt see it next to me
so i hit it with the top of my shoulder

the crowd was like "WOW" "WTF control yourself kid" "You wanna crack yo head dude?" "Watch out you gonna get hurt"

but since i am real life jugernaut some i was completely unharmed, it didnt even hurt to begin with

youre going down
because im invincible

David Jamieson
11-17-2003, 07:45 PM

-knockouts from jaw shots
-broken nose
-closed eyes


-hit a heavily boned area and break the hand
-smaller target/faulted targeting, causing wrist injury

probably more for both sides. I personally think it's a totally viable target.


11-17-2003, 08:09 PM
I have punched people several time bareknuckle to the head and never suffered any damage to my hand. To me it is a perfectly viable target.

11-17-2003, 09:11 PM
I think bareknuckle to the head would be a great move.It would probably kill them .

11-17-2003, 09:16 PM
For a good barehanded punch you need two things:
1. Wrist conditioning
2. The Know-How to throw a proper punch

You can have a strong wrist, but if your mechanics are wrong, your wrist will buckle no matter what.

11-18-2003, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by backbreaker
I think bareknuckle to the head would be a great move.It would probably kill them .

Not as often as you'd think. For instance, very few bare-knuckle boxers died in the ring from head shots. Most that died, expired after lots of trauma to the chest (which, coincidently enough is gentler on the hands, thus enabling the attacker to land more shots).

Edit: I'm a little drunk right now, so if this doesn't make sense I'll have to wrok on it in the monring.

11-18-2003, 05:06 AM
I have seen lots of broken/damaged hands (with and with out gloves) to know that if you hit in the head and dont brake a bone your lucky, if you knock the guy out with one punch your lucky.....how long are you going to rely on youyr luck for?

Read any book about a bare knuckle fighter (the guvnor by Leny Mclean is my favorit) to see how ofton they brake hand bones!

11-18-2003, 07:12 AM
A palm strike probably has a lesser chance of causing damage to yourself than a knuckle punch.


- Safety
- Relaxation


- Low pressure (large surface area)
- A slight chance of damaging your fingers

11-18-2003, 07:37 AM
Lotsa Iron Fist training!! :D T.

Judge Pen
11-18-2003, 08:13 AM
IME, the head is more of an intimadation target. It hurts to get hit there, but you very rarely see one hit knock outs from head shots. Nevertheless, people hate being hit in the head. A few quick strickes to the head can often open up their ribs and center line which is my preferred target areas and will end a fight more quickly.

norther practitioner
11-18-2003, 11:47 AM
I think a lot of people go for the head too much, but that aside. There are several ways to effectively stike to the head. Bare knuckle I like (ok the two fights I've been in the last few years) to go to the body first...

Young Gotti
11-18-2003, 12:10 PM
-Head hunting

-hunting for head

there is really no difference.

11-18-2003, 12:11 PM
A few quick strickes to the head can often open up their ribs and center line which is my preferred target areas and will end a fight more quickly.

Thing is in a real fight its going to be hard to do enough damage by going to the body to stop anyone before they steamroller you.

It hurts to get hit there, but you very rarely see one hit knock outs from head shots

I have seen loads of one hit knock outs, and have been knocked out by 1 hit ( not a punch though). I have also sat in a pub with a drunk guy who has what looks like a golf ball growing where his small knuckle should be after hitting some guy and getting a broken hand.

On the whole its tough but I would have to go with hitting to the head because even though getting a broken hand is bad its not going to stop you.

Judge Pen
11-18-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Liokault

Thing is in a real fight its going to be hard to do enough damage by going to the body to stop anyone before they steamroller you.

I tend to disagree, but I think you may want to go to the head first to open up the body. The pain and intimadation factor of hitting the head will allow you to go the the body more effectively. If your opponent is more concerned with protecting his head, then you can get to the ribs and solar plexus easier.

An elbow to the head might be more practical for head strikes if you are concerned with wrist or knuckle damage.

Of course these are gross generalizations. You take what is open, hit it hard, and go from there.

11-18-2003, 01:30 PM
I prefer to use a Willow Palm when striking the face.

11-18-2003, 06:16 PM

I tend to disagree, but I think you may want to go to the head first to open up the body. The pain and intimadation factor of hitting the head will allow you to go the the body more effectively. If your opponent is more concerned with protecting his head, then you can get to the ribs and solar plexus easier.

This may be ok if your main concern is sparring but you may find that in a "real" fight your oponent will not be concerned with protecting his head , but with hurting yours. He will not stop till he can no longer try to hurt your head.

This is not 100 percent of course but I would rather be working under my assumption than yours.

11-18-2003, 06:44 PM
This may be ok if your main concern is sparring but you may find that in a "real" fight your oponent will not be concerned with protecting his head , but with hurting yours. He will not stop till he can no longer try to hurt your head. I can agree with that, but doesn't that open the number of targets up on him. From my experience during sparring when someone starts getting lost in the fight they become real agressive, they also tend to forget to cover and tend to get hit by the dumbest things.

The Funky Swarm
11-18-2003, 10:50 PM
IME, and from what I have studied, most agressors attack blindly. They just get the arms goin and take what they get.... Its completely different than fighting an experienced fighter, who waits and calculates attacks and counters... IMO one should train with an "untrained" friend occasionally to keep yourself grounded.

Judge Pen
11-19-2003, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by Judge Pen

Of course these are gross generalizations. You take what is open, hit it hard, and go from there.

:rolleyes: That's why I added this caveat. In a "real" fight, as you say, this is the best strategy.

Funky Swarm and rouge. Good points.

11-19-2003, 08:18 AM

Of course these are gross generalizations. You take what is open, hit it hard, and go from there.

But if you are planning to open this guy up with a quick faint then a low right cross to the ribs hoping to open his head for the final blow you may well find that he has already steamrollered you!

A guy on the street who is angry enough to try to hurt you is not going to dive a fuc.k about your feint.....hes just going to run forwards throwing punches at your head untill you either fall over of clinch.....then both fall over.

Body shots are just not enough to stop most guys. To date I have broken 3 guys ribs sparring (may be more but they dot tend to come back and tell us lol) and I think that only 1 of those guys asked to stop sparring straight away!

Judge Pen
11-19-2003, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by Liokault

But if you are planning to open this guy up with a quick faint then a low right cross to the ribs hoping to open his head for the final blow you may well find that he has already steamrollered you!

A guy on the street who is angry enough to try to hurt you is not going to dive a fuc.k about your feint.....hes just going to run forwards throwing punches at your head untill you either fall over of clinch.....then both fall over.

Body shots are just not enough to stop most guys. To date I have broken 3 guys ribs sparring (may be more but they dot tend to come back and tell us lol) and I think that only 1 of those guys asked to stop sparring straight away!

I see your point, but you misread mine. I NEVER said feint. I don't throw feints and was taught not to throw feints. If I throw a technique I throw it to connect. If I hit the head I will hit the head and follow up with strikes to the body. If they try to cover the body then I hit the head again. Repeating this process until they stop or they force me to stop with their own techniques.

BTW, the rib isn't the only body target I aim for. I've cracked ones ribs sparring before too and they have been able to continue and only realized later that I broke one of their ribs. Stealing their breath will stop someone's progress. Plus a nice full bladder makes a wonderful target too.

11-19-2003, 08:46 AM
I was useing the term feint to cover any atempt to draw your oponents guard to a particular area which brings me back to my main point.....in a street fight ("real" fight:D ) the chances of your oponent having a guard are remote.

Their defense will be to throw as many swings at you in as short a space of time as they can!

Also over the years I have seen (apart from the guy who was got the broken rib) only 1 guy get stoped totaly with a body blow, and that was a massive kick to the gut. He fell over and squeeled like a pig lol. Put this against the number of guys I have seen stoped with head shots (even though we tend to wear full face head gear and gloves) and it becomes clear that the ratio of stoppages in head/body shots makes the head a much better target even dispite the high chance of hurting your self.

P.S JP uour up late:eek:

Judge Pen
11-19-2003, 09:13 AM
Up late? It's 11:00 in the morning here.

My experinece in street fights ended in high school. But, fwiw, the last real fight I was in ended with a knee to the gut.

I have a group of guys that used to get together and fight 75% to 95% power and several of those fights ended with a side kick to the floating ribs or a crushing hand" to the solar plexus. The breath would leave and they would stop. Of course we had head gear on so it's hard to say the effect the head shots I landed would have had bare knuckle to bare head; however, they were effective in opening up the body which was my first point.

An agressor may not have a guard at first, but a stong punch to the nose will stun him and probably bring his hands to the head. Plus, from what i've seen, most untrained fighters tend the throw wild hay-maker punches which allow for counter punching to their center-line.

11-19-2003, 10:03 AM
I agree with JP. A good shot to the solar plexus will stop nearly anyone, and a strike anywhere in the abdomen will stop someone who isn't conditioned for it (aka some drunk guy).

My interpretation of "head hunting" is only going for the head - not considering other parts of the body as viable targets. It makes me think of what you see from people that watch too much TV - big looping John Wayne haymakers.

11-19-2003, 10:06 AM
Tak, if you bad mouth the Duke again why i'll have to come over there and make you sorry.

norther practitioner
11-19-2003, 10:33 AM
Is it just here in the thin air or do I see more overhand punches start things out, then they go to the haymakers.

Judge Pen
11-19-2003, 10:38 AM
A nice sparring excercise that helped my fighting is to pick a single target everytime you fight, ex: solar plexus, nose, bladder, floating rib, etc., and place a priortiy on solid techniques striking that target. Don't forgo other techniques, but try to use other techniques to set up your primary target. Once you get good at opening the door to your target, change targets. Try this with as many different sparring partners as you can and don't tell them what you are doing. It will help your understanding of opening up certian targets and your accuracy in hitting that target during the window of opportunity. Put them together and your combonations will get better and be more fluid and natural.

11-19-2003, 12:15 PM
"Shh, you'll wake up John Wayne!" --The Devil
"I'm already up." --John Wayne in hell

"Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?" --Joker