View Full Version : Proposal for new forums

11-18-2003, 07:10 PM
OK, I believe that the forums that we currently have seems to be lacking in some ways. So here are a few new ones that I propose that should be added to make KFM more comprehensive

(1) Other northern arts styles.
There are plenty of other arts of northern china other than Mantis and Henan Shaolin. Eagle Claw, Baji, Piqua, Lohan, Mizong, Erlang, Ying Ching, to name but a few. Surely, if Mantis can have it own forum, other styles should be treated with same privilage. We mustn't be prejudice against them. Minorities have rights !!

(2) "New yet traditional" Chinese Arts Froum
Considering the fact that styles like Shaolin Do amoung others doesn't really fit into either Shaolin, Mantis, Southern or internal arts, and despite the fact that many does not recognised their place in traditional arts, we cannot ignore the fact that they exists and it is unlikely they will disappear any time soon. Hence I believe that it is nessessary for us to creat a forum for them. So they can discuss their own arts much like how the traditionalists discusses theirs

(3) Trolling Forum
As a means to limit the trolling that occurs in this forum, I think we should establish a trolling forum so that all our troll friends can have fun in a nice, secluded private forum of their own.

(4) Bashing Forum
Considering that bashing occurs from time to time under "good intentions". I propose that a new forum for bashing people for their political, religious, styles, personality, sexual orientations, etc should be erected.

Are there anymore people would like to add ?

11-18-2003, 07:17 PM
Under the main heading of REAL Kung Fu: Kung Fu Breackdancing, Kung Fu Ballet, Movie Kung Fu


11-18-2003, 07:25 PM
...Kung Fu Gymnastics, Kung Fu Silk PJ Modeling, Kung Fu Pattycake

Then a forum named Kung Fu Fighting (San Shou)

11-18-2003, 08:58 PM
Perhaps a Challenge-Match forum, where people may post thier greivances with someone , and challenge them openly to a fight.

11-18-2003, 08:59 PM
For real though, How comes there's no wushu forum, and it's so populAR?

Water Dragon
11-18-2003, 09:59 PM
Naked Co Ed San Shou Forum

Female Mud Shuai Chiao forum

Meat Shake
11-18-2003, 10:36 PM
Female chocolate pudding San Da?

11-19-2003, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Chinwoo-er
As a means to limit the trolling that occurs in this forum, I think we should establish a trolling forum so that all our troll friends can have fun in a nice, secluded private forum of their own.It would still take up MySQL space. Besides, why would the forum staff want to encourage people to troll in the first place?

11-19-2003, 06:09 AM
this is dumb

11-19-2003, 07:20 AM
i'd like to see a forum dedicated to complaning about stuff

11-19-2003, 10:37 AM
Hooray for Eagle Claw and Mizong forums!
Boo to "New yet traditional" forum.
The trolling and bashing forums could be combined into one "bull****" forum ala russbo.com.
Hooray for naked women practicing various martial arts while coated in viscous substances forum! May I suggest naked wushu in canola oil? Naked taiji and maple syrup? (Goes to see if nakedwushu.com is registered)
I think bagua and xing yi should each get their own subforums as well.

11-19-2003, 10:51 AM
Um . . . doesn't all that fall into either the Internal forum or the ORA?


norther practitioner
11-19-2003, 11:02 AM
I've always been surprised you guys don't have a wushu forum.

I think the forums are working fairly well now.

11-20-2003, 11:08 AM
Female chocolate pudding San Da is the only new forum I'm considering at this point. Nice one, SD, oops, I mean MS.

The forums were actually founded by Steve Creel for KungFuOnline, so the initial categories show his style. We inherited the forums when they got too big too handle, or more specifically, too big for Steve to afford. It was just a pastime for him, a beta site (Steve is a pro webmaster AND martial artist) and with so little commerce on KFO, the forum was costing him a pretty penny. And it took on a real life of its own, as you can see. So we inherited the mantis catagory, which is kind of singular when you look at the rest. Rahter then move it, we decided to preserve it, since it has a good group of loyal members. We only added the TC Media forum on the bottom.

We've considered adding forums, but it would affect our bandwidth as well as our ability to manage it. Also there would be the herculean task of going through the main forum here and moving all the old thread appropriately. Personally, I would rather see less forums, just like I'd rather see less divisions at tournaments - CMA is alredy too secular, IMO. However, modern wushu is probably the highest candidate for a new forum.