View Full Version : Rules for sparring?

11-20-2003, 08:47 AM
Howdy guys! I have been watching a lot of clips on the net lately of other schools sparring and other styles' tournaments and I was just wondering what the rules are for different martial arts schools' during your sparring. If you have some time, let me know what your rules are, and what style you train! Thanks!


11-20-2003, 10:35 AM
Well, I can give you the rules for the schools I've attended. They aren't necessarily representative of the styles overall. But they're all I've got. So...

1) Taekwondo. I was in taekwondo prior to the popularization of Olympic taekwondo (as far as I know). And we were an ITF school anyway. So regular sparring was no shots to the back or below the belt. No grabbing or grappling. Punching was fine though the face was off limits (and wasn't protected by the headgear at all). Our point sparring was essentially the same deal except, obviously, that they kept track of who hit what when.

2) Eskrima. Stick sparring was done on a 10-point must system, similar to boxing. You could hit the back, back of the head, arms, hands, thighs, etc. Knee shots were illegal, I believe. You could also disarm and sweep. Empty hand shots weren't allowed, regrettably. Neither were grappling or throwing (sweeps aside).

Empty hand eskrima was similar to taekwondo, but much heavier on the boxing skills. We could also use an array of low kicks not allowed in the taekwondo classes. Elbows (pulled) were allowed as well. Essentially, a wider array of techniques but still not much contact. No shots to the back or face. Takedowns were allowed (though we had little instruction in them, so they were pretty primitive).

There are more, but I'll post those to get the ball rolling. Dig?

Stuart B.

11-20-2003, 01:19 PM
Rules for sparring:

1. Don't get seriously hurt

2. Learn

Everything else is an extrapolation of these rules.

If you learn to vary the intensity from 1-10 in cooperation with your partner, it will help you greatly with the above 2 guidelines.

11-20-2003, 02:27 PM
No throat or eye strikes. No knee traps. Other than that, the same as Fa-Jing said. IMHO to limit sparring any further is absurd. You WILL fight according to how you train.

11-20-2003, 03:51 PM
Pai Lum's rules:

1. Don't spar above your partner's level unless they wish it.
2. Don't deliberatly go for a strike that could cause injury unless your controll is up to it AND your partner is OK with you trying it on them.
3. Don't use any more force than you want used on you. You punch/kick hard, you will get hit hard right back.
4. Don't pick a partner who isn't up to your level of skill/strength if you want a good workout.
5. Be safe.

norther practitioner
11-20-2003, 04:33 PM
We use such an array of different scenarios, that sometimes it's hands, sometimes it's feet, sometimes both, sometimes with throws, sometimes without, I haven't gone toe up with anyone in a while except my teacher, I'm allowed to do anything I can while he beats my azz:D

11-20-2003, 04:48 PM
I always use evrything I got on Sifu and Wosu. They hit hard no matter what. Might as well them some pain, too.;) :D

11-20-2003, 05:08 PM
We go full contact in SC, but we keep one thing in mind. If we hurt our partners, we can not train for a while. Besides that, no neck strikes, no knee attacks.

11-20-2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by BentMonk
No throat or eye strikes. No knee traps. Other than that, the same as Fa-Jing said. IMHO to limit sparring any further is absurd. You WILL fight according to how you train.

You guys are allowed to kick in the balls? ...that's a pretty tough school.

11-20-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by anton

You guys are allowed to kick in the balls? ...that's a pretty tough school.

That's what a cup is for. We don't go 100% full contact, but 80% is probably a fair guesstimate. No pads, just the cup. I get my azz handed to me regularly, but it keeps me real.

11-20-2003, 07:23 PM
No gloves or pads. Most hits to the torso. Head shots are pulled. Leg kicks, sweeps and takedowns are no longer allowed. :( Leg checks are OK. Sparring in the school I went to broke down into three models, long distance trading of kicks, up close beating on each other and then the guys who know what they're doing. The only time people get hurt is when you mix the first two. Either the up close guys (like me) walk into a side kick (like me) or the kickers miss and get in the way of a punch. :)

Black Jack
11-20-2003, 08:29 PM

Leg sweeps and takedowns are now a no-no. Give that a double sad face bro.:( :(

What happened? One to many school accidents?

11-20-2003, 08:45 PM
I think it's pre-emptive BJ. My instructor is running a stand alone school as his full-time job now and has to make sure there are feet on the mat. It ****ed off the kickers.

Mr Punch
11-20-2003, 08:47 PM
NO rules but those of respect and control.

We decide how hard or fast we are going on the day. Usually we decide sometime during or after the first hand crossing when we've gauged how sloppy/tired or whatever we are feeling... so sometimes one of us gets the pace wrong or ups the pace during sparring. I say 'wrong' but it keeps us on our toes!

So, anything is allowed! In practice however, we are usually working on one or two points, so we try to set those up and experiment with their counters until we develop a reflex response. Also, we usually practice in the park so we don't work any takedowns so often, but with winter coming again, we'll be back to a matted room I guess. Also, we usually keep it short and break quite frequently... this is because

1) We can train the points we want to train;
2) We can focus on fast 'finishers' and KISS (or at least, what are potential fast finishers against 'average geezers');
3) We don't want to get into a rhythm, or if we do we break it asap (which usually leads to a swift and violent denouement!);
4) We a horribly unfit!!! :eek:

I hope the last one is a joke!:D

I guess what we do is more like a 70%-full short intensive drill rather than real sparring... we get injured but usually nothing serious...

Water Dragon
11-20-2003, 09:58 PM
rule 1. If you're losing, kick him in the ballz
rule 2. If you're winning, watch out. He's probably going to try to kick you in the ballz.

Other than that, Captain Pickax is correct.

norther practitioner
11-21-2003, 10:40 AM
rule 1. If you're losing, kick him in the ballz
rule 2. If you're winning, watch out. He's probably going to try to kick you in the ballz.

lmfao... too true..

geez, no does eye gauges full contact?:D

11-21-2003, 10:54 AM
Rule No. 1---Don't stop after every hit and ask if the other person is alright.

Rule No. 2---Only hit someone as hard as you are willing to be hit.

Rule No. 3---Always wear a mouth guard.

11-21-2003, 12:05 PM

leg kicks and knees are allowed.

if you catch his kick, you can kick his support leg and knock him down.

strikes to the kidney area are allowed.


no striking (that can be seen, anyway)
no leg or spine locks
no eye gouging or fish hooking

there are rules that pertain to the gi and such, but I'm headed to the gym and am not typing it right now.


no striking (that can be seen)
no heel hooks
no eye gouging or fish hooking

I would say no shots to the nads, but those happen all the time. Best idea is to wear a cup.

11-21-2003, 12:39 PM
No throws without a mat, (we have a concrete floor covered with paper-thin carpet) but sweeps and leg/foot picking are OK. Nothing like eye gouging, joint/limb destruction, etc.

Other than that, we pretty much use Becca's guidelines:

1. Don't spar above your partner's level unless they wish it.
2. Don't deliberatly go for a strike that could cause injury unless your controll is up to it AND your partner is OK with you trying it on them.
3. Don't use any more force than you want used on you. You punch/kick hard, you will get hit hard right back.
4. Don't pick a partner who isn't up to your level of skill/strength if you want a good workout.
5. Be safe.
Oh, and newbies are discouraged from head strikes.

11-21-2003, 12:54 PM

why the hell you worried about other folks sparring? Ive sparred you before! You dont need to go anywhere else! Quit bothering with these guys and get to training.....

11-21-2003, 02:26 PM
Way to go! Restrict poisonous outside information from corrupting your system....

11-21-2003, 02:59 PM
Groin strikes, when pulled off, are purty (unless you're the poor sumbich that takes it).

Our rules:

No throat, knee, eye strikes. Controlled kicks to back are OK, but control is paramount.

Leg checks are fine, no full-out leg kicks, unless you're feeling dam lucky.

No takedowns w/o a mat.

No elbows.

Knees are exceptionally controlled, usually to groin, solarplexus. recommended only for advanced students.

Kick 'em in the ballz. Hard.

Hit only as hard as yo bich-@$$ can take it (my phrasing).

Don't injure you're partner.

Protect yourself at all times.

All non-strikes (holds) must be well-controlled.

Kick 'em in the ballz. Hard. Again.

11-21-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by ShaolinDo

why the hell you worried about other folks sparring? Ive sparred you before! You dont need to go anywhere else! Quit bothering with these guys and get to training.....

Indeed. How dare he do something as evil and polluting as look outside his system for growth?!?!?!?!?!