View Full Version : Training at home??

T'ai Ji Monkey
11-20-2003, 05:54 PM
Hi All.

There is a good chance that I will soon get some extra training area at home.

Just want to get your opinion if the area will be large enough.

The area will consist of a roof terrace measuring 3x8 metres, I know not the biggest space but it should be enough for daily forms, stance training and similar.

Do you think it will be sufficient or not?

Pls, remember that I am in a heavily build-up area like Hong Kong, Tokyo, etc so space is limited.

I will still have acess to a large Park about 1.5km/1 mile away too.

Black Jack
11-20-2003, 07:35 PM
A Spar Pro or BOB would go nicely in there. Excellent training tools.

Mr Punch
11-20-2003, 08:35 PM
Cmon man, you're just bragging that you're getting a new training space! :D

How are people gonna answer you if they don't know what specifically you train?! :D If you're gonna take up BJ's suggestion and go for something to hit, I'll ask myself over every day!!!

You get the flat then?

KYLIE MINOGUE - LOVE AT FIRST SIGHTAlso irrelevant to your question, but rub it in why don'tcha!!!

Mr Punch
11-20-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by T'ai Ji Monkey
Pls, remember that I am in a heavily build-up area... so space is limited.

twilight zone music

Please excuse the above post: I copied the text that I just quoted in this post, and it came out with Kylie Minogue...!!! :eek:

Something strange going on at the Circle K!:eek: :eek: :D

T'ai Ji Monkey
11-20-2003, 11:01 PM
Hi Mat.

Yeah, got the Apartment.

Asked for some chances from the original layout too, now I just have to wait for them to build it. ;)

At the moment the place is still a big hole in the ground.

Yeah, I am thinking of making myself a makiwara or similar.

Only looking for forms, drills, stances and BWE at the moment, not into getting weights or similar.