View Full Version : Tis the Season

Water Dragon
11-26-2003, 01:19 PM
Christmas is coming and there are a lot of kids out there who will not have a full belly or warm clothing this season, let alone even one toy.
Check out your local organizations, contact your local newspaper or Salvation Army. Get a hold of Toys for Tots. If you don't know how to get involved, check with your local city hall or equivalent.

$10.00 - $ 20.00 can make such a world of difference for these kids. They are so appreciative, they would be elated to get a happy meal toy from Mc Donalds.

Do what you can, this is one of the few times where YOU can make a difference by yourself. It really is that important.

Thank you.

Keep this one ttt until Christmas, The more people that see this, the more kids that can have Christmas this year

Meat Shake
11-26-2003, 01:25 PM
We have a bunch of country hams at my office, gonna take a couple to austin tomorrow to give to bums I see on the way to gramma's.

But yes, toys for tots is a great program.

"The essence of buddhism is kindness, compassion. I think this is very important, and everyone can practice it without deeper faith. Simply, you are a human being; everybody appreciates kindness. In fact, when we grow up, we grow up in the kindness of our parents, and without that sort of kindness we cannot exist."
Dalai Lama, 1993

norther practitioner
11-26-2003, 01:41 PM
I just brought down a few old coats yesterday... I need to gather up some cans of food to donate soon too.

Everyone should try to chip in something.

shaolin kungfu
11-26-2003, 04:11 PM
I wouldnt eat any of meatshakes hams, unless they're in a marinade.

11-26-2003, 04:18 PM
My church has what they call "Adopt-A-Family". It's where a list of needy families is compile through out the year and durring the holidays, they put the family on little orament on the tree in the church lobby. People go by and pick an ornament. Then you buy things for everyone in that family (names arn't used but the gender and ages of all members of the family are listed on it). You wrap the gifts, then put them all in a box, wrap that box, affix the ornament to it, then leave it under the tree. Early Christmas Eve Day we all get together to deliver the packages to the families.

Water Dragon
12-02-2004, 07:51 AM
It's that time of year again. Bump for the kiddies and for all of you here on KFM who can make a difference this year!

norther practitioner
12-02-2004, 08:46 AM
No coats to give this year... but I actually have some $..

Know whats funny, this is the time of year they give out the donations sheets at work....

12-02-2004, 10:14 AM
another good idea -- make a general rule that each time you pass by one of the salvation army's bellringers, give 'em some change or a buck. it's not much to you, but truly handy for those who need it. that, and if someone sees you donate, that may inspire the same idea in them, and donating ten times gives this ten times the chance of happening. play the odds. :)

another idear is child's play (http://www.childsplaycharity.org/), the charity GDA often mentions done by the chaps up in washington who bless us with penny arcade.

regardless, do something with yourselves to help other people.

12-02-2004, 10:36 AM
my dept at work adopts two kids every year. We also have an angel tree at my church.

12-02-2004, 10:38 AM
Actually.... we could prolly talk to gene and see what it would take to set up a kfm charity. We can donate money, toys, silk pjs, broadsowrds, etc...

norther practitioner
12-02-2004, 10:43 AM

tiger claw already has a charity..

David Jamieson
12-02-2004, 10:47 AM
only ten days to Chanuka you baby jesus loving freaks!