View Full Version : discovery channel XMA!

11-30-2003, 08:47 PM
My goodness is this horrible. The point sparring section was horrible. Wait they just started a part on sexual weapons, maybe this will be better.

11-30-2003, 09:18 PM
Yeah I saw it too, it was pretty bad. I enjoyed the parts though about the different weapons, though I could only see it, and not listen (which is probably what made it so horrible). I liked how they showed the katana versus the straight sword, the Japanese bo versus the Chinese staff, and the kama versus the sticks. But I only saw, could not listen, do to I was on the phone.

The breaking I thought was the worst, cause I wasn't on the phone at the time. I thought it was pretty crummy though over all, though I found it funny to watch that one guy training with the kama.

11-30-2003, 09:42 PM
The weapon explinations were good and I enjoyed the scientific/x-ray stuff. But besides that I was disapointed. I expected better from Discover Channel.

EDIT: I meant the origings explination not form ;)

11-30-2003, 10:00 PM
CaptinPickAxe, yeah the x-ray stuff was cool looking, and I kind of wish I could have listened more. However remember, the Discovery Channel doesn't always know what they are talking about. This type of program was produced by XMA, they could have said martial arts was invented by Jesus Christ, and Discovery would not know any better.

11-30-2003, 10:01 PM
i watched some of it then turned it off. (hlaf not wanting to watch anymore, and half figureing i would see a replay some other time)

what the explained weapon usage, lord i hope the katana part didnt explain why they twirl it around like a broadsword. now im a gung fu man but i know that **** aint right with a katana.

all in all "smelled like bull****"


11-30-2003, 10:02 PM
btw Jesus did invent Martial Arts in so far as he and God are one and God created everything lol

anyone remember that video of God fighting with jesus kung fu style? someone has to remember it...(comeon ******)

11-30-2003, 10:04 PM
Taken from "XMA Suxors" in the ORA . . .


Well, it's been seen, and the judges call . . .

Dear Jesus, I'm drawing a hot bath full of epsom salt and rubbing alcohol just to wash the suck outta my eyes.

That was the sh!ttiest, most inane, and down-right sh!tiest display of suckitude I've ever wasted my life on. And I saw House II, the Second Story (which, by the way, had better martial arts action than this load of sh!t).

Goodness, someone must have sucked the suckiest suck from the suck-pool to edit this . . . atrocity, this crime against nature. And the commentary, oh my noodles, the commentary . . . not exactly Shakespeare. Or Chingei. Heck, Ralek put together more entertaining nouns, verbs and prepositions than this.

At least the skeleton animations kicked @$$.

Dear God, the Suck. I can see it when I close my eyes!


Indeed. At least the effects were good. Paul Mitchelle 0wN3s all!

11-30-2003, 10:41 PM
OH my god was that a freak show or what?

Since when was karate point sparring competition considered "WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP"?

That was nothing more than a promotion for the new Tom Cruise movie.

11-30-2003, 10:46 PM
What gave that away Cung-Fu? The fact that after every commerical break, they talked about the movie? I'm still gonna see it, even if it sucks bad, cause I still wanna see Ninjas totally flip out and kill people.

12-01-2003, 12:08 AM
that was the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen about martial arts.

badly edited, too.

it would have been different if they had shown the traditional katas instead of the open katas.

and why did the chick win every weapon 'duel'

and why did she not get to 'duel' empty hand???

I only hope it draws some business to some good schools. sadly, most of them will end up in mcdojo's.

i almost choked on my G&T when the Mullins dude talked about sticking to his game plan during the sparring bit...game plan?...what game plan?...that was the crappiest point sparring I've ever seen.

crappy suck sucky crap crap.

MKC and Suntzu's movie was much better.

12-01-2003, 12:12 AM
:( The show sucked!!! The only good part was Master Chan doing the one leg stand on the plum flower poles!


Meat Shake
12-01-2003, 01:01 AM
love how they called the katana "the ultimate most deadly weapon ever."

shaolin kungfu
12-01-2003, 01:14 AM
Do you doubt the awesomeness of the greatest most insanely deadly attack/defense methodology of the most secret deadly awesome, ultimate deadly sword weapon fighting technique sword in the whole world(including New jersey and ethiopia)?


12-01-2003, 01:51 AM
Yeah , I only watched part of it . They kept bragging about how their technology is so advanced and using it for martial arts is so revolutionary . All their technology couldn't teach them the difference between martial arts and gymnastics . If they thought those guys could kick their machines hard , they would worship me as their supreme god.

shaolin kungfu
12-01-2003, 01:55 AM
I think the reason they were bragging about their technology is because it is going to be a series(or so says the info button on my digital cable remote). They wantd it to seem less sucky then it really was.


David Jamieson
12-01-2003, 06:19 AM
I also shut it off about 15 minutes in lol.

The sfx stuff was pretty keen and the acobatics were ok, but it was clear that people were totally hyped and getting carried away from perspective in what they had to say.

btw, and fwiw, I think the katana is likely the best sword ever made by man.

musical karate isn't that bad to watch is it? :D


12-01-2003, 06:36 AM
i told you it was going to suck.........

12-01-2003, 07:41 AM
I was all looking foward to watching it but when i saw it I almost puked. That was the worst thing ever seen in my life. I dont know what it was, maybe that stupid kata competition **** did it for me, and that brick breaking crap i hate as well. I just see no need for all that but the xray stuff was pretty cool. And yeah it was just a promotion for that tom cruise guys movie. I seen an hour of XMA and had to turn it off :D

Maybe Im just too wing chun based.

12-01-2003, 08:18 AM
Wushu has nothing on Sport Krottie when it comes to ridiculous, unrealistic techniques.

How many points were they awarding for the loudest yell, again?

And oh yeah, don't forget to spray water out of your mouth before your next tournament for dramatic effect.

12-01-2003, 08:45 AM

Ford Prefect
12-01-2003, 08:47 AM
I thought the special effects were really cool. The content was **** poor, but what do you expect? They need it to look all dramatic and what-not in order to entertain the 99.9% of people in America who know nothing about martial arts.

12-01-2003, 09:17 AM
I think you guys missed the value of the program. yeah over all it sucked. So what if it was focused on some Paul Mitchell ESPN2 style tournament, (next on the red area rug...breaking) they broke down several americanised styles of movement. Now I know how these guys move, think and fight. Their angles, their egos. If I ever meet one, I have an advantage, oh wait...I already did...snap.

12-01-2003, 09:29 AM
I almost threw my tv out the window just watching the commercial... can't believe people actually watched it the entire show :) after this thread I'll probably watch a rerun ...like I can't help but look at a car wreck

12-01-2003, 10:00 AM
"And oh yeah, don't forget to spray water out of your mouth before your next tournament for dramatic effect"

(said in zoolander voice)

"Oh, Snap... "


12-01-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Suntzu
i told you it was going to suck.........

We all knew it was going to suck, we just had to watch it to see how badly it sucked.

MasterKiller, I nearly fell off of my bed when it showed that one guy training with the kama with the Asian guy, who just happened to be wearing the white XMA shirt, and the Asian guy was telling him he needs to relax his throat muscles more or whatever, cause it was restricting his scream too much. The guy fell over at one point and he said "Who cares if you fall over, you got the yell out". I just wanted to cry.

12-01-2003, 10:23 AM
i thought they were going to show how the bones and muscles moved and tlak about different styles. instead i see these skeleton animations which got annoying after the first time and they showed about 2 seconds how the muscles worked. OOOHH i can kick this many pounds. and all the focus on karate was boring.

12-01-2003, 10:38 AM
what also made me mad was how those guys performed in between sparring hitting and pushing each toher. WTF. for their level, they shouldnt do that, they should have control and keep level minded. WTF mate on that. gives a bad bad representation.

12-01-2003, 11:17 AM
That had to be one of the all time worst MA TV Shows I have ever seen. It even tops Discovery's other show starring the Juko Kai crowd and Wushu athletes.

Can nobody do a decent MA art documentary?

That guy Matt who was the focus of the documentary just made me want to vomit.

Was it just me or did he seem a little effeminate?

He's totally "tournament fu."

For those of you unfamiliar with "tournament fu" it is a style of fighting and presenting your forms that has nothing to do with ACTUAL fighting.

You must do at least 5 kip ups in your form, 10 spinning back crecent kicks, scream inappropriately, spit water and wear goofy uniforms. Sometimes you take off your shirt for even more effect.

The only sparring that is allowed is point sparring. Which we all know is the closest to real fighting that you can get. Why? Because we know how realistic the "one hit, one kill" methodology is. As soon as you use your "super deadly" technique the fight will be over. Furthermore, when fighting this way you must stand on one leg and throw a flurry of kicks with the same leg. Why? Because it looks cool and there is no way in a real fight anyone could grab your leg because your kicks are super fast.

The only real kung fu guy they had in the show was Chan Pui doing the plum flower poles. That segment was too short in my opinion. It was funny to watch the expression on the Matt Vomit's face too when Chan Pui showed him some "basic" kung fu training. He's like "this is basic?." Yes Matt Vomit "basic." Even kung fu "basic" training is difficult. Athough I'll be ****ed if I can pull off some of those "advanced" super spinning kicks that he can.

I'm hopefully going to film school next year. Maybe I can put together something better than this drivel at some point.

Meat Shake
12-01-2003, 11:22 AM
"Was it just me or did he seem a little effeminate?"

His teacher seemed like the patti cake type as well... :eek:

Loved how everyone point sparring just kinda threw their legs out there, hoping to brush the other guy first.
"Did you kick him good?"
"Nah, barely touched him, but I got the point!"

At least the wushu chick won every time during the xray things... :rolleyes:

12-01-2003, 12:25 PM
There were two awesomely ridiculous moments I saw before I could no longer stand to look at it.

In the first one, a guy was twirling emei piercers and explaining how they go in easier once there is blood on them, and added that when he sees blood it just turns him more ferocious. It was one of those total geek moments that tells you the guy has probably never seen blood outside the context of a papercut.

The second one was the guy who was measured at kicking at like 2,000 pounds per square inch. He said that he'd never been in a street altercation, but that the numbers speak for themselves. As though the numbers mean anything out of context. The whole program laid down the assumption that striking pads and breaking boards was exactly the same as hitting someone, and only martial arts masters survive such strikes because they can flex at just the right moment.

What silly garbage this program was. Bunch of pretty boy sissies trying to convince themselves of how tough they are even though they never fight.

12-01-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by dwid
In the first one, a guy was twirling emei piercers and explaining how they go in easier once there is blood on them, and added that when he sees blood it just turns him more ferocious. It was one of those total geek moments that tells you the guy has probably never seen blood outside the context of a papercut.

That was cake...I was rotflmao. Also, the people watching it who have zero MA experience were laughing also because it was so obvious this guy was full of ****.

The second one was the guy who was measured at kicking at like 2,000 pounds per square inch. He said that he'd never been in a street altercation, but that the numbers speak for themselves. As though the numbers mean anything out of context. The whole program laid down the assumption that striking pads and breaking boards was exactly the same as hitting someone, and only martial arts masters survive such strikes because they can flex at just the right moment.

Those boys need to do some real sparring and they'll quickly see how ineffectual a lot of their crap is.

What silly garbage this program was. Bunch of pretty boy sissies trying to convince themselves of how tough they are even though they never fight.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I can't believe anybody buy's into this *******ized crap anymore.

Chang Style Novice
12-01-2003, 01:23 PM
D@mn, I guess I need to see this. It sounds like it could be almost as funny as Bad Santa (yes, I'm pimping this movie in every post today.)

I'm already considering adding "Who cares if you fell down? You got the yell out." to my sig.

12-01-2003, 01:46 PM
It makes me wonder how they had that badass room fulla 120lbs heavy bags. Is this a Karate-Corporation or a a Rich kids dream?

wushu chik
12-01-2003, 01:46 PM
Yeah, it sucked. Nothing like a 2 hour infomercial for Mike Chat and his XMA crap. Oh well, just another wasted 2 hours of my life watching bullsh!t martial arts stuff that mean absolutely nothing compared to how they hype it. Just another Ex-Power Ranger on a power trip...

Check out the website of XMA (http://www.xmarevolution.com/)


12-01-2003, 01:47 PM
someone should send this thread to discovery.

SanShou Guru
12-01-2003, 01:52 PM
Why bother going through the Discovery page. Got to the source. (http://www.xmarevolution.com/phpnuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=1&sid=77f7b336c9071fb51d3e5cae11a072c9)

12-01-2003, 01:59 PM
that was sooo bad, that it was actually kind of fun to watch. at least in small doses in between channel surfing. tom cruise was just too much to stomache...

think of it as a documentary of the mcdojo; a sort of 'in search of' for the most clueless martial arts geeks and the strip-mall dojos that spawned them.

i especially liked the unabashed use of bad martial arts cliche's that i thought had died off back in the 80's, what a treat. 'one stike one kill' ;)

it was cute how they were all like, '5 time world champions'. and that the world-championship tournament was in the function room of their local ramada inn.

and to see those guys going on and on about their deadly techniques, thirst for blood and 'sparring strategies', while adding that none of them had ever been in an actual fight WITH A STRAIGHT FACE....well that was just priceless.

which all culminated in in the deadly sparring matches on the hotel carpet which then confirmed the obvious; these guys had absolutely no idea how to really fight, or even fair well at any kind of light point sparring that wasnt choreographed. and the funniest thing was, he had no clue how bad he was...and was oblivious to the fact that he should have been embarrassed for talking all that martial b.s. and then bringing nothing to the table. instead he waxed philosophical about some silly non-existent game plan. he could sure do some nice gymnastic flips, i'll give him that though.

but what i loved best was that wormy sensei's bad hair-piece, that thing had supreme martial power and you must bow down to it.:p

wushu chik
12-01-2003, 02:11 PM
Still, go to discovery and take the "Martial Arts Quiz"...it's so enlightening!

12-01-2003, 02:11 PM
You better belive i just created an account there. This is going to be better than having an alter-ego on the mullins-shaolin forum. Speaking of which, I'd love to hear an SDers view on last nights travisty.

12-01-2003, 02:31 PM
ya gotta love the blue haired kid! (http://www.xmarevolution.com/phpnuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=My_eGallery&file=index&do=showpic&pid=14&orderby=hitsD)

12-01-2003, 02:55 PM
Okay kids, jazz hands!

******, Billy I said jazz hands. AND YOU HAIR ISN'T BLUE ENOUGH!

12-01-2003, 03:08 PM

12-01-2003, 03:10 PM
Mike Chat’s XMA Performance Training forms the essential core of XMA by providing martial arts school owners with the opportunity to hit the market of “Xtreme” youths, teens and adults that might never be interested in a traditional martial arts program.

Aimed at and guaranteed to increase student retention and enrollment as well as boost excitement and motivation in the school, Mike Chat’s XMA Performance Training has been developed to be flexible to the needs of virtually every Martial Arts school.

It can be used as a special program, additional income generator, in conjunction with a traditional or base style or as a stand-alone curriculum.

However, XMA has been designed to work with rotating curriculum structures. This way, XMA can most easily be “plugged in” to any existing curriculum for program upgrades to Black Belt Club, Master’s Club or Leadership Program.

It can also be used to develop a demonstration or competition team for marketing purposes.

It can be an additional program like Krav Maga, CDT, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or it can be the only program offered. Anything goes with XMA!

Mike Chat’s XMA Performance Training will set the standard for people of all ages and skill levels and allow them to enter into the first structured program of it’s kind. It will also set the standard for national and international competition by standardizing the basic movements from all styles and creating compulsory routines with optional criteria for the elite levels.

Mike Chat’s XMA Performance Training will come with complete program setup materials: launch kit, launch guide, ad slicks, and quarterly advertising, marketing materials and instructor video and manuals. Every quarter school owners will receive updated curriculum that will last for 6 months.

The training program will be available through MAIA for school owners and at local martial arts schools across the country.

Bottom line:It's a franchise....excuse me while I go pray to the porcelain god. :eek:

12-01-2003, 03:22 PM
Is Mike Chat the CEO of this mokery. He makes Sin The look like a saint. Explotation of martial arts is a common thing.

12-01-2003, 04:10 PM
he was a WMAC master but never won the champions seat. He got abused by Willie the BAM and Liu Kang. but now he's got a mega zord in his garage, I don't think even Shaq has one of those, therefore mike shataroundthebutt is a 7 time world champ.

12-01-2003, 04:39 PM
That was the worst special I've ever seen. I hate those karate forms. Combining karate and wushu, why don't you just shoot me?

When he took off his shirt to do his routine at the "martial arts" competition, I wanted Nelson Muntz to point at him and do his signature "ha ha!"

12-01-2003, 04:42 PM
Here ya go, folks it get's even better. Why did discovery ever agree to air this crap?


12-01-2003, 04:55 PM
The guy really was a Power Ranger! It's obvious their marketing campaign is aimed at 5 year olds

12-01-2003, 04:55 PM
A power ranger.....:mad:

12-01-2003, 05:32 PM
It was horrible but I couldn't stop watching. I was trying to get my wife to get some exlax for me so I'd have to stop watching.

From the XMA forum...

not that you've probably ever seen it, but "flashy" moves can be used in a fight. ive seen people hit by 360's, 540's, 720's, etc....although they may not be the most effective, they do work in some situations. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying as I write this. I also love the war faces they make when posing.:D

12-01-2003, 06:09 PM
I wait till I have to pee really bad then I do a 720.

Dim Wit Mak
12-01-2003, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the reassurance guys. I was beginning to think I had to be a world class pretty boy gymnast or acrobat to get anything out of the study of martial arts.

12-01-2003, 07:49 PM
"just because you cant use it in a fight doesnt mean its not martial arts"

im speechless... :eek: :rolleyes: :p

12-01-2003, 08:55 PM
360's? 720's? They can work for getting your leg or foot destroyed.:D

wushu chik
12-01-2003, 11:14 PM
Told ya he was an ex power ranger. I looked it up last nite after i got done watching the show....I figured he was either a power ranger, or some sort of actor...

shaolin kungfu
12-01-2003, 11:24 PM
score one for the blue ranger!

wushu chik
12-02-2003, 12:15 AM
I like the old skool Power Rangers the best....the red ranger was the coolest....then the green (until he turned into the white and the red left)

It used to be a pretty, hmmm, interesting show (when i was like 15)......


12-02-2003, 05:23 AM
WHo was that idiot with the 2 metal toothpicks?

I like to know when was the last time he has seen blood on those things?

shaolin kungfu
12-02-2003, 05:33 AM
It used to be a pretty, hmmm, interesting show (when i was like 15)......

It wasn't just interesting, it was the coolest show one earth. I liked the ranger with the axe that doubled as a lazer gun(i think it was the black ranger, but maybe not). And the pink ranger was totally hot.

jesus, i feel like a ****...:(

12-02-2003, 05:51 AM
Someone said to go do the Quiz at the discovery channel site... so I'm doin it, for a laugh.

8) The "drunken" Kung Fu style is most often associated with what animal?

Options given are: monkey, tiger, snake, and crane.

How about HUMAN.. or, at least Immortal.

For farg's sake....

And so many of the questions in the quiz are just... wrong.

12-02-2003, 07:17 AM

12-02-2003, 07:19 AM
My eyes................. DEAD

12-02-2003, 07:42 AM
Did I hear someone say musical karate?

musical karate isn't that bad to watch is it?

musical karate is best, kickboxing is just watered down musical karate, sans music.

Discovery Channel special

Does anyone know when it will be on again? I missed it

What was so bad about it? You guys say it sucked, but from the way you describe it , it was awesome!

12-02-2003, 08:33 AM
What was so bad about it? You guys say it sucked, but from the way you describe it , it was awesome!

That's because what we're talking about on here is the "best of..." When you actually waste two hours of your life watching it, the feeling is traumatic, as if those hours had been cut out of you.

Pork Chop
12-02-2003, 08:41 AM
Believe me, it wouldn't be a waste for MKC. I bet he's already got XMA and Chat action figures made up. When he watches Wayne Dalgish he goes into a mesmerized state, as if he becomes lil Wayne (err Dalgish, not the real Lil Wayne). He mouths along with every Kiai; writhes and jerx with every swing of the toothpick staff; pounds on the couch with every breaking demo; and looks like a man posessed with every high score from the judges.
For you, a waste...
For him, an ecstacy...

David Jamieson
12-02-2003, 08:42 AM
...and you can never get those hours back.

They are lost forever, piled amongst all the other other things you have done in your life that are a monumental waste of time.

I will destroy the power rangers for this! That's it, I'm switching my allegiances to the cause of evil and the destruction of the power rangers.

They must die, and it's gonna have to hurt and take a long time before i will be satisfied and return to the path of good.

12-02-2003, 08:45 AM
LOL @ MKC as Lil' Weezie..... :D

oh the horror.....

12-02-2003, 10:48 AM
I remember seeing specials on Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, I enjoyed them, but that was before I knew being good at forms doesn't necessarily mean you can fight.

They highlited Dennis Brown, The guy from Iron and Silk, that Monk from New York, and a girl from kichigaijin's school beating up some poor red headed smuck. Anthony Goh was on there, Tat Mau Wong too...yeah I found it very interesting back then, when I was just starting kung fu, but now I'm kinda sick of kung fu...they even had scholars on there sitting behind a desk talking about this awesome force known as "chi".

Where was I going with this oh yeah I am really really sick of looking at forms...not saying they are not pretty, not saying they are not valuable, I'm not even saying they can't be used for fighting...I'm just sick of looking at them...hey what's that over there, some guy in the computer lab at my school is going into an eagle style wue sue form....<BLAAAAAAHHH>

Meat Shake
12-02-2003, 11:08 AM
Also liked how they called forms competitions "Stylized fighting".
Oh well... Better go get ready for my point sparring matches...
No take downs or you get penalized! No excessive contact!

12-02-2003, 11:48 AM
My other favorite part was the big body builder white dude (who also did the samurai sword stuff) was talking about Japanese vs. Chinese staffs and how the Japanese bo techniques are so much more effective and realistic compared to the "flowery" Chinese staff techniques. Sure maybe if your comparing traditional karate to wushu. But how 'bout traditional kung fu.

It's like that show totally denied the fact that traditional kung fu even exists (aside from the quick gloss over of Chan Pui). To XMA there is karate and there is wushu, and that's it.

What about all the amazingly well known and "fight applicable" styles like Wing Chun, Hung Ga, Choy Lay Fut, Southern Praying Mantis, Jow Ga, 5 ancestors, Bak Mei, Xing Yi, Tai Ji, Ba Gua Jeung, Tong Bei, Northern Praying Mantis, Chang Quan, Hua Quan, etc, etc, etc.

There's something like 300 documented styles of kung fu and that show didn't mention even one of them. Even when they interviewed Chan Pui they didn't even say what style of kung fu he did.

What a bunch crap!!!!

Meat Shake
12-02-2003, 12:14 PM
Didnt someone say that the show was produced by XMA?
That could explain why it was nothing but a 2 hour advertisement...
I think Im gonna email discovery channel a link to this thread...

12-02-2003, 02:22 PM
"My other favorite part was the big body builder white dude (who also did the samurai sword stuff) was talking about Japanese vs. Chinese staffs and how the Japanese bo techniques are so much more effective and realistic compared to the "flowery" Chinese staff techniques. "

Flowery= name given to something by ignorant parties that don't know what they are lookin at and give said name in general instead of actually being able to point out any particular techique.

Name used as an attempt to disparrage said technique with a feminine undertone.

Also, name used sometimes when technique is circular, primarily by lineal based systems a.k.a. kaw-rotty.

I wouldn't say XMA is flowery. I would say XMA is about using ultra hollow light shiny weapons with flips and lots of yelling. At least I am describing the technique(or lack thereof) and not just using a derisive blanket name.

XMA, by their definition given on the show, is about flash. Yet they are not flowery, how does that work?

12-02-2003, 02:36 PM
Flowery= name given to something by ignorant parties that don't know what they are lookin at and give said name in general instead of actually being able to point out any particular techique.

Name used as an attempt to disparrage said technique with a feminine undertone.

Also, name used sometimes when technique is circular, primarily by lineal based systems a.k.a. kaw-rotty.


I wouldn't say XMA is flowery. I would say XMA is about using ultra hollow light shiny weapons with flips and lots of yelling. At least I am describing the technique(or lack thereof) and not just using a derisive blanket name.

So if TCMA's are "flowery" then could we say that XMA is HOLLOW???.....hehe

And BTW, I'm glad you brought that up because those "toothpick" style staff's are neat-o and all but when I see people use them it looks like they pulled the moves from marching band baton twirling, not martial arts.

I mean, I'm impressed by a good baton twirling but should it really take place at a MA tournament?

How 'bout those people try those same moves with a traditional solid wood bo staff.....

12-02-2003, 02:54 PM
XMA rapes the incorrect with a super-ultra-deadly katana

cawrotty suxors

and Wushu just plane looks funny.

As much as I down the "traditional" aspects of the MA, traditional training and techniques tend to own on all.

12-02-2003, 02:55 PM
Black Ranger was the one who had the axe that turned into a gun. Red ranger was also my favorite, until Tommy came on. Tommy was a pimp with Kimberly (the pink). I thought Trina (the Asian yellow Ranger) was pretty cute too. Man, I can still name all the original Rangers!

Black Ranger=Zach[ary] Taylor, used the Power Axe and has the Mastodon
Pink Ranger=Kimberly Ann Hart, used the Power Bow and a Pterodactyl
Blue Ranger=Billy Cranston, the Power Lance, Triceratops
Yellow Ranger=Trini Kwan, Power Daggers, Sabertoothed Tiger
Red Ranger=Jason Lee Scott, Power Sword, Tyrannosaurus

God how I loved watching that show.

12-02-2003, 05:18 PM
You know, given the hugely wide variety of people who do MA, why is there no film/documentarians with enough pull in media circles to produce and actual factual, accurate program? I mean, if all of MA is too much, then concentrate it to a few arts?

12-02-2003, 08:14 PM
This just in. I'm giving up Kung Fu to become the next blue power ranger. The only way I can accomplish this is to join the most comprehensive, the most effective, end-all martial art,XMA!
But don't expect me to act like I know you when I'm famous..:noseturnedupsmilie:D

SanShou Guru
12-03-2003, 08:26 AM
They took down the negative thread about the Discovery Special. Who's going to start a new one? Here (http://www.xmarevolution.com/phpnuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=1&sid=77f7b336c9071fb51d3e5cae11a072c9) is the link again.

12-03-2003, 10:58 AM
Before I got to see the program I had read something to the effect that XMA is a School. With that I expected some promition of their school stuffs at least for increasing enrollment.

I watched especially to see things relevant to the movie The Last Samurai.

I think that it was not so much that the promotion of the showing had falseness, as buzzwords were used which I associated with things that were shown other than I had expected.

Passed --the talkie, the Last Samurai
Present--tournament martial Arts Karate/Tae Kwon Do technique manner based.
Future--(hype)-yet it shows current application of fight based stuffs The most allowed socially accepted arena--tournaments) and that it is more showy of speed and gymnasticy. This seems to interest the youngers and those who No_Know-ish.

Martial arts is busy work. And better this extract of essence than becomming malicious on a grand scale.

I was hoping for Kung-Fu. Yet when is said Martial Art(s) not necessarily a reference to Kung-Fu.

From these posts, it seems that there are people who think/feel that the wolrd is to cater to them

By the way, insulting the Judge's pens to be one with the down critiquing crowd unwittingly cussed Self. I understand those twirly sticks as being an Eight Diagram Palm weaopn called Judge's Pen. Kung-Fu people used to hold their comments that down others, perhaps because they (their instructors) realised what they say in smugness could be turned against them in what they do or from where it comes. Perhaps like gloating in a fight because you execute and the opponent is down.

Down goes up. Some that falls might float. Mind your arrogance and disrespect.

Until you can teleport, getting anywhere is a procedure. Many ways to get to the same end-place. There are places along a main path you might not travel (you'll miss something because all roads cannot be traveled simultaneously by the same one)~

Drunk Is a Human thing, YEt is has been associated with Mantis (I made a drunken Crane technique) and at least MONKEY. Also Broadsword, straightsword, Spear and staff. Drunken monkey, drunken spear...Eight Drunken Imortals...

Be well, even if deluded (including me)~

12-03-2003, 11:18 AM

Okay, I don't understand even half of what you write, but...

By the way, insulting the Judge's pens to be one with the down critiquing crowd unwittingly cussed Self.

Nobody insulted the judge's pens. First off, they are emei piercers. Judge's pens are different. Second, it was the tool who talked all hard about blood and fighting whilst twirling the piercers that we all found so ridiculous.

Yes there are many roads to the same place. There are also many more roads that lead nowhere near that place. XMA falls neatly into the category of roads that lead to a bizarro world in which people believe they are in one place, but are most definitely in another. I noknow how else to put it...;)

12-03-2003, 12:35 PM
I'd post another one, but I'm waiting to see if anyone touches the applications thread...funny how everyone looks at it but doesn't reply.

wait...did they scrap the whole forum?

12-03-2003, 12:38 PM
Did they shut down their forum?

12-03-2003, 01:05 PM
Yep...looks like they shut down their forum...haha...can't even take a little heat from the KFOers!!!

12-03-2003, 01:42 PM
If there are other ways to put it dwid, then that seemed like one of the nicer ones.

12-03-2003, 01:44 PM
Why does the "who's online " read 34 guests and 3 members?

I've been around to the other messege boards. Most are paning XMA in a big way. It seems the only board that gives it a thumbs up is the XMA board, go figure. Even the katare people are paning it.

12-03-2003, 01:50 PM
Looks like XMA just lost its only supporting forum...oh well

12-03-2003, 11:54 PM
I remember I e-mailed them a few months back, XMA, in the first e-mail I pretty much bashed them saying how they are destroying traditional arts, blah blah blah, but also asked some questions regarding there products. No reply.

So I thought "Ok, I'll be nice" and sent another e-mail, this time asking very honest, consumer opinions on the marketing of the product and how it would compare to other sports enhancement clothing (such as Under Armour) on the market. I asked why they felt there product would be superior to the product of Under Armour, which is significantly cheaper (though I didn't tell them that). They never did respond to that one either.

12-04-2003, 12:15 AM
God, I sit here, staying up FAR TOO late into the night/morning, wondering how I can reclaim the time lost to this travesty of television.

At least the skeletons looked cool.

Phil Redmond
12-04-2003, 12:53 PM
Below is the letter I received form Discovery Channel after I wrote how their presentation misrepresented the martial arts. I also gave a link to this thread for them to read.

>>Thank you for contacting Discovery Networks. We appreciate you taking the
time to share your thoughts and concerns with us in regard to "Xtreme
Martial Arts". They will be passed on to our program management and
executives and will be taken into consideration. Comments such as yours
are very important to us, as viewer opinions tell us what we can improve on
and what our audience enjoys. It is these types of comments that create
change and improve programming.

A reply to this message is not necessary. For more information about
schedules and programming check our website, www.discovery.com. If you
have any further inquiries or comments, please contact us via our webform
at http://extweb.discovery.com/ViewerRelations. Thank you again for
expressing your interest in our programming.

Viewer Relations
Discovery Networks<<

12-04-2003, 01:47 PM
Thank God. Hopefully The Discovery people will do some RESEARCH before showing crap like this again.

12-04-2003, 01:53 PM
Thank God. Hopefully The Discovery people will do some RESEARCH before showing crap like this again.

I wouldn't count on it. That seems like a pretty standard blow-off response. Maybe if they got like 10,000 letters complaining about it, they might do something.

MC Taiji Hips
12-04-2003, 02:27 PM
yeah...a cut and paste job...sad, really.:(

12-04-2003, 09:39 PM
I also e-mailed them about how poor the show was.

12-04-2003, 10:22 PM
God, that thing sucked. Oh, crap. Psych final in the morning. Good night.

12-05-2003, 12:13 AM
Although I didn't get to see it (unfortunetly :() I did have the priviledge of reading these posts... If the actual documentory was as hilarious as these posts then I really missed out...

"In the first one, a guy was twirling emei piercers and explaining how they go in easier once there is blood on them, and added that when he sees blood it just turns him more ferocious. It was one of those total geek moments that tells you the guy has probably never seen blood outside the context of a papercut.

The second one was the guy who was measured at kicking at like 2,000 pounds per square inch. He said that he'd never been in a street altercation, but that the numbers speak for themselves. As though the numbers mean anything out of context. The whole program laid down the assumption that striking pads and breaking boards was exactly the same as hitting someone, and only martial arts masters survive such strikes because they can flex at just the right moment."


12-05-2003, 12:20 AM
· With more and more emphasis being placed on gymnastics, dance and high-flying moves which would NEVER work "on the street" has the introduction of "Sport Karate" hurt traditional martial arts?

Absolutely! When martial artists began competing in tournaments, the art became sport and the purpose for which the training was based began to change. Although the look and feel of the martial arts in tournament competition has changed over the years, what I believe has hurt the martial arts is not the transition to the Xtreme or the evolution of the "Sport" aspect but more so the lack of education in the general public. Up until now, the martial arts has been revered as either mystical, unexplained artforms or deadly fighting arts. Enough with the secrets of this style and that master. Part of the history and future of the martial arts is the passing of knowledge down to the next generation which means every martial artist must become teachers at some point. With a nationwide average of 20% drop out rate in martial arts students in their first month, we don't even begin to have a chance to impact these people's lives in a positive manner. If we can continue to inspire and motivate students with XMA, tournaments, "flash" and hong kong style films, we have a better chance at keeping students long term. All instructors know that we need students to stay long term in order to really begin to understand and appreciate the history and roots of every style and truly embrace martial arts into their lives. Forget about the moves, the flips, the impracticality of what you see on tv. Master Fumio Demura said that he envied students like Matt and Craig. He realized they were so inspired bby XMA that they train 10 times harder than his own traditional students. Athletes lift weights, run, do plyometrics as forms of cross-training. View XMA as a method off cross training to supplement and enhance any traditional base style - definitely not to detractt or replace it!

Very deep stuff from their site :eek: .

12-05-2003, 12:27 AM
· Before I ask my question I would just like to say that I very much enjoyed the Discovery program and was very impressed by your labors and accomplishments in creating and developing XMA and all of the different hats that you wear. My question: I saw you

thanks !!! Our punches ranged from 800 - 1100 lbs of pressure. A little higher than the strongest boxing punches ever recorded. This was due to the amount of pressure and force applied over such a small surface area as we hit our targets with only the first two knuckles instead of the entire fist with a glove. It was prety amazing

Taken from thier FAQ... WOW thier punches are stronger than the strongest boxing punch EVER!!!




MC Taiji Hips
12-05-2003, 12:56 AM

MC Taiji Hips
12-05-2003, 01:02 AM
from xma webpage
Although I have never done full contact sparring, we train self defense techniques in our style close to full contact but in a controllled setting.

...cock monger....

12-05-2003, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by Phil Redmond
Below is the letter I received form Discovery Channel after I wrote how their presentation misrepresented the martial arts. I also gave a link to this thread for them to read.

>>Thank you for contacting Discovery Networks. We appreciate you taking the
time to share your thoughts and concerns with us in regard to "Xtreme
Martial Arts". They will be passed on to our program management and
executives and will be taken into consideration. Comments such as yours
are very important to us, as viewer opinions tell us what we can improve on
and what our audience enjoys. It is these types of comments that create
change and improve programming.

A reply to this message is not necessary. For more information about
schedules and programming check our website, www.discovery.com. If you
have any further inquiries or comments, please contact us via our webform
at http://extweb.discovery.com/ViewerRelations. Thank you again for
expressing your interest in our programming.

Viewer Relations
Discovery Networks<<

The thing is, they didn't misrepresent martial arts. It was Xtreme martial arts.... That is a team that is owned by mike chat - the guy that taught Mat. This documentary was about Xtreme team member Matt's return to the competition scene. All the other guys they interviewed were likely members of that team. Matt claimed to do a traditional style and that he competed in traditional forms, but he said he also competes in open forms - there is no misrepresentation there. What happened is most of you thought is would be a documentary about MA in general, which wasn't the case.

12-05-2003, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Black Ranger was the one who had the axe that turned into a gun. Red ranger was also my favorite, until Tommy came on. Tommy was a pimp with Kimberly (the pink). I thought Trina (the Asian yellow Ranger) was pretty cute too. Man, I can still name all the original Rangers!

Black Ranger=Zach[ary] Taylor, used the Power Axe and has the Mastodon
Pink Ranger=Kimberly Ann Hart, used the Power Bow and a Pterodactyl
Blue Ranger=Billy Cranston, the Power Lance, Triceratops
Yellow Ranger=Trini Kwan, Power Daggers, Sabertoothed Tiger
Red Ranger=Jason Lee Scott, Power Sword, Tyrannosaurus

God how I loved watching that show.

I used to love that show too. Trini (not trina) was cute, and I thought aisha (the next yellow ranger) was cute also. However, I stopped watching it after they had the ninja ranger costumes (when the second movie came out) I never kept up with wild force, ninja storm, and whatever is running now - they don't compare to the original.

What I hated about the series is how the originals left...jason, trini, zack and kim all got picked to be on an environmental conservation team??!??! Out of EVERY high school in the country, those 4 got picked from the same school??!?! You know what happened in the Japanese version? They got killed. At least that's what I heard. It makes more sense though.

12-05-2003, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by Fu-Pow

Bottom line:It's a franchise....excuse me while I go pray to the porcelain god. :eek:

bah. It wouldn't be the first one. mark glazier has (had?) his master mark glazier karate studios... his franchise was even traded on the stock market...

12-05-2003, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
love how they called the katana "the ultimate most deadly weapon ever."

As far as traditional weapons go, I'd put it around the top.

12-05-2003, 05:04 AM
No way, our Viking Swords would choke those puny japanese toothpicks

12-05-2003, 05:22 AM
Katana is one of many weapons that are all equally as good.

The Japanese were not the only ones to fold their metal thousands of times to make their swords indestructible.

In fact the method used to manufacture "Damascus Steel" is still a mystery

Swords made from damascus steel would rival if not even better than katana swords.

David Jamieson
12-05-2003, 08:24 AM
Katana is one of many weapons that are all equally as good.

The Japanese were not the only ones to fold their metal thousands of times to make their swords indestructible.

In fact the method used to manufacture "Damascus Steel" is still a mystery

Swords made from damascus steel would rival if not even better than katana swords.

Metal folding is a popular technique amongst sword makers of many regions. It does make the steel harder. The Japanese just did it quite a lot, sometimes swords were forgerd and the stell was folded 300 times! that is 300 times into the fire and 300 times onto teh anvil! It's a lot of work in other words to fold the steel on a sword a lot.

There is no mystery to damascus steel. The secret was that the higher chimneys in their forgers produced greater heat. THis in turn removes more impurities from the steel and the result is purer steel which is much harder than steel with impurities, such as pig iron or the likes.

Swords made from damascus steel would only rival katanas if they were made with teh same care and focus.

And finally, 9 out of 10 experts would say that the Katana is one of the very best swords ever devised by men.


12-05-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
And finally, 9 out of 10 experts would say that the Katana is one of the very best swords ever devised by men.

Doubtful. Experts in swords would be aware that swords are used for a vast variety of combat situations. Put someone with a katana against someone in full plate armor, and it will be next to useless. Put them against someone with a scutum and gladius, or better yet put five men with katanas against five men with scutums and gladii, and the katanas will be extraordinarily sub-optimal. Put a katana-wielder against another unarmored or lightly-armored opponent with another sword, or put both men on horses, and the katana will be very optimal, because this is the situation it is designed for.

Katanas are certainly higher quality than most other swords, because in most other countries and eras swordmaking wasn't developed to the degree and philosophy it was in the shogunate eras of Japan. The sabres and fencing weaponry made during the height of the Rennaisance, however, have similar levels of craftsmanship, and often higher levels of quality due to the better quality steel available.

Generally you get the OMIGOD TEH KATANA IS SO UBER thing among sci-fi/fantasy geeks, who all seem to be convinced that katanas can cut through tanks and fit snugly under a stylish trenchcoat.

12-05-2003, 10:16 AM
In the end, there can be only one...

12-05-2003, 10:30 AM
Most here have never seen a true katana.

100% of the swords us average joes gets to see is made from 440 chromed steel. The collector gets a finer steel but still doesn't get the full gauge.

I 've had the priviledge of seeing an antique sword from only one collector, it was awesome. It was thick . And the sword ringed with a tone as clear as a tuning fork as he unsheathed it.

It may not be able to slice a tank open but it would cut you or me in half and look Oh so good under my stylish trenchcoat.

Meat Shake
12-05-2003, 11:10 AM
I thought I was the only one with a trenchcoat and a katana!
How wonderful.
Ill eat my leg now.

12-05-2003, 12:03 PM
Thank you for contacting Discovery Channel. We appreciate you taking the
time to share your thoughts and concerns with us in regard to "Xtreme
Martial Arts". They will be passed on to our program management and
executives and will be taken into consideration. Comments such as yours
are very important to us, as viewer opinions tell us what we can improve on
and what our audience enjoys. It is these types of comments that create
change and improve programming.

A reply to this message is not necessary. For more information about
schedules and programming check our website, www.discovery.com. If you
have any further inquiries or comments, please contact us via our webform
at http://extweb.discovery.com/ViewerRelations. Thank you again for
expressing your interest in our programming.

Viewer Relations
Discovery Networks

Almost the exact same e-mail that Phil got, except mine was named Janelle and not Sarah.

12-05-2003, 12:11 PM
SevenStar, I stopped watching Power Rangers once they went from Mighty Morphin' to Xeo. I had no idea that Lord Zed and Rita Repulsa had been turned into humans when Zordon was destroyed until I was checking a Power Rangers website out and they showed Lord Zed and Rita in human form. I saw the first episode of Xeo, and thought I'd stay watching it. Then I got grounded from the TV for like 2 months, came back and realized how dumb Power Rangers had gotten. I wish I could still watch MMPR though, I remember seeing the first episode, I was sick that day and spent half the episode throwing up. :(

12-05-2003, 12:35 PM
I used to love power rangers, but i agre after lord zed went away and zordon died, it got stupid. the current ninja one is alright. in america they replaced the cheesy foam japanese battles with computer graphics and stuff :( one of the reason's i watched it is because the foam battles were awesome.

I also had a side scrolling game for my Genesis about the power rangers movie. that game was nice :cool:

12-05-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Fu-Pow

I'm hopefully going to film school next year. Maybe I can put together something better than this drivel at some point.

for the love of christ, please do! Do one on real kung fu/martial arts. And I really liked your explanation of Tournament Fu, that's exactly what is is - a heaping steaming pile of BS

12-05-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by SifuAbel
Most here have never seen a true katana.

I have, actually. The real antiques are, indeed, some shockingly well-made swords. The balance, in particular, is a beautiful thing to feel.

They're still not great against plate mail or shields. :D

TIger Hand
12-05-2003, 01:12 PM
THat showed suck

12-05-2003, 01:15 PM
Kung Lek-

Modern methods can replicate the quality of Damascus Steel. But under analysis the structure is still not the same.

The exact method to create Damascus Steel has been lost.

Swords made from that were legendary among the Crusaders; able to cut down knights in armor without breaking.

The methods were closely guarded and passed from teacher to apprentice. Until lost about 1700's.

No doubt katanas are among one of the best swords created, but much of the hype surrounding katanas revolves around the philiosphy and MA involved with Japanese swordsmanship

12-05-2003, 04:22 PM
XMA Suxors! :mad:

Got the same email as Phil, but mine said "Charles."

12-05-2003, 10:48 PM
Yes, to emptycup you listen!

12-05-2003, 10:49 PM
EmptyCup, the thing though with 440 is that when the steel reaches a certain length, it is prone to breaking or shattering when it is struck, even during training. There is nothing wrong with 440 stainless steel if the blade is small, and not several feet.

11-03-2004, 04:39 PM
I recently opened an account with Century MA supply...I quickly go inundated with tons of XMA crappy products. This is still hot stuff? I thought it would die fast, and fizzle away like a bad phart?


11-03-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by yutyeesam
I recently opened an account with Century MA supply...I quickly go inundated with tons of XMA crappy products. This is still hot stuff? I thought it would die fast, and fizzle away like a bad phart?


Unfortunately, the XMA is the BIG thing for Centruy right now. It seems the XMA and related brands of faux-martial entertainment are catching on all over the place, both in the USA and abroad. I've also heard rumors of a TKD-bred XMA-style program currently being developed by the ATA.

God, I loathe this garbage.