View Full Version : Wuerzburg Diamond Fist School Alumni

12-03-2003, 03:28 AM
Has anyone here studied with Jack Rider in Wuerzburg, Germany? I am long out of touch and I am seeking out any of his current or past students - heck maybe even the Sifu himself.

I studied with Sifu Rider between 93 - 96 while stationed there with the Army.

Also, if there are any of the old crew who used to post threads with me a few years back, let me know you are still browsing. I am currently in Baghdad, Iraq - party central and I've got time on my hands.

Bob (aka RFM)

12-03-2003, 06:08 AM
Hi ,

i don't know the adress of your former sifu but here maybe somthing intresting:

in Germany at a Tai Chi and Qi gong school there will be
a 3 year training programm about Jingang Qigong in Hamburg
with a female tibetan lama master; maybe she knows more about the style.
it is the Qigong side of your Jingang Quan
i also have a book in German of Jingang Quan

the side in german with this course:

hope this helps