View Full Version : Wtf

Brad Souders
12-03-2003, 12:18 PM

This guy actually makes me feel bad to use the term martial artist with anything i do. I think the last time he saw honor was when his dad's wanker was saluting his mom's (|). Better watch out though the dad might put a whoopin on me for bad mouthin the youngin.

Brad " i respect ALMOST everyone" Souders

12-03-2003, 12:35 PM
I don't know anything about CLF, but is his dad for real?


What's with those pages and pages pf email attacks? Why post that kind of stuff?

Pork Chop
12-03-2003, 12:45 PM
The father and the uncle are pretty well respected and legit as they come; though they do seem to put a lot of stock in arguments over the 'net.

Dunno why you'd pick on Shane though, according to that IKF article, he cross trains in Muay Thai and BJJ; but I can agree that their methods of promotion don't seem very "reserved".

12-03-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
I don't know anything about CLF, but is his dad for real?


What's with those pages and pages pf email attacks? Why post that kind of stuff?

He's very much for real. The Laceys are very much from the old school, they take disrespect very seriously. They were trained in an environment where if someone openly showed disrespect towards you or your art, you could only maintain your honour by fighting them or having them apologise. I used to train under his brother Sifu Dave Lacey. The kwoon was located in a moderately dodgy part of town, so we'd often get weirdo's walk in either talking crap or issuing challenges. Sifu Lacey always met these guys head on. I used to talk to some of the people that trained under the Laceys back in Perth, and over there there was even more trouble. Whenever they found out that masters at other schools had talked crap about them, they would go over to the school and ask them to either apologise or prove what they had said with their fists.
So when Vince Lacey received the email he would have been pretty ticked off. He would have seen it as a challenge both of his honour, his art and his seniority. I have no doubt that if he could find out who this guy was, he'd come and challenge him in person. However as this whole email-warrior phenomenon is quite new the onl way he could see to deal with the situation was to publicly shame the guy for his cowardice. This is the case with all these internet disputes. I'm sure that they would prefer to deal with disrespect privately and face-to-face, but when insults are issued anonymously over the net, they see public posting as the best way to deal with such cowardice.
Whether you like the Laceys' style or not, I can assure you that they are great martial artists, they are highly respected in the buk sing, clf and general CMA community both here and in HK and they never back away from a challenge.

12-03-2003, 08:01 PM
" Talk with your fists " . :D Classic

12-03-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by backbreaker
" Talk with your fists " . :D Classic

heheheh, I take it you've trained under one of the Laceys?

12-03-2003, 08:07 PM
No , not at all. I just read the link

12-03-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by backbreaker
No , not at all. I just read the link
oh cool, i thought it sounded like something one of them would say :D

12-03-2003, 08:29 PM
Wow! Someone quoted me! Yay!

12-03-2003, 09:00 PM
it seemed pretty legit to me. um the picture kinda scared me on the first page when he was standing there gray hair and all.

Felipe Bido
12-04-2003, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by Vash
Wow! Someone quoted me! Yay!

Actually, I invented that quote (it was voted the best quote of 2001)

I'LL SUE!....


Water Dragon
12-04-2003, 10:09 AM
Actually, I think it was THEDONBREAKYOURARMI that came up with that back in 95.

Now quit being an attention ***** kkm

12-04-2003, 10:12 AM
and it's KKM by Oilcheck at 2:34 R2!

Repulsive Monkey
12-04-2003, 10:38 AM
Think you ought to find out what the word wanker actually means before you misuse it again.!!

12-04-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Repulsive Monkey
Think you ought to find out what the word wanker actually means before you misuse it again.!!

Way to cut to the heart of the matter.

Brad Souders
12-04-2003, 02:23 PM
your right words don't have more then one meaning depending on where you grow up. Sorry

I'm not saying weither they are legit or not. I could care less if he was the ultimate martial artist of all time. All i'm saying is if u want the respect of being someone who is looked up to shouldn't u present yourself with some honor istead of the crap that i'm a master and i can't bleed.

Brad Souders

12-04-2003, 07:07 PM
I used to talk to some of the people that trained under the Laceys back in Perth, and over there there was even more trouble.

Yeah, I'm from Perth, and the guy I used to train under (Hung Gar) had little respect for many of the other teachers here, but the Laceys he had a lot of respect for. Used to tell us some stories about a few of the "incidents" that occurred back then.

Their school over here was still running, last time I looked, being run by one of their top students (or so I understand).

Frankly, the Laceys are not people I would like to have ****ed off at me. Their reputation is formidable.

12-04-2003, 08:11 PM
Ha ha! Not too much camaraderie here in Perth. I'm sure my Sigung Roger has a lot of stories to tell from back in the day ;).

12-04-2003, 10:26 PM
Heheh Gary used to say the peeps in Perth were more violent - quote:"...must be the weather up there or sumthin" :D

I'm not sure where you're getting the "I can't bleed" image from. The page certainly isn't modest, but i wouldn't say it was boastful to excess.

OT: Meaning of "wanker" :D - It's true that meanings vary, but i've never heard of wanker being used to mean *****. As far as I know wanker isn't widely used in the US. Its still used throughout its country of origin - the UK and members of the Commonwealth (such as Australia). I have never seen it used in any way other than the original derived from Old English:

wank (v.): To masturbate.
e.g. "I was dying for a wank". Can also be used as a negative retort "Oh wank!" and more recently to describe a something considered useless etc. e.g. "Why did I buy this CD, It's utter wank!".

wanker (n.):
1) lit. One who massturbates.
2) fig. An old English word that is a very common term of abuse. A detestable or unpleasant person. From 19th century Yorkshire dialect.

12-04-2003, 11:10 PM
Means "roll" or "stagger" in German IIRC. It's a fairly common word. Leads to lots of photos of English-speaking backpackers standing in front of signs and landmarks like this http://www.zugspitze.de/wank/index_en.php with stupid grins on their faces.

Ikken Hisatsu
12-05-2003, 02:30 AM
judging by the pic on the first page he could probably kick the arse of most people on this forum. although it seems odd that they feel the need to give themselves chinese names, I dont see whats so bad about these fellows. a little rough of the tongue maybe, but if they can back that up, then hell why not.

Pork Chop
12-05-2003, 06:49 AM
When you're half chinese and grow up in Hong Kong, having a Chinese name isn't quite as ridiculous as say a strip mall sifu using a made up Chinese name exclusively.

I wouldn't say it was outrageous if the son used his Chinese name either, being the son of an immigrant.

Umm I am having a hard time understanding where they violated any honor code on that site. Haven't seen anything on that site that goes against (shows bad) "mo duk" (the Chinese version of the concept).

12-05-2003, 01:46 PM
guess you guys missed last years biggest internet battle on the southern forum between Sifu Frank McCarthy, JosephX, Fu-Pow, Serpent, Anton, a few others, and indirectly Sifu Dave Lacey. It first started about how the name Choy Lay/Li Fut was derived then led to talk of green grass monk and Choy Fook which evolved into a great debate over how and who actually developed and founded Choy Lay/Li Fut.

A sort of line was drawn between those that followed the Chan Heung history and those that followed the Jeong Yim history with others kinda waning in the middle and a few that thought it was probably a calloboration between the two. It led to some great reading especially when someone would actually divulge some historical information or present a plausible and logical argument or theory. To follow it completely one would have to read the posts on KFO and then the remarks on Sifu Lacey's web site. I've learned a lot more about Choy Lay/Li Fut history on these forums than from any book or magazine publications (english) that I've come accross combined and I used to work at a store that sold a lot of publications on kung fu. The two main proponents of the original arguments have just recently posted again after some absence which bodes of a possible re-kindling of those threads.

12-05-2003, 01:58 PM

EDIT---Found it:

12-05-2003, 08:41 PM
Heheh... i think that was the one thread on the issue where I decided I didn't have anything relevant to say... simply because it was all about history. If you read the other threads on the topic (and some of them start off on something completely unrelated), you'll see that most if not all of my contributionas related to the way things were being done rather than the core of the historical debate - manner rather than matter if you will... Because I believe that's what started this whole mess (if you do a serach there's probably 20 or more reasonably long threads related to this).

Hope this can of worms doesn't get opened again.

12-17-2003, 04:23 AM
Ha ha! Not too much camaraderie here in Perth.

Hey Toby, you're in Perth?

PM or email me, if you're interested in getting together sometime for a beer, swap stories, share some knowledge, just meet another KFM'er... You're the first Perthite I've seen here, and I've been here on and off for about three or more years.

12-17-2003, 05:17 AM
uh I'm not in to anything about this, or even CLF for that matter. Fu-Pow sure got owned on this site though:

I find this funny :D

David Jamieson
12-17-2003, 08:34 AM
while it is my opinion that even the most serene monk in existance is not beyond getting his "feathers ruffled", I also hold the opinion that only a fool takes heed of the words spoken by another fool.

to meet transgression head on and with a bitter intent only poisons your own point of view.

Having said that, this is one of the reasons i do not adhere to the whole respect/disrespect issue in regards to martials arts mouth boxers lol.

it's human nature it seems for people to make commentaries that are of a negative nature first, while a positive view comes with time and effort.

better to blow off the blowhards and stick to the matters at hand.

as bobby d said "the time's they are a changing". move forward.


12-17-2003, 08:48 AM
with all due respect.
kung lek has anyone in canada ever came into your school or challenged you?
sure ppl dis u here (on the net) and its easy to shake that off, but what if things were a bit more close 2 home?

12-17-2003, 09:52 AM
I read the email and the reply posted on that site. They need to re-read their own Ten Golden Rules, particularly #6 and #8. They passed on an opportunity to explain their customs and traditions to a 17 year old kid and instead lost a potential member of their kwoon.

12-17-2003, 12:44 PM
I want blood

12-17-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Ikken Hisatsu
judging by the pic on the first page he could probably kick the arse of most people on this forum. although it seems odd that they feel the need to give themselves chinese names, I dont see whats so bad about these fellows. a little rough of the tongue maybe, but if they can back that up, then hell why not.

You mean the drawing? Good artwork.

12-17-2003, 01:07 PM
I'm sure the painting could kick your ass

12-17-2003, 09:17 PM
If he's the Sixth Black Panther what does that make Huey Newton? :confused:

Now where's my blowout pick?

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 07:24 AM
Hey starchaser-

If I had a training hall and someone walked in and challenged me, then the fight would be on. Same as someone walking into my house and doing same.

However, If i'm on the internet or in a discussion, then I wouldn't pay too much attention and I certainly wouldn't post page long ascerbic diatribes about how much I dislike someone.

That is where the face is lost.


12-18-2003, 11:05 AM
I don't know what was the deal with the young man that seemingly got wooped by shane but the other stuff was spurned when someone from the southern forum posted a link to Sifu Lacey's history info on his web site amid a debate about the founding of choy lay fut. Some of the Hung Sing and Buk Sing CLF practioners strongly believe that Jeong Yim and not Chan Heung truly founded Choy Lay Fut as it is known now. I supposed that since info from his web site was dragged into the debate indirectly dragging his name into it, he felt compelled to state something of it on his web site. At the very least it was quite entertaining and sometimes educational when it was going on at least from a spectator standpoint.