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View Full Version : Combat-Oriented Taiji in Dallas?

12-04-2003, 06:36 PM
Having decided to strongly consider Taijiquan as my martial art of choice, I next need to find a school/teacher that will teach Taijiquan not merely from a health perspective, but from a combat orientation as well. There are several Taijiquan teachers in Dallas, but while I imagine all teach for health, competition etc, I don't know which of them really teach for combat.

While the logical answer tot his post might be, "why don't you ask them?" I've found in the past that many teachers will say they teach for combat while having little to no experience with the actual applications, real-life use or comabt intenet of Taiji.

Does anyone out there have any experience (or at least really good 2nd hand info) on who in Dallas might teach Taijiquan as a combat art?

12-04-2003, 09:07 PM
While based in Fort Worth, Sifu Cottrell (who also hangs out around the Northern Mantis board as MantisifuFW (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=9851). I may be a little biased there though choosing him first because I train Wing Chun at his school. I've met some Taiji people there, and he does teach the combat part of Taiji.

Not sure wheather or not they teach the combat part. Just appear randomly during a Taiji class, don't phone ahead or nothing, and see what they are doing.

This came recommended a few months back by a forum member. Never went to the school however.

Not sure about this either, as I said above though, just stop in and observe, see if they are practicing applications.

This one came highly, highly, HIGHLY recommended by multiple people when I was originally looking for schools. I was at the bookstore and I had someone recommend him, along with people on this board.

This man lives in Arlington, CD Lee (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=8601) trains at that school in Hsing-I. I myself have never met the man, or any of his students. Give him a call though.

CD Lee
12-06-2003, 12:06 AM
The Gompa in Arlington does train combat TC. No super long forms. In fact, we lose students ---believe it or not ---- because we teach it as as martial art, not a health routine. Now, it is good for health, but that is not the shcools main emphasis. Sifu Garza teaches this class I think on Thursdays, and he is a very good teacher. He definately knows the combat side.

There is another group in Dallas that is a satellite from the Wang Shu Jin folks. Now, I have heard that they don't get into the combat at first, but work health first, combat later. These people should definately know what they are doing, but who knows if the teaching fits your style. I would check them out if I could if you are in Dallas, otherwise, seek out the teaching you want, and travel for it if you need to. It is hard to find good teaching.
Better to take one good private a month or two than three times a week of crap.