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12-06-2003, 08:41 AM
Found this new article at T mag. There's a small part that adressed people with overdeveloped shoulders/delts:

T-mag: Okay, I'm going to name a body part or muscle group and you tell me the most effective (or perhaps the most neglected or overlooked) way to train it. Let's start with chest.

Christian Thibaudeau: It depends on the individual. If someone has very strong shoulders and triceps, like I do, pressing exercises will do little to improve pectoral development as most of the load will be handled by the delts and triceps. In such cases weighted dips with a full range of motion is the best possible exercise you can do.

If your chest is on par or superior to your delts and triceps, the bench press and its variations will be superior to dips. I’m not a big fan of flies, although I'll use them from time to time. However, I found that including an isometric pause on every rep (three to five seconds), two inches from the chest while performing bench presses will improve pectoral development.

THE full article can be found here: http://www.t-mag.com/nation_articles/290meet.jsp

Ford Prefect
12-08-2003, 09:03 AM
Thibadeau knows his stuff.

12-08-2003, 09:23 PM
That's very interesting. Thanks for thinking of me when you read that :D

Last time I remember doing dips (a long time ago) I still remember them working my delts a lot, but maybe I'm wrong. I'll give them another shot.

But what he says is true... for example incline benching for me is useless as a pec exercise. It's basically the same to my body as doing shoudler presses.