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View Full Version : How do you do it? protein....

12-08-2003, 03:50 AM
Thanks for the replies on my weights thread. Especially you Jesus, nice of you to take the time.

Anyway, you know the old rule of thumb that says 1g protein for 1 lb of bodyweight a day?

Well, how accurate is that? Wouldn't it depend on your activies?

I don't lift at the moment, I do taiji strength training however, weight punching, handstand pushups etc. Basically bodyweight type exercises. Our neigung is also quite physically punishing when you start it too, which I will be come the 20th.

I only weigh 140. But without supplements, that seems like a large amount of protein to eat in a day, every day. Now if it was kg, that would be easier.

What are your thoughts?

12-08-2003, 05:43 AM
As a related question, is there anything harmful to your health about eating a tin of oily fish a day and drinking two pints of milk?

Aside from the fat.

12-08-2003, 09:56 PM
I eat a tin of tuna each day. I also drink a milkshake with about 1/2 litre milk, 1 banana, 2 heaped tbsps skim milk powder, 2 egg whites, 1 scoop ice cream. Dunno what a pint is. I don't see how the milkshake is bad for me, apart from the ice cream. Tuna, on the other hand ... Well, there's always the mercury thing. That keeps me a bit worried. Mercury doesn't do you any favours.

12-09-2003, 06:02 AM
thanks toby.

OK here's a question - let's say you get to a certain size/weight eating Xg of protein a day.

Circumstances change and you start consuming less than X grams a day. Would you lose some muscle mass/density?

Or do you need less protein to maintain than you do to build a certain amount of muscle?

Am I talking sh!t?

12-09-2003, 07:26 AM
hi scotty1,

i think these are the general accepted guidlines:

Type of athlete / Daily protein requirements per kg body weight

Endurance athlete / 1.2-1.4g
Strength and power athlete / 1.4-1.8g
Athlete on a fat loss programme / 1.6-2.0g
Athlete on a weight gain programme / 1.8-2.0g
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Ford Prefect
12-09-2003, 07:49 AM
Hey Scotty,

There really is no definitive research out there about how protein consumption effects gaining or maintaining lean mass. There is no question that you must consume more than the "average" person, but as for how much protein your body can use, it's up in the air.

That being the case it'd be better to have too much than to have too little, so I generally try to consume at the very least 1g/lbs of bodyweight.

12-09-2003, 08:21 AM
Cheers guys.

Stubbs, where'd you get those figures from? They actually work out a bit less than a gram per pound for strength/power. So using those I'm doing fine.

Considering I'm not doing any heavy lifting that should be cool.

12-09-2003, 11:13 PM
I never posted in your thread scotty, but sure, no problem my friend.

12-10-2003, 10:34 AM
Well, thanks anyway, Jesus, oh, I mean, er, Lord.

12-11-2003, 01:48 AM
scotty, i got it from a nutrition book at home by Anita Bean. im supposed to be aiming for about 130g of protein a day but im nowhere near that. oh i did find that sardines on toast with a smothering of chilli sauce tastes good and is packed with protein and good fats....and it's soooo cheap!
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12-11-2003, 03:30 AM
yeah man sardines on toast is good full stop. slices of tomato go good with it too.

there are some own brand supplements on sale at my local health food shop for half price, which is pretty good, and work out cheaper than buying extra milk, eggs, fish etc. and give you more protein etc.. So I got some. Gonna drink two a day until the pots gone and see what happens. Apparently I'm 5 kg off my ideal weight.

At the moment I'm drinking one shake in the morning about 11.00 and one in the afternoon about 3.30. These are convenient times as they are breaks at work.

Anyone with any idea about this stuff can tell me whether the one at 11.00 is too early to be er, assimilated properly? The one at 3.30 works out a few hours before my training, which I figure is a good thing.

12-11-2003, 07:29 PM
Well, I don't really have any idea about diet, but I don't think it matters so much when you eat the protein, as long as you get the right amount per day. Of course, you don't want to eat just one big meal a day. Several small "doses" of protein are better. IMHO, 11 and 3:30 should be fine.

12-11-2003, 07:37 PM
BTW, I also snack on trail mix throughout the day. Quite a bit of protein in nuts. I also want to start making my own jerky, but I haven't got around to it yet.

12-14-2003, 08:42 AM
Okay, here it is. 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is ideal. That's a good rule of thumb. Toby has pretty much got it down. Small daily amounts of protien are better to consume reason being your body can only absorb so much at one time (about 25-50 grams). I recommend a protein powder/drink to help achieve getting the ideal protein intake. Whey protein is the best kind honestly.

As for me personally, I take a regular multi-vitamin daily for the basic vitamins and drink about 1-2 protien shakes throughout the day. Protien shakes are the best if you work or go to school as you can just dump the powder in a portable plastic drink container and throw it your back pack. You can always pick up a 8oz milk carton or water wherever you go. Also keep in mind that depending what kind of food you eat also contains some protein like beef and steaks. You just have to monitor your intake. If you get burned out on drinking protien too much try mixing your protien powder in a smoothie as a snack (it's gooood). If you want a good smoothie recipe let me know and I'll post it. Oh yeah, when I went through the police academy my PT instructor told us to ditch the soft drinks. Those will kill ya. Try to drink more water and juices instead. One last tip, try to jog or run on a regular basis. I have found that it helps me a lot during class. That's about it. :D

Royal Dragon
12-14-2003, 06:41 PM
How much protine is in a Hamburger made with 95% fat free beef?

Also, in this thread, everyone has been going with the gram of protine per pound method of measure. What about % of dailiy diet compared to carbs?

It's my understanding that you need about 35% protine in your diet, 45-55% carb, and the balance is healthy fats and oils, or roughly 10-20%

Given that meats are full of fats and oils, if you eat 50-55% fruits and veggies with some olive oil to flavor the veggies a bit, and 45-50% meats, that should get your numbers just about right.

Eat 4 times a day, breakfast, lunch dinner, and a pre training carbo loading meal.

Then all you have to do is make sure your eatting enough to not be hungry.....right??

Comments anyone?

12-14-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
How much protine is in a Hamburger made with 95% fat free beef?

Try google, Royal ;)

This site's got a fair bit of info:


Check the links at the bottom for other foods.