View Full Version : XMA,Traditional, Modern,Wushu there is no diffrence

12-10-2003, 03:00 PM
I just started posting again after a long time away and it seems that most here have not learned the reality of all the topics mention in the title of the post.

I am a traditionalist and I have 20 + yrs in the martial arts.
I have studied Gung fu, my main system, and thai boxing, shoot wrestiling, escrima, other gung fu systems, wushu and even something along the lines of XMA.

Martial arts means diffrent things to diffrnet people. I love to do combat I am off the old school mentality and train that way.

This is not for everyone and everyone does not have the luxury to train like that day in and day out plain and simple.

Traditional training takes a patienct person who is willing to go from form to form, tech to tech, posture to posture, weapon to weapon. They have a desire to immerse themselves into the cultural idea of the art. The want to know the history and ever little nuiance. This is not for everyone some people just want to learn how to defend themselves with out all the extra stuff. The reality of traditional systems is that even with out the forms the systems could be taught completely. If this was true we wouldnt have so many fakes out their.

The more modern concepts or what appear to be modern like BJJ, grappeling and the like has its place. Their realistic combat ideaology and training methods are nothing new but they have the right idea. If you want to beat a grappler then learn to grapple. Do not knock them for going to the ground thats their game. Just like some gung fu systems use methods that seem odd to thers. I know people will say ohh if they had friends they will get stopped but guess what if their is more than one person after you their will be a point that you will wind up on the ground and you better know what to do. I love gung fu but its not the ultimate answer to every senario. Yes it can deal with multiple opponents but its not a definte solution to this problem.
The modern people also are usually in great shape and are ready for a fight at the drop of a dime. This is not so true in gung fu. Someone could practice forms and tech all the time but not have the strength,timing,endurace, or body conditioning to be ready. I am not knocking gung fu but I do look at thing realisticly.

XMA is an idae for those people who want to learn a sport that they can compete at with some contact. The good thing about XMA is that they do teach in such away that the person excels. I see those gentleman and women move those weapons at speeds that most gung fu people cant but at the same time they have no real concept of how to use those weapons in real combat.
All those flips they did do have some use. Just look at the benifits the constant jumping teaches explosive energy as far as moving quickly orbeing able to move at a fast rate. It takes great leg strength to do some of those techniques.

Wushu. even though it is a sport just like XMA it is a martial ARTS fform. The wushu people I have meet and trained with train ten time harder then most gung fu and general NHB people I have met.

I have also done combat firearms and the phillipino arnis to learn combat blade fighting.

SO what am I trying to get at? Dont knock each other look at what each other are doing and take what benificial for yourself. Look at what each other are doing and learn. Anything physical has a paticular benifit. Take the ground work from NHB grappeling so you can be prepared for the day you are on the ground be it by take down or trip and fall or a chair to the back of the head. Look at traditional Gung fu and leanr the tech and train them the way a NHB fighter would. Look at wushu and learn the extreme flexibility,speed and weapons training and make it your own. This would only enhance your traditional material. Look at the XMA and learn how they keep their sudents so enthralled with their systems and learn that tradition isnt for everyone and your system will not die if you have students intrested in it. Their will always be traditionalist.

All of these schools of thought have great benifits and ignorant ideaology. Dnt get suxed in by the ignorance and use the productive material to your advantage.

Im surprised that most have not been able to see yet and it saddens me greatly that everyone has to bash someone when they try to do something productive.

I know I will get the respone but they portray themselves as something they are not blah bah balh.
I know that they do and those who do not like what they are learning will leave and find a school that has what they want sonner or later. Most people just want to live the fantasy of training and go to the school for social engagement. live and let live to what is right for you and others will do the same. The only time I say you must speak up is if someone is a fraud out right. Where there is no sport,martial,fitness availabel and they are out just to take people for their money. If that person is happy in a situation like that then fine because you can not enlighten a person who does not wish to see. ignorance is bliss and sometimes it is alot better than knowing the truth for some.


12-10-2003, 05:09 PM
As I was reading "Advanced Yang Style Taiji" by Yang Jwing Ming last night I was reminded of the major difference between XMA and WuShu and combat oriented styles.

The major difference is in Jing training (or loosely defined "power" or "energy."

Wushu and XMA lack the necessary Jings for real combat.

If you have ever been hit by a real kung fu master even at 25% of full power then you will readily know what the difference is. I have felt force from a Hung Ga master, Hsing Yi master, CLF master and Taiji Master. They are all slightly different but each is devastating in it's own way.

The Hung Ga master's poison palm caused my skin to redden and swell up. The Hing Yi masters strike felt like a icey cold needle penetrating into my body. The CLF masters strike felt like I'd been hit by a ton of bricks, etc.

Jing is refined force and power. And it only comes from constant repetition of movement.

Now I'm not saying that XMA and Wu Shu don't require the training of certain Jings. But they are not the same Jings that are trained for fighting.

I think that this is where the difference lies. The mechanics are just not the same, even though the training involved might be just as difficult to perfect.

For this reason I have respect for people that can do butterfly kicks and 720's because I can't do them myself. But it's not because I couldn't if I trained that way.

It's because I train Jings that are more practical for combat.

12-10-2003, 06:01 PM
Well yeah that is the main idea jing is a concept used in Traditional Gung fu skills and wushu has ging but it just appears diffrently. Ok imagine this being able to move your feet as fast as they do now couple that with the jing of traditional schools combined with it being trained in a NHB real comabt manner....

even though combat oriented schools are already doing this but just trying to get a point across.... even in traditional schools you can do a 720 kicks! why because it teaches body mechanics, leaping skills, body twisting and persistence. the first three are needed for fah jing training. It displays a certain skill level but you will always know that it is just a flashy skill with no real combat use.... but it can be used as a tool for training.

David Jamieson
12-10-2003, 06:07 PM
uh, i don't agree. Why not throw ballet in there for a good mix?

they are hardly "all" the same thing.

and fu pow's statement regarding issuing power is correct, there are many of these performance arts that do not have the kind of power required to strike hard and effectively.

they are not the same thing at all. apples and oranges, painting and music. both the first are fruit sure and both the last are arts, but in reality, they are not the same and there are marked differneces that are quite glaring.

Not subtle differences as you are suggesting.


12-10-2003, 07:40 PM
Kung lek I understnad where you are coming from but also my main point is that they all have something to offer. Each one has areas that can enhance the other. hmmm ballet now they have some great leg strength and flexibility. They may give you some pointer in training leg muscle stamina. Ever try standing on your toes like they do or slowly raise you leg up in the air and then outwards? Try to imagine the leg strength it takes to control to do a move like that!

I am not saying that the diffrences are subtle but I am saying they all have their strong points and their weak points!

Im not saying that XMA,wushu is combative but they do have training ideaology that could benifit traditionalist. Just like the mentality of Modern NHB fighting could benifit Traditionalist.

I try not to look at things for their GLARING diffrences but I look at things as how can I benifit from what I am seeing! What can they offer me to enhance my training and how can I use it for my benifit?

If your statement about ballet is to fit I might as well say why add weight lifting, rock climbing, yoga, ballet or God forbid coaperia (sp)

I know most will say well yeah they all train the body to some degree.

Weight lifting = increased strength
rock climbing= greater strength, awareness of body motions and personal limits
yoga= increased health and felxibility
ballet= flexibility, increased leg strength ( ever been kicked by a ballet dancer) I have and she also did Muay thai great mix very painful
coaperia= flexibility, greater endurance, speed, total body endurance, total control over the body

XMA= good showmanship, help increase preexsisting skill, watch how the teachers keep a class pumped up. may teach you how to train your students in a more dynamic way so as to keep student retention up

NHB= realistic training, learning a fighting zone that is unfamilar to most, give the realistic idea that its not usually likely that a 150 lbs martial artist could always knock out a 200 6'1 monster just with training tech and not having the preoper body conditioning to go with it

Traditionalist= learning traditional tech, proper combat and form, the true essence of the martial arts culture, body conditioning, and all that other good stuff

Escrima= to help understand real combat weaponary, most gung fu schools dont have a clue on how to teach real weapon uses, they just do the forms!

Boxing= increased hand speed, increased endurance and all that good stuff

Do you see what I am getting at now? Take what makes them all good and excel in the area they are in. Then see if you can adapt it to your own personal training regiment and see if it is conducive to producing increase skill.

I dont mean to add the whole dam thing to your ideaology. I am talking here about training. I.e increasing strength,endurace, theory, concepts, and the like. I dont mean to run out and learn a XMA form or a wushu form because that wouldnt be true to what you are but do go out their with an eye that can find something that you can do.

Not subtle differences as you are suggesting
everything in life is going to have diffrence but there is one similarity that they all posses that out weighs any differnce! They all push the human spirit, body and desire to better oneself beyond the normal parameter.

it may be comparing apples to meat but the over all thing that connect them is that they give the body nurtrients that sustain the body, mind and spirit!

music and painting they are both arts right and apples to oranges is fruit but all of the above mention fall under training the body. So it is not fruit to art it more along the line to traditional to contempoary. The new is influneced by the old even though the new has taken a divergence from the old. The new is an art because factors now a days fighting is not as needed.

So what is the person to do if they just want to train they dont want to fight? OH then go study ballet thats ludacris. Fighting is not for everyone. some people love it just for the way it makes them feel and the confidence it gives them that actually are accomplishing something even if they dont learn how to fight.

I believe in fighting but it is not good form to beat on XMA by saying it is not real. It is real in what it does I would only argue that it shouldnt call itself Martial arts but then again there are alot of gung fu teachers out there that calls itself martial arts but all they learn are forms, point fighting, and demostration skills.

So I can not in all honesty bag on them nor do I bag on those in traditional systems for doing the smae thing.

But I will bag on traditional systems that teach tech that are deemed real combat and in actuallity could get you hurt.

I will also bag on NHB when they believe that gung fu is not effective but yet the definitiong of Gung fu embodies what they do!

hard work, great skill or what have you i mena come on look at gymnast and how strong they are. hell their training regiment would increase any martial artist power.

well thats just my two cents

12-10-2003, 07:51 PM
and fu pow's statement regarding issuing power is correct, there are many of these performance arts that do not have the kind of power required to strike hard and effectively.
Wushu is a performing art and I know alot of wushu players who can hold ma bu longer than most traditionalist. They can kick a ton. but I will argree with you one oyur point but at the smae time there are alot of traditional schools that cant do the same thing. What should we do with the traditional schools that have this problem?

alos someone untrained can kick and punch just the same without training and cause damage. Now if you are stating that they can not do as much damage as a martial artist then yes I will agree.

I will also agree if the idea applies to muay thai versus any other martial arts when it comes to leg strikes. There are few styles out there that can leg kick like a thai boxer. Why do you think so many people went out and learned the ging of a thai leg kick?

they saw something useful..

wow two post in less than hour lol I have to much time on my hands today lol

good reply though kung lek


12-11-2003, 05:39 AM
Mantis 7 I think you made some good points.


David Jamieson
12-11-2003, 07:46 AM
Mantis 7-

I am not saying they don't each have something to offer. Of course they do.

But to offer up something and call it something else is called " a pig in the poke".

I disagree with you in regards to Kungfu weaponry. Sure, I would imagine that there are some out there who are unaware of the use of a bladed , blunt, sectioned, double, flexible weapon.

But I know there are teachers out there who teach weapons, principles and forms. The form for understanding the nature of movement with the weapon (amongst other things) but more importantly the driving use of the weapon and how to map over the associated skills to everyday items.

This argument is going on in another thread, already as well. :D


12-11-2003, 09:35 AM
If you have ever been hit by a real kung fu master even at 25% of full power then you will readily know what the difference is. I have felt force from a Hung Ga master, Hsing Yi master, CLF master and Taiji Master. They are all slightly different but each is devastating in it's own way.


LMAO!!! Oh Lordy lordy! This is why I come here! pure, uncut genius!

One of these days I'm going to go into a seizure from laughing so hard..

I'm assuming that if I get hit at 100% that my flesh will dissolve and my organs will melt... since 25% is DEVASTATING!!!!!!

12-11-2003, 11:39 AM

I now see where you are coming from and you are correct in your opinion as well. One should not call what they are doing somehting that it is not. I while heartedly agree with you. I guess over the years I have learned to know what is and what isnt and I forgot the mess as a beginner it can be finding something genuine.

12-11-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by ShaolinTiger00


LMAO!!! Oh Lordy lordy! This is why I come here! pure, uncut genius!

One of these days I'm going to go into a seizure from laughing so hard..

I'm assuming that if I get hit at 100% that my flesh will dissolve and my organs will melt... since 25% is DEVASTATING!!!!!!

It's obvious that you are being sarcastic. I'm not sure why this statement is so hysterical. When you feel the power behind a real seasoned kung fu masters strikes you "understand" the difference. No, your skin wouldn't dissolve if you were hit with %100 power. But you probably WOULD have to go to the hospital. My teachers and other masters that I have met have the ability to demonstrate their power with CONTROL.

12-11-2003, 03:36 PM
I also wanted to add one more thing to my statements about Jing above.

There is also something to be said for cross training. There are many MAist who focus too much on Jing training at the expense of being in "all around" good shape.

Even if you have awesome skill you still need to have some level of endurance. More so if you are going to do any ring fighting. So I think cross training like running, weight lifting, stretching, etc is very benficial to becoming an all around fighter as long as it doesn't compromise your styles Jing training.

David Jamieson
12-11-2003, 05:27 PM
shaolin tiger00-

One time, my black tiger/north shaolin sifu struck me to demonstrate issuing power.
He struck my shoulder in a light fluid motion.

The force went through me and shook my teeth.

That is power. If you haven't experienced it, then that's cool, but I know where Fu Pow is coming from.

I've been struck by guys both in sparring, fighting and as demonstration.

Even the biggest of them did not have that kind of issuing power.
I would hope that you would get the chance to someday experience fa jing of a kungfu master, perhaps it would change your attitude towards some of the more esoteric practices of kungfu that bring about this type of power issuance. It certainly held my interest! :D


12-12-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Fu-Pow

It's obvious that you are being sarcastic. I'm not sure why this statement is so hysterical. When you feel the power behind a real seasoned kung fu masters strikes you "understand" the difference. No, your skin wouldn't dissolve if you were hit with %100 power. But you probably WOULD have to go to the hospital. My teachers and other masters that I have met have the ability to demonstrate their power with CONTROL.

You have no sense of humor, do you?

For this travesty of the ENGLISH language . . . suffer from the knowledge that the post highlighted (or EMBOLDENED) above made me laugh almost as hard as ST00s.


My jing is so strong, I hurt my hand.

12-12-2003, 06:57 AM
One of my friends in college got excited about something and punched me in my chest when I wasn't expecting it bruised the cartalige or something because it gave me problems for a year. He learned the punch from DragonBall Z

12-12-2003, 07:01 AM
Oh yeah... and has any one seen the Jack Ass show where the boxer stands beside the fat guy in a horsestand and punches him in the stomach with simply body rotation? They did it in slow motion and you could see the chi ripple through the fat guys fat... was very impressive