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12-12-2003, 07:05 PM
Owned all other published works this month. Despite not being as awesome as the Shaolin Special (back issues which I must soon purchase) it was pretty good.

One complaint . . . why was PINK on the cover? There was a gung fu dude, with a backround of PINK. Deary me, I felt that I had to roll the magazine up as I carried it to the checkout so's no one would think I had a copy of "Seventeen" or "Cosmo" something.

12-15-2003, 10:27 AM
Ask any of my office mates here, I have big issues against pink on the cover. In fact, your post here will strengthen my continual campaign against pink.

It really isn't supposed to be pink, it's supposed to be red. All the covers here are red, but red can be tricky sometimes. Because it's at the end of the spectrum, it's one of the most delicate colors for printing. At least it's not flaming pink like some of the recent covers of our competitors.

12-15-2003, 10:27 AM
Ask any of my office mates here, I have big issues against pink on the cover. In fact, your post here will strengthen my continual campaign against pink.

It really isn't supposed to be pink, it's supposed to be red. All the covers here are red, but red can be tricky sometimes. Because it's at the end of the spectrum, it's one of the most delicate colors for printing. At least it's not flaming pink like some of the recent covers of our competitors.

norther practitioner
12-15-2003, 10:51 AM
At least it's not flaming pink like some of the recent covers of our competitors.


anywho.. easy on the mouse there Gene, nice triple post.

12-16-2003, 09:27 AM
...I've deleted the extra two - I have no idea why it posted three. Must be the power of pink...

norther practitioner
12-16-2003, 03:55 PM
Power of Pink?

Gene you are a bit behind the times.. that whole women's rights thing is old.. lol

And I'm sure you've done a piece on the top chicas in kf..... if not that might be the only time to do pink again.

12-16-2003, 08:27 PM
Aerosmith Pink lyrics
Pink - it's my new obsession
Pink - it's not even a question,
Pink - on the lips of your lover
'Cause Pink is the love you discover

Pink - as the bing on your cherry
Pink - 'cause you are so very
Pink - it's the color of passion
Ah, 'cause today it just goes with the fashion

Pink - it was love at first sight
Yeah, Pink - when I turn out the light
And Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

You could be my flamingo
'Cause pink - it's the new kinda of lingo
Pink - like a deco umbrella
It's kink that you don't ever tell her

Pink - it was love at first sight
And Pink when I turn out the light
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight


I want to be your lover
I, I wanna wrap you in rubber
And it's pink as the sheets that we lay on
'Cause Pink - it's my favorite crayon


Pink - it was love at first sight
Pink - when I turn out the light
Pink - it's like red but not quite
And I think, everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

12-17-2003, 04:01 AM
It should hereby be known that whenever someone puts up Aerosmith lyrics, that poster officially owns that thread.

12-17-2003, 10:50 AM
We did something on the Women in Wushu back in Oct Nov 1997 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=75), but we put a monk on that cover ironically, no pink. Women actually do poorly on our cover in terms of newsstand sales. FWIW, our magazine had female editors for years. We still have a female publisher, but wasn't Playboy published by Hef's daughter for a while?

As for Aerosmith, Steve Tyler could not be on the cover (David Lee Roth would get jealous). But I'd put Liv on the cover in a 'got qi?' (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/g.html) shirt, if I could.

norther practitioner
12-17-2003, 11:53 AM
Yeah, that'd do something for sales...:D

12-17-2003, 06:04 PM
It would have to be on the newsstands now, so we missed our chance for a got qi? elf princess. Alas.

norther practitioner
12-17-2003, 08:58 PM
Yeah, but you could always get the followup story about the cirque du solie (sp?).... put them on the cover....


12-17-2003, 10:56 PM
anyone in particular from cirque de solie ....hmmnnn:cool:

12-18-2003, 11:08 AM
...they did accept several of the candidates we referred to them for the new show, including He Jingde, his wife (whose name I can't remember right now), Rory Bratter and the Haight sisters. They're all up there now training. Would that make the cover? Do they use a lot of pink in that show?

norther practitioner
12-18-2003, 03:17 PM
I was speaking of the sisters....


Um, I know some of my friends are big fans...:D

12-18-2003, 03:28 PM
Cheri Haight (www.geocities.com/wushubabe)

12-20-2003, 08:36 AM
not to get off the topic of pink.....but Gene I share your passion to see more Shaolin Issues. I have too much over time at the PD and gotta burn some time off before I lose it......which means I'll be doing nothing but training and laying off the donuts. Let's do another Shaolin issue!!!!!! I'll donate my time. Oh yeah but more of Sanshou's Van Do would be nice :D

12-22-2003, 10:01 AM
...will be up soon. But keep an eye on the mag. I know you'll find the issue we're working on right now equally interesting.

As for Van Do (http://www.cungle.com/profile_van.html), she's married (note: we took those shots of her on Cung Le's website at our studio here - she's really great to work with.)

12-24-2003, 02:57 PM
Ok Gene, you got me curious with the magazine......I'll be watching. Oh yeah, have a safe holiday(s).

12-25-2003, 11:02 AM
Merry Christmas, Allayal!

12-30-2003, 10:21 AM
Our Jan Feb 2004 issue (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/kf200120.html) has sold out. This is the first time that I can remember when we have sold out our backstock of issues before said issue has come down off the newsstand. Maybe pink is a good color cover....

12-30-2003, 11:45 AM

01-05-2004, 11:07 AM
Where can i get back issues of some of the older issues, because I was looking for september/october 2001, and its sold out on martialartsmart.com. Are there any other places that sell backcopies? I checked ebay and theres nothing on there.

01-05-2004, 11:47 AM
The only real dealer of our back issues is us. (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/magazines.html) Once we sell out, you're out of luck. You'll have to dig deep to find someone who would let go of it.

02-16-2004, 10:33 AM
Mar Apr 2004 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=453) Make sense now, officer Songshan?

03-01-2004, 11:00 AM
Of course it has sold out. That issue contained all the kinds of stuff I suggested in my letter in that very same issue! :-) See, my whinging isn't about nothing :D

Oh, and don't you dare do another Shaolin special for at least another year, or even 2!

03-01-2004, 11:47 AM
More Shaolin to come and very soon too. The Shaolin specials sell better than any issue. They don't sell out as fast because we double our order in anticipation of high sales. Additionally, the Shaolin specials consistantly increase our newsstand and specialty circulation because they always significantly improve our point-of-sale numbers. While we deemed your letter worthy of publication, you are wrong.

03-01-2004, 03:13 PM
Okay. But at least promise to do more articles on the martial aspect now that the last Shaolin issue got all the tourist information bit out of the way.

Or alternatively make the contents as I suggested but just put a monk on the cover ;)

03-01-2004, 03:22 PM
BTW whens the Ermei special coming out? Okay, specials ideas;

-Northern special
-Ancient law enforcement special
-Most famous fights and challenges special
-Another Hung Gar special (there's been more than one Wing Chun special and more than one Monk special)

Just put a monk on the cover and all will be well.

03-01-2004, 05:04 PM
We don't really go out of our way to compose specials. Most of our submissions are frelance, so when enough submissions collect on one particular subject, we like to put them all together in a 'special' - it makes for a better read (and usually helps sales). Your suggestions are all well taken and appreciated. To let you know how it works, I'll give you a peek as to where we are now with all of these topics.

We did an Emei special in
Sep 2000 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=124). It's reception was ok, but we felt it was a little too early overall for America. Most Americans recognize Shaolin (Songshan) and Wudangshan (but only since CTHD). Emei is not in the American consciousness yet.

Ancient Law Enforcement is kind of tough. Our current issue Mar Apr 2004 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=453) is our 2nd police special. Assuming it does well, we will probably do another, but frankly, it's tough research because a lot of this stuff is secret and as I discuss in the cover story, it should remain secret.

As for a famous fights, northern and hung gar, like I said, we rely on freelancers. I'm personally working on a hung gar piece, but otherwise, we've not received enough submissions on these topics to warrent an issue. Maybe their not literate ;)

As for Wing Chun, that is one of the most prolific lineages in CMA. Right now we have the most submissions in Wing Chun and Chen Taiji, so they get more focus.

As for the last Shaolin issue Nov Dec 2003 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=397) the intention was to focus in Dengfeng, which I'll grant is touristy, but if you've been following the Shaolin saga, it makes a lot more sense. Since the relocation, the village changed. The next Shaolin special will focus on traditional Shaolin - I think you'll like it if you read it.