View Full Version : strange kicks in kung-fu

12-16-2003, 03:18 AM
Does anyone care to give a description of some of the strange kicks they have learnt over the years in kung-fu? I dont mean butterfly kicks and all that flash stuff I mean just plain strange!

for example, we have a side kick that does NOT use the hip for generating power and uses the side of the ball of the foot for the striking area. At first (coming from my 'blinkered' previous training and martial background) I was very dubvious, but ****, it does work exceptinaly well on the counter attack, so much faster than the 'normal' way. Effective to when placed correctly. If you cant visualise it then I'm s**t at descriptions!

we have anothe one which is quite amusing to look at. Its bascially a straight groin kick done with the right leg (from right stance) while the left leg is quite bent and the right arm is in an upwards block position. A little difficult as need good balance and leg strength, but effective when used correctly none the less.

Please share you strange kick experiences with us all.....

12-16-2003, 07:50 AM
strange kicks that are hard to perform usually = you getting punched in the head.

12-16-2003, 08:13 AM
Strange is relative
for one who never learnt it before, a front kick and be strange too

norther practitioner
12-16-2003, 09:37 AM
for one who never learnt it before, a front kick and be strange too


I was going to say the same thing..

I love it when I get those looks after an iron broom...

12-16-2003, 09:53 AM
I'll share an "unconventional appearing" kick since some posters seem to have reaction to the word strange.:D
We have what we call a "hooker" kick. No, were not beating up wayward women.
This kick is used against an opponent squared off against you in a fighting stance. It is usually set up with a backnuckle or other hand weapon that allows you to get in close range.
The kick fires off the back leg behind you and strikes by coming up underneath your opponents groin. So it hooks round you and under the opponent, thus the name hooker kick. Theres a lot more detail to this kick with the loading and delivery. If anyone wants more info let me know.

12-16-2003, 10:25 AM
There is a time and place for every kick however I dont fancy myself using a butterfly kick very soon. =p We must all admit that some techniques are only for body control/development and... hehe.. recruiting. SOoo I guess you could say that butterfly kicks and such flashy varieties are best used against your most persistent opponent: the rent.

norther practitioner
12-16-2003, 10:31 AM
SOoo I guess you could say that butterfly kicks and such flashy varieties are best used against your most persistent opponent: the rent.

I'd have to concur...lol:D

12-16-2003, 10:39 AM
Butterfly kicks are for clearing a crowd, not causing damage.

Get yourself into a 4-on-1 sparring situation and when you are surrounded, throw a butterfly, and watch how many of your opponents step back to get out of the way. It's an escape mechanism that serves a purpose.

12-16-2003, 10:56 AM
interesting. How about the typical Chinese inside/outside crescent kicks with the flexible knee? Can anyone here actually use those suckers effectively? Great for exercise, though.

12-16-2003, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
Butterfly kicks are for clearing a crowd, not causing damage.

Get yourself into a 4-on-1 sparring situation and when you are surrounded, throw a butterfly, and watch how many of your opponents step back to get out of the way. It's an escape mechanism that serves a purpose.

clearing weapons also.

12-16-2003, 11:20 AM
This may be similar to the "hooker" kick...not sure. Anyway, the low hooking back kick is performed as though your kicking your own butt with your heal, but maybe a little more rounded. If you are threatening the guillotene(sp), and they go to defend it but still have their head by your hip, you can kick their face. This kick is very strong, fast and sneaky. You can also use it to groin kick if someone has a rear bear hug.

12-16-2003, 11:35 AM
For my hooker kick, I generally pick it up, drive it to some remote location, and get my groove on with it. it's more of a rear kik, though :eek:

12-16-2003, 11:56 AM
although not an unsual kick, I have got it to work quite well a few times in the past.

the hooker kick sounds interesting

12-17-2003, 01:14 AM
My schools Hooker kick loads by the rear foot "slapping" behind the front leg knee. As the rear leg slaps the supporting front leg bends so rear foot passes through were the front leg knee was. The supporting leg bends so the kick can come under the groin. The supporting leg then drives up as the kicking leg is extended upon impact. This provides the power. The focus will be upward through the groin.
This kick is often followed by the dragons tail kick.

12-17-2003, 01:17 AM
now I'm really confused!

12-17-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by stimulant
now I'm really confused!

Ha ha , I know... words just mess everthing up. Try to swing your rear leg behind you as you bend your front leg and hit your opponent in the groin. you will have to roll your hip with your kicking leg to do it correctly.

12-17-2003, 02:26 AM
I think I just killed my last brain cell trying to work that one out

12-17-2003, 07:05 AM
Sounds similar to a mizong jump we have. You shift your weight forward kicking your back foot to your butt as you leap with the front. As soon as your front leg lifts off the ground it does the same. I thought it was just a silly jump for condition and maybe to leap over something but... Once I threw a quick sidekick at a guy and he faded using the mizong jump. The kick barely misses but as his first foot came up it hyperextended my hips which hurt like a byeeotch. The second foot proceeded to catch my leg as it went to the ground and drag me off balance. I hadnt been owned like that in a long time.

That move is also used as a step in Mizong. Master Yeh specialized in the double hook sword when he used to work as a caravan guard back in the day. He used the "sand-scraping steps" where you kick your foot behind you as you run to better utilize his swords when he was chasing someone down. Its a hard walk to learn but once you get it down it allows your torso to stay more stable and centered as you run along. In Master Yeh's case it allowed him to swing both swords as he ran to cut people down.

12-17-2003, 10:04 AM
I had this spinning crescent kick I used to do where, in mid spin, I'd take the kicking foot and jam it directly up the pant leg of my base foot, allowing me to break my opponent's foot.


No wait. Allowing me to break my foot. That's right.

Chang Style Novice
12-17-2003, 10:33 AM
So if I read it right, this hooker kick goes backward - heel first -into the opponents nutsack? And you set it up with a twisting of the body and steal step? (see ultimate footwork)

12-17-2003, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
So if I read it right, this hooker kick goes backward - heel first -into the opponents nutsack? And you set it up with a twisting of the body and steal step? (see ultimate footwork)

Yes, thats it. We usually throw a backnuckle with the step to divert the opponents attention up and set up the kick.
The body remains lined up with the opponent as much as possible, you don't turn your back. You don't twist , you rotate the kicking leg side of the hip "under" the supporting leg side of the hip. So you sort of make a scooping motion with the kicking leg.