View Full Version : BJJ - The New Ghey Judo

12-16-2003, 03:39 AM
Lmao at this article:

12-16-2003, 05:00 AM
He should be shot

12-16-2003, 09:05 AM
Great article... this website has very informative information about the BJJ lifestyle: http://www.matbattle.com/

12-16-2003, 12:17 PM
I have a confession to make...

I've been readin this forum for a couple months and have JUST NOW realized WTF BJJ really means. Everyone who's anyone types BJJ instead of its lengthy meaning, for the obvious reason that it's a pain in the ass to write. I'd seen it mentioned many many times, but never in any descriptive sort of way. All I gleaned from what I'd read people saying about it was it was a pretty well respected art, and quite effective.

Now I see this... lol... ****... so all I want to know is basically...

Is this for real?

12-16-2003, 12:24 PM
So you've come outta the closet have you Sakko, that's super

12-16-2003, 12:27 PM
Just coincidence that the rise in gay culture and BJJ have come at the same time? No, gays have finally decided to make a stand and learn to fight but have fun doing it while practicing. Why do you think that in BJJ you have a training *partner*.

12-16-2003, 12:39 PM
Just look at the discussions at MMA.tv and it should be obvious:



12-16-2003, 12:40 PM
I understand TrueWrestler is starting an online petition to have BJJ marraiges recognzied by his home state.

12-16-2003, 01:03 PM
gay bar gay bar

Chang Style Novice
12-16-2003, 01:20 PM
BJJ actually stands for Barsoom Ju Jutsu and refers to the fighting art developed by John Carter, Warlord of Mars.

12-16-2003, 01:25 PM
Asia on Bullshido wrote:

Many pple have expressed that Grappling (or Rasslin for you southerners) is GAY!!! Well they are absolutely correct. Grappling is indeed very Gay. Many pple feel quite GAY when in egage in it. The visual perception is Gay as well.

Now the question really isn't so much that Grappling is Gay but how YOU as a grappler fit into the Gay scheme of things. For instance:

BJJer : If you study BJJ you are the bottom (or receiver) of Gay affections. BJJers feel very comfortable on the bottom and some even perfer it. They idea of wrapping those legs around another body is sheer joy. They call it the GUARD but it is very misleading for they are willing and ready to RECEIVE the affections of another.

Wrestlers: If you are a wrestler you are the top (or giver) of Gay affections. Wrestlers like to dominater there partner. They perfer the top position and are unconfortable with there backs to the floor. They get sheer joy from MOUNTING their partner because it is the best position for them to fully express themselves. However wrestlers are known to be insensitive and are often chided by their partners for playing too rough.

Judoka: If you practice judo you enjoy taking it both ways (top or bottom) Judoka are know for their extensive foreplay in dancing around the mat. While others like to get down and straight to the matter judoka enjoy the intamcy of engaging their partner in a sensual dance where they can look each other tenderly in the eye before slaming them down and letting the pleasure increase. Unfortunately others look down on the Judoka because of their bad fashion sense they perfer the drap DOGI to others more colorful attire.

Sambo: If you practice sambo you really are one confused individual. Sambo players can't seem to make up their mind on what they are. They want to be aggressive like Wrestlers but they also want to play the feild like the Judoka. The only thing that really sets them apart is their foot fetish. Make sure you pedicure is up to pare with a sambo guy because you feet will get alot of attention.

12-16-2003, 01:29 PM
I'm suprised there is no mention about Judoka preferring their partners get them from behind aka Doggie Style. I mean wrestlers at least try to stand up and don't have the option of facing their partner per the rules. Although wrestlers (americans especially) are very skilled at switching from catching to pitching very quickly.

12-16-2003, 01:34 PM

Meat Shake
12-16-2003, 01:37 PM

12-16-2003, 01:50 PM
LOL @ *Meat Shake*

12-17-2003, 01:32 AM

12-20-2003, 07:38 PM

12-20-2003, 09:36 PM
Bwahahahahaha!!! Now THAT'S funny!:D Man, that's just too creepy a thought though. Some grappler dude holdin' ya' so you can't move & grinding against you...excuse me, I'll be taking a shower now, just typing that makes me feel violated!

chen zhen
12-21-2003, 04:01 AM
wrestling is quite gay imo (http://www.turkishwrestling.com/TF7/07-3B-210.jpg)

thats why i stopped it..;)

12-21-2003, 05:12 AM
..so why u still keep those pictures eh? ;)

chen zhen
12-21-2003, 07:40 AM
i found it appropriate to use, so i copied it from the old ORA thread. as u can see, it wasnt an attachment.

David Jamieson
12-21-2003, 08:50 AM
well, pitching or catching, you are still playing the game. LOL

Asia cracks me up. :D

12-21-2003, 11:36 AM
well, pitching or catching, you are still playing the game. LOL

Asia cracks me up.

Does he now? :eek: Interesting turn of phrase there KL!:D

Leave it to the mo's to take something clean and make it dirty. (http://www.matbattle.com/) Thank God they haven't taken to TKD or karate!

12-21-2003, 11:47 AM
I spoke too soon. (http://members.tripod.com/~homeo/ghi****.html)

Chang Style Novice
12-21-2003, 11:51 AM
Jeez - I bet you guys can't even eat a banana without considering it a threat to your masculinity.

12-21-2003, 11:53 AM
gay means happy

old jong
12-21-2003, 12:29 PM
Found this on some other forum!...

Not that i would look at such things, but brazil seems to have an huge # of she- males. So imagine a country where you do not know what you are "getting into" you are in a prone position, arms and legs enwraped, one body on top of the other,then whamo,the big suprise!!!. Most strong males would be able to push the she-male off, but if you smaller and weaker, bad things could happen. It seems a martial art would be needed to defend against this situation.
Enter young Mr. Helio.
By the amount of children spawned, it can be assumed that Helio's sex drive is quite active. I believe that after one to many drinks, Helio found himself in such a position. Mounted by the some what attractive "woman", he discovered... MR WINKY. Horrified yet unable to do anything, he was taken advantage of, many times. Thus was born the seeds of bjj. Young Helio then adapted juijitsu to fit his needs. After many years of trial and error, and a very sore bottom, bjj as we know it, was born.

Could this be the horrific truth?....:eek: :D :D :D
So,it's not g.ay!,it's a defense against it!