View Full Version : spritual kung-fu / powers of the mind

12-16-2003, 08:40 AM
Ok first off...

lets not have any second or third hand info...only what you yourself have experienced and can not explain to trickery.

My first shifu (white english guy) was well into the spitrual side of things....I stopped training with him when he stared to claim to speak to the dead (and I dont think he ment in the graveyard!).

I have had and witnessed a few 'unexplainable' things relating to mental / psychic while training with him......but he certainly lost the plot when claim to talk to the dead, and with god face to face. he alsoforesore some major disasters correctly even down to the day (freaky).

The last I heard of him was that his classes now consist of qi-kung, meditation, and work with crystals (???) and hardly, if any, form or technique work.

anyone else got some strange stories to share?

norther practitioner
12-16-2003, 10:59 AM
Yeah, theres this dude, that posts on this board, that really weirds me out.

Chang Style Novice
12-16-2003, 11:01 AM
Paging Richard Mooney...

12-16-2003, 11:05 AM
Speaking of Mooney...I think he shut down his school. I went by there a couple of weeks ago, but didn't see anything going on. Last I heard, he was only teaching 1 day a week, and his wife was picking up the Tai Chi classes out of a church or something.

12-16-2003, 11:06 AM
not related to kung fu... but i've known people that have claimed to talk to spirits and crap like that. then i realize they are flippin morons and looking for attention.

My point being there are a lot of flippin morons in this world, and I'd imagine kung fu and martial arts is not immune from this phenomena.

What I would like to know is if there is any truth to the ability of people to toughen up individual parts of their body to take blows, or if its just someone getting punched alot so it doesn't affect them as much.

norther practitioner
12-16-2003, 11:08 AM
Maybe he broke his arm breaking coconuts?:eek:


Oh, chill, I'm just joking

or am I

12-16-2003, 11:51 AM
hey sakko...

See if you can find any info on a style called 'Kadeda' I know a couple of these dudes and their bodies are like concrete.....but all from hard qi-gong training and lots of exercise. I've seen one guy (I think his name was calbert callender) take punches from 18 people at once (barely enough room on his body for everyone to hit him at the same time). they can also resist strangulation.

The grandmaster of the style had amazing rooting. I've seen him stand on the balls of his feet and get punched in the stomach by a 6th dan (the same calbert callender) and not even move an inch.

The stlye itself consists of 20 moves plus breathing exercises.

They also have some 'mind powers' envolved in the some of the very senior gradings. The grandmaster has a book of shapes which he throws in the air (behind the senior grades back) and when it lands open the senior grade (normally 6th dan going for 7th dan), must use his / her mind to 'see the shape' and say what it is. I only saw this done once and it took the person 3 attempts to guess right. I was not permitted to see the book so for all I know it could only have 3 shapes in it!!!

I can vouch for the hard bodies, but not for the mind powers has had no wy of varifying it

12-16-2003, 12:15 PM
you crazy english people