View Full Version : Should Saddam be Executed By the U.S.A. or Iraqu ?

12-16-2003, 06:24 PM
who should Saddam be executed by the U.S.A. or Iraqu ?

12-16-2003, 07:34 PM

12-16-2003, 09:12 PM
Let Iraq do it. I was satisfied that we found him living in a hole in the ground.

Chang Style Novice
12-16-2003, 09:17 PM
Take him to the Hague.

12-16-2003, 09:42 PM
Or take him to the Rague so Royce can choke him out.

Chang Style Novice
12-16-2003, 09:48 PM
That is the rokiest joke I've ever reard.

12-16-2003, 10:21 PM
Don't kill him, if he dies, he would be a martyr. Just let him rot away in prison forever.

12-17-2003, 04:28 AM
But Philbert .. if he lives terrorists will be asking for him as a ransom in future terrorist acts. Not sure which is worse out of the two. It is a given that the Iraqis should execute him. Would be better on us, anyway. However there will still be many that will blame his execution on the US and still use that as an excuse to attack us.

Of course he needs to die for his actions over his terror filled reign. But more importantly for the Iraqis he needs to be executed to allow them to finally feel safe.

12-17-2003, 05:04 AM
if he lives terrorists will be asking for him as a ransom in future terrorist acts.

I doubt it. What 'terrorist organisation' out there supports Saddam? I can't think of any, except his personal army and bodyguards. What terrorists are u refering too?
It is very important that Saddam isn't allowed to become a martyr. Very important! This rules out excecution totally. He should be thrown in to a smaller hole and be allowed to be watched by tourists in some zoo. Humiliate him rather than kill him.

12-17-2003, 05:07 AM
he is going to die either way....he knows too much about the US and British governments.....who supplie him with weapons during the Iran Iraq war (hands up USA!)?? and who supplied him with parts and chemicals for WMD (hands up England!!!)??

I think i know where he hid the WMD....in the press picture of him his mouth being examined after his capture, everything is black and white except the inside of his mouth which is in colour....so he obviously swallowed them all - a classic smuggling trick, why didnt the weapons inspectors think of it?

12-17-2003, 05:14 AM
Give 'em to Iraq. He killed them before he killed ours. And get my f#cking friends out of Arghanistan and Iraq. If one of my best buds has to end up in a bodybag cuz of his line of work, I'd rather it not be for the CheneyBush's Halliburton agenda.

Repulsive Monkey
12-17-2003, 07:38 AM
What do you mean supplied him with parts and chemicals for WMD when no WMD were ever found. The only thing that we have evidence of was of Donald Rumsfeld selling Saddam weapons about a decade ago.

He should not be executed, because justice and revenge are not the same thing.

12-17-2003, 08:16 AM

12-17-2003, 08:37 AM
One of his own slum prisons in Iraq would do it for me.....

old jong
12-17-2003, 08:52 AM
The guy was a monster to his own people.He was also a creation of the U.S.

Who suffered the most from him?...Who are the real instigators of all this suffering?...

Who cares for the millions,victims of all the other dictators in Africa and many other places?...No special interests over there?...

Politics :rolleyes: are full of it!...:mad:

Royal Dragon
12-17-2003, 08:54 AM
In a perfect world, I say give him to the Iraqies, and let them do what they will with him (We all know what that is).

BUT, given the volitility of the region, I think keeping him locked up perminantly might be the better thing to do. I'm not saying HIS guys will use it as an excuse to be more violent, I think thye are pretty beat by now, but I think those who oppose the US will grab onto his death as yet one more reason to get fired up, and inspire new followers, and more outrageuos violence.

12-17-2003, 09:16 AM
IMHO a US trial is out of the Question, an International Court is better. But the best would be both International (makes the Liberals and pacifist happy) then after his conviction give him to Iraq.
The Arnisador in me wants them to chop him up in a public square with very large and sharp blades then drag his pieces to the four corners, (much like they dragged the head and arm of his statue around). Their cultuer is better at exicutions than we are, heck they could put it on pay per view.

Thomas Chen
12-17-2003, 09:32 AM
Check this funny one out :D :D :D :D :


12-17-2003, 09:40 AM
Not Reggae its Calypso

Royal Dragon
12-17-2003, 09:41 AM
Pay per view? Nah, not in Iraq. It would be on free TV so all could enjoy it.

12-17-2003, 09:45 AM
Pay for the US free to the Arab World,

Didnt Emo Phillips or some other obscure "80's comedian used to sing a song about Down Town Downers Grove..

Royal Dragon
12-17-2003, 09:50 AM
Don't know, he may have.

I'm sure if ti happenes, it will be on Pay per view.

My gut feeling is that he will be locked up and fed 3 square meals a day for a Looong looooong loooooooooooong time, before anything ever happenes.

old jong
12-17-2003, 10:06 AM
I see that many could have been excellent advisors for Saddam himself!...:rolleyes:

12-17-2003, 12:05 PM
You know he's going to be executed. Everyone and thier mom is thirsty for a tall glass of Saddam's blood. If he is executed, I belive it will be televised, and this is where the real question comes in:
Would you watch it?

Meat Shake
12-17-2003, 12:09 PM
Honestly, as long as saddam is alive, his mentally handicapped followers are going to be causing serious problems. Chances are, someone else will be ready to step up and take his place when the CIA is done with him(and sends him away to the UN for as what bush calls the "ultimate penalty"), buy hopefully his execution will nip the problem in the bud.
Id personally prefer to see him rot in a cell for what he has done, but we all know that wont happen.

12-17-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by CaptinPickAxe
You know he's going to be executed. Everyone and thier mom is thirsty for a tall glass of Saddam's blood. If he is executed, I belive it will be televised, and this is where the real question comes in:
Would you watch it?

Yup! I'm sure the Saddam excecution would be in competition with "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" television series though.:p

Christopher M
12-17-2003, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by old jong
Who are the real instigators of all this suffering?

He was.

old jong
12-17-2003, 01:37 PM
You train a dog to bite (arm him) and he start to bite everywhere!....Who is responsible?...

It's practical and easy to get rid of a bad dog but the "master" will often just train a new bad dog and it will go on forever.Get the idea?...

Christopher M
12-17-2003, 01:41 PM
We're not talking about dogs. And if you mean to imply that the US trained him to run a brutal socialist dictatorship, I think you need to re-examine what the American political ideals are.

old jong
12-17-2003, 01:58 PM
He was armed by the U.S. to go against Iran.
The U.S. politicians could'nt care less about how he would turn after. They already did that in Chili and all around the world.
There are some "ideals" that could be improved in the U.S. (IMO)
Not that I'm on this sadistic dictator side or any other of his kinds. The dog example could be understood by anyone here I think.

Christopher M
12-17-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by old jong
He was armed by the U.S. to go against Iran.

So therefore everything he does, no matter how unrelated to this, is the fault of the US?

The U.S. politicians could'nt care less about how he would turn after.

It seems to me they just did something very severe, at much cost (including political), about what he turned into after.

There are some "ideals" that could be improved in the U.S.

That's not the question. The US system not being perfect doesn't mean it's based on exporting militant socialism.

The dog example could be understood by anyone here I think.

At least anyone here who doesn't believe humans have free will.

Personally, if you rape and murder someone, I believe it's your fault. It might suck that you were abused as a kid and involved with a gang that encourages this behavior, but it's still your fault.

Chang Style Novice
12-17-2003, 02:21 PM
I don't think Ol Jong is suggesting Saddam Hussein is blameless. Speaking for myself, however, I'd like for the World Court to investigate past what Saddam did to how he gained power and armaments, and for people further back in the chain of causation to bear some responsibility for the last 30 years' horror, too.

Christopher M
12-17-2003, 02:26 PM
Well, he's is suggesting that the "real instigators of all this suffering" is the US, not Saddam. I find that abhorrent.

That doesn't mean the US is faultless, or that their faults should be ignored, certainly.

old jong
12-17-2003, 02:27 PM
I agree about his free will no problems but,at least agree that every actions have a reaction.
It is very hard to know in advance what could be certain actions consequences in the future.The more the power =The more responsability.
You can feed a dog (Again!) but don't be surprised if he comes back to **** on your porshe!
If it's not clear to you,you are probabely a NRA member!... ;)

Christopher M
12-17-2003, 02:31 PM
You can be full of **** without me being an NRA member.

old jong
12-17-2003, 02:37 PM
There goes the political correctness! :rolleyes:

old jong
12-17-2003, 03:38 PM
Let's forget the N.R.A. And whatever other good American integrist movements.

Yes,the U.S. freed Irak from this monster.The good people of this country will even forget about the U.S. creating him in the first place but at least he's gone.

The good people of the U.S. can also believe that they have their revenge for sept 2001 (Good for the next elections!),even if there are really no proofs about Irak's involvement in that tragedy. Someday, they will surely discover some MDW somewhere in Irak.The question will be :who putted these things there?...
And in the meantimes, Bin Laden (an other creature from the CIA this times!) is safe somewhere out of reach of american justice. Future will tell.

Full of it ,I know!...


12-17-2003, 03:51 PM
The CIA is a bunch of thugs and drug dealers. I really love how Americans have the whole "If I don't see it on the news, It isn't happpening" mentality. So much more goes on under our noses than we could ever imagine. But just like practioners of ****ty martial arts, we have our blinders on.

There's a saying around here:
"Don't belive everything you see/read, and don't doubt what you don't see"

Christopher M
12-17-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by old jong
The good people of this country will even forget about the U.S. creating him in the first place


When I said you could be full of ****, it wasn't an invitation. Sorry for the confusion.

old jong
12-17-2003, 04:58 PM
The real confusion is is the triomphalist and excitement of a big part of the U.S. people for this catch. Yes ,the guy is a monster to his people (and I let out the U.S. participation in making him so powerful) Yes,he deserve his fate like any other criminals of his kinds but what is the matter between the Bush family and him?...
There are hundreds of the same all around the world but nobody in Washington cares!...
Will the U.S population realise how much they are manipulated by the politicians and CNN someday?...
BTW,Blair is very good at kissing ass IMO! And I suspect that Canada's new prime minister Martin will do his best to please Bush himself to get some "rebuilding" business in Irak.
Those are the days!...:rolleyes:

Repulsive Monkey
12-18-2003, 04:44 AM
Hussein committed crimes against his own people and there is no doubt about this. He is guilty!! However it is foolish to not look back retrospectively and recognise the big influence that America and especially Donald Rumsfeld had in creating the spark and then allowing Saddam to nurture the flame of the perverse use of his millitia. Of pulling the trigger America is innoccent (naturally they of guilty of all the friendly fire when they killed about 7 English troops and other UN based troops too about 2 and half months ago!! ahem!!) of feathering the next and preparing the way by means and supplies you cannot say American government is innoccent, not in a thousand years. Saddam is not all of his own making, Americas assistance a decade ago was a shot in the arm for him and helped him step up to the next level, whereby on himself self he would of floundered.

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 06:31 AM
First, I am perplexed as to why some people keep on bringing up these topics here.

This forum is for Kungfu and as best as we are able, let's try to keep the topicality around that.

I understand that some of you feel a sense of community here, and so you spend your time here and well, you can't always come up with Kungfu related material apparently :D

so, I'm closing this one boys and girls. CNN has a discussion board too.
