View Full Version : What Martial Arts Weapon would you like to see Saddam beat with

12-18-2003, 08:26 AM
Ok Kung, I'll put the Saddam thread back in context with this board, and ask what martial arts weapons would you like to see used on Saddam.

Personally I favor the Filipino Kampilan, a rather large sword used for beheading and chopping, then drag his parts to the four winds for the buzzards to chomp on.

Oh yeah,,,when was the last time someone attacked Canada? Other than your native indian population, which you still actively oppress (great liberal government ay arse)? With your beady eyes and your big floppy heads. Just shut up and grow our pot and make cheap perscription drugs.

12-18-2003, 08:33 AM
Did you see South Park last night? :D

12-18-2003, 08:36 AM
This Martial Arts Weapon (http://www.sherdog.com/fightfinder/pictures/silva_wanderlei_profile.jpg)


David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 09:07 AM
The vengeful mind filled with thoughts of hate and retribution is a weak mind.

So long as one bears bitterness and hate, they can never achieve kungfu in themselves. It is the principle barrier to moving forward as a human being.

hate begets hate, violence begets violence. An example of peaceful interaction is the hallmark of the evolved person.

so, that's me bringing some kungfu to your thread about saddam.


12-18-2003, 09:11 AM
You forgot to mention, in your best Yoda voice, that anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering....;)

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 09:18 AM
lol, and suffering leads to ice cream...or doobies, depending on your bent i guess lol.

All that aside, I am agog with the vapidness and vacuous minds coddled by the media and their idle speculations.

Dependent upon which side one is on is what will prejudice the political thinking of one. If you are more emotionally attached to an idea, it is more likely that you will fail to see the truth from the top down is what I'm saying.

Never follow your gut, your gut is wrong pretty much all the time. lol.


12-18-2003, 09:21 AM
I am always an advocate of peace not revenge, avoid rather than check, to check rather than hurt, to hurt rather than maime, to maime rather than kill, and to kill rather than be killed. But thats me, I'm not from Iraq. I have not lived in fear for 20 years. I have not seen my family and friends tortured, killed and raped in the name of Saddam. To deny evil is to encourage it.
And at some point to bring in the terrible eyes of compassion and send this misguided soul to the mirror relavator of past crimes. To allow the dog and horse faced deamons to drag his soul into the depths of hell for its reeducation and hopefull redemption and rebirth.

The culture Iraq deals with its criminals in quite a different way than our countries. He was their Satan, allow them to cleanse theirselves.
I only ask what weapon should they use.

And yes I believe the discussions of this nature to be quite MA related. You live by the sword you die by the sword. Aint karma a b!tch? I beleive its the right of the people of Iraq to dispense justice and retribution as they see fit. and more importantly its my job as a Christian to not judge their actions.

Politics aside, your views on America's rightness in these actions is not the point here. The man and his sons were truly evil and should be sent over the river. God alone knows the thoughts in his heart, his motivations and perversions. And the Creator is quite fair with his judgements and punishments. Allow them to kill him and ask God to sort it out!

12-18-2003, 09:24 AM
yes I did, South Park was priceless last night, Saddam as the new (Great and Powerful) Prime Minister of Canada.

The best Canada is French Canada..........

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 09:29 AM

Your waxings betray your belief system :D


12-18-2003, 09:40 AM
wax on wax off
I guess I miss your point? For I see no contridictions. Please feel free to point them out.
My view is from the third person here, an observer. Regardless of my beliefs my government will continue down this road. While I am not in favor of war, I am in favor of punishment of evil. Mans system is quite different from Gods, tho the higher court always has the last sentence. This life, this Saddam, is the result of millions of choices made by that soul, and that sould will continue even if man kills its host.
America does bear some of the responsibility for Saddams reign, and thus it is us who has brought him down and will bring him to justice. While I might not like the play selection I cannot drop the team.

12-18-2003, 09:41 AM
Never follow your gut, your gut is wrong pretty much all the time. I disagree. I think we are intuitively correct more often than not on a great many things. However, most people's minds are too busy to hear what their gut is really telling them.

The heart never speaks, but you must listen to it to know.

12-18-2003, 09:43 AM
Be carefull to remember MK, we afterall are just backwards Okie hicks and injuns.

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 09:53 AM
mk- the "heart" is not "the gut", confusion of the two is detrimental to the owner of both. :D

stim, i am not pointing out contradictions, just pointing out that what you are saying exposes a belief system that is predominantly christian in it's viewpoint ergo it will adhere to those precepts.

secondly, I am not for the punishment of evil. I am for the destruction of it. But, and this is a big but, (not like my aunt's lol ) the destruction of evil can only be done in context to the self.

punishing evil is akin to retribution and the blackness it creates through the satisfaction of the venegeful mind just validates itself and we end up in a cycle of evil doing followed by retribution (which is in and of itself evil) and back to more evil doing.

Ending the cycle only comes when we destroy the evil that is within ourselves.

Currently, it seems that man has been locked in this mode of trying to affect what is outside of him as opposed to looking within. THat is where the real answers are. The truth of the matter is that the only person you can truly control is yourself. And by remedying yourself, you are contributing to making a better world overall.

Imagine if we all were aware of this?


12-18-2003, 09:58 AM
mk- the "heart" is not "the gut", confusion of the two is detrimental to the owner of both. By gut, do you not mean intstinctive, intuitive reaction..i.e., a gut feeling?

Repulsive Monkey
12-18-2003, 10:01 AM
Taomonkey, I never knew what the word compassion meant till I read your comments!! Don't give up the day job mate!!

Sorry bout this but the origianl thread question has got to be the lamest comment yet oin here with reagrds to the Iraq debacle, I really don't think the oppressed Iraqi's would find much solace in your morbid interest. As I say revenge and justice are two different things.

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 10:05 AM

i think of it in these terms

gut feeling= following desire

from the heart= the individuals true nature and reality

from the mind= analytical process factoring pros, cons and odds of coming out a survivor in the understood terms of the individual.

following a "gut feeling" may be intuitive by nature as is "heart", but "gut" clouds the "heart" and the "mind" because it is precipitated by want.

this is only my opinion and only based on my experience which may or may not bear similarity to someone elses experiences. :)


12-18-2003, 10:11 AM
man so a simple joke turned into a debate over principle? :o Oh i love this board.

Hm there are too amny i could see people using.

what i think should be done about saddam? thats a tough question. i'd probably say let him go and see what happens.

12-18-2003, 10:13 AM
All true, But alas, I walk my path by myself, and that path is only mine and is not a reflection of yours. The laws of man are that,,,of man and the laws of God and Nature are another thing. My battle with my own demons have little to do with the trouble in Iraq. These are modern battles of ancient wars, and I understand that.
Why must you lump me into your view of Christianity. Christianity is the culture I was raised in, the culture I live in, I didnt choose it, but I would be wrong to dismiss it. Jesus was not a christian much like Sidarta was not Buddhist, an Mohammad was not Muslim. I believe all religions have lessons to teach and I attempt to learn more about them.

That concept of compassion is far from Christian and more akin to Buddhist or Hindi, there many types and a time for each.

12-18-2003, 10:18 AM

Just read your motto, "Not first, maybe next" darn fine choice.
I dont know where I picked that up from as well, but I always say, I really dont care about being first, just about being next.

Repulsive Monkey
12-18-2003, 10:22 AM
Are you saying the word Compassion has many different meanings dependent on what faith you are? Im sorry but there is only one kind of compassion and thats the definiton of the word itself, after that we are into the realms of just purely eschewing the word based on an ego's preference which doesn't make it necessarily so.

I'm sorry to sully your initial dialogue but your my path and God's path stuff sounded very egotistical, and what are you actually trying to say about your division between nature and the laws of man, it sounds a little incoherent!?

If you feel killing Saddam is justified then I hope every law school in the world prices you out of internship really, however if you say you wanna do it out of revenge and a family member of yours was killed by him then I have empathy for you.

12-18-2003, 10:25 AM
man cant you just say


David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 10:27 AM
you just did.

12-18-2003, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
you just did.

LOL imm tlaking about you Kung Lek, Taomonkey, and Repulsive Monkey
:o ;)

Chang Style Novice
12-18-2003, 10:37 AM
Wow, and I thought the Jack the Ripper thread was a waste of bandwidth...

12-18-2003, 10:38 AM
following a "gut feeling" may be intuitive by nature as is "heart", but "gut" clouds the "heart" and the "mind" because it is precipitated by want. I don't understand how an intuitive response can be precipitated by want. In fact, I would argue it is the opposite. People often reason against intuitive reactions because their mind clouds their response...they want to believe something, so they choose to ignore whatever information they are intuitively presented.

12-18-2003, 10:46 AM
Not different meanings different concepts and uses. In particular the concept that if a soul is so misguided and has committed great sins against his brothers, the ultimate compassion is to end this life (so it can make no more errors) and send it back to the source, and ultimately back to rebirth.

as far as my discussions of my path, I was pointing out that my path is not your path, your relationship to the creator is yours and has no bearing on mine. That is not a statement from my ego but my understanding on my personal relationship to the creator. If I'm full of it, pay me no heed and do not let me distract you from your path. As they say if you see a Buddha on your path, kill him....

And to Saddam, I believe it should be in the peoples of Iraq's hands not mine and America's, nor yours and Britans. I am not pro-war, or even pro GW Bush, I only pray their sins are not passed to the people.

But just for sh!ts and Giggles, back to my first post, lets lay all morals and judgements aside, and say they are going to kill him, do you have a weapon choice? Lighten up its a joke.

12-18-2003, 10:52 AM
its either this or viagra pop ups, you choose

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 10:57 AM
I don't understand how an intuitive response can be precipitated by want.

You could argue in some cases. But intuition is a "knowing" that excludes rational thought. It is based on personal experience however, at it's root. The root of the decision made from acting on intuition is desire or want. It is like this because your personal experience is precluding the action taken. Ones personal experience is often not the reality or correct position, but is interpreted through a filter of social mores, customs and greater cultural values at the level of individual relationships with others who share the same.

I should probably add that the term "gut" or "gut feeling" hints at the meaning of filling and sating oneself with food. An instinct that has it's own rhyme and reason.


Chang Style Novice
12-18-2003, 10:59 AM
YEESH! Forget I said anything.:D

You can keep your "viagra pop-ups" between yourself, your doctor, and your loved ones...

Chang Style Novice
12-18-2003, 11:06 AM
Actually, scratch that - I want to see Saddam Hussein beaten with a viagra pop-up.

12-18-2003, 11:21 AM
But intuition is a "knowing" that excludes rational thought. It is based on personal experience however, at it's root.I disagree. Intuition is a priori to experience. It cannot be based on rational thought because it is not based on thought at all. It is a feeling that something is going to happen, not a hypothesis based on situational awareness.

I should probably add that the term "gut" or "gut feeling" hints at the meaning of filling and sating oneself with food. An instinct that has it's own rhyme and reason.More acccurately, it describes the "feeling" you get in your stomach when you know something isn't right, which is unrelated to gastric processes.

12-18-2003, 11:25 AM
Funny enough but I actually was reading a Christmas Gift catalogue that sold walking canes made out of a bull pen!s and something made out of the scrotum to (I kid you not) hold pecans and other nuts in.

One old traditions tell of a time when the men would carry a walking cane made out of deer pen!s, the use was so that you could beat your woman without leaving any marks

Chang Style Novice
12-18-2003, 11:29 AM
oosik (http://www.goantiques.com/texis,rare_eskimos_oosik,3db97bb414.html)

12-18-2003, 02:28 PM

I found it here, check out the "Texas Toothpick" its a Racoon Pen!s

12-18-2003, 02:33 PM
The horror....the horror....

12-18-2003, 02:45 PM
Nice to see how this thread evolved, from joking about KL's closing of the Saddam Thread, to some deep thoughts, to things you can make out of a pen!s.

12-18-2003, 02:52 PM
Nice to see how this thread evolved, from joking about KL's closing of the Saddam Thread, to some deep thoughts, to things you can make out of a pen!s.Just another day at KFO.

12-18-2003, 05:48 PM
wow kung lek really thinks hes a smart ass, what a fool, he thinks hes gandhi

Christopher M
12-18-2003, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by sc_guy
How would you like Russia did that to US?

If the US leader was lining up tens of thousands of his own citizens and executing them for being a certain genetic line, and gassing whole states for being another genetic line, I'd like it very, very much.

David Jamieson
12-18-2003, 07:03 PM
I don't think i'm anyone other than who I am there Youngmantis. LOL.

Don't shut peaceful sentiment out of your life. It feels good, on a gut level lol.

MK- we have a different view in regards to the usefulness or lack of it with the intuitive process. That's cool.


12-19-2003, 12:29 AM
I shall study your wisdom kung lek, the great dalai lama

Chang Style Novice
12-19-2003, 09:20 AM
"There is no right peace and there is no wrong war."

Wow, I woulda said almost the exact opposite. (Naturally, I don't consider tyrannical oppression to be peace - just a different kind of war.)

12-19-2003, 09:37 AM
Ok I think the US should take the United Nations lead,,yep just like in Rowanda in 98, over 1,000,000 people slaughtered with machetes and axes, in 3 days, while the UN pulled their troops out, Thousands of refugees at the UN encampments were left defenseless to be raped and murdered. Or Clintons lead, fire a few cruise missles at an aspirin factorya nd call it a victory over terrorism, Or at the first sign of causulties pull out all troops, like in Somalia, or have a great victory over a despot like the Balkins, oh wait we still have troops there.

Its not perfect, war is not a positive thing, but neither is mass murder.

12-19-2003, 12:56 PM
Well, we can all agree on one thing. That KL should stop saying "cheers" :D

12-20-2003, 10:43 AM
War is a part of humanity.
Peace is a part of mankind.

When there is a prolonged time of war, peace will arise
When there is a prolonged time of peace, war will find a way.

Honestly, I really don't think that peace and war can be measured in terms of good and bad. It just is. The fact that we are human means that conflict of one form or another will come up. The difference between a brawl and a war is just a matter of scale. To say that we, as humans, are capable of peace forever is just a fairy tale. War will find its own way. The only thing we can ask is how, when and why. In every war, there will be those who support it, and those who oppose it. Even in peace, there will be those who support it as being just that, peace. And there will be those who think it is just another form of oppression.

If we are going to defend peace, we should be aware that our peace comes from the blood of those who oppose it. If we are going to go to war, know that war comes from the blood of both sides.

Eitherway, we can either choose a side or stand in the sidelines.

12-21-2003, 11:34 PM
Back to the original question. BEAT HIM WITH A RUBBER CHICKEN!!:D :D :D