View Full Version : My lame confrontation

12-20-2003, 07:11 AM
Coming home on the train from a night out at a fairly local club I got sucker punched by some, what we call in England, pikies or scallies.

There was a group of them (about 4 guys and 3 girls) sitting a couple of seats in front of me and my mate. My mate had a bleeding fat lip but this wasn't because of the pikies (it happened earlier that night in a drunken tumble). One of the girls of the group came over to see if my mate was ok and he said he was fine and that he just wants to be left alone. Then one of the guys came over saying lots of pikey gibberish saying he'll give my mate another broken nose and he was saying that my mate said he told her to **** off. I told him he didn't say that, I don't think he really wanted to mess with me so he went quiet and sat down. This old guy sitting next to me said (in a funny accent) "you should tell HIM to **** off". The pikies heard a little bit of what the old guy said and they started shouting at him. Again I said that "he didn't tell you to **** off" (it seemed really childish what they were saying but they were just looking for a reason to start a fight). Again they didn't answer back to me and they sat back down and went quiet.

When it came to their stop they walked passed me and one of them grabbed my glasses and chucked them down the carriage and the rest started hitting me in the face and at the back of the head. The only thing going through my mind was "I cant afford another pair of glasses" so I got up from my seat and went to go find them. I?ve done martial arts for about 4 years now and I didn't even think to hit them back. I probably wouldn't have been able to do much because they were running to get off at their stop. I must of taken at least ten hits but for some reason I didn't feel threatened. They didn't hurt at all; they just felt like some punches you get in semi-contact sparring. I didn't really take much notice of them so I didn't switch into "defence mode"...I just wanted to go find my glasses.

After they left a couple of people asked if I was ok and the old guy with the funny accent said that in his country people like them get shot. It turned out he was from Zimbabwe. He was totally switched on and he took a photo of them with his digital camera. He said he worked in security at that he'll be able to use the photo to do an ID scan or something.

It feels totally weird how with all my training something stopped me from hitting them back. Even though I was getting hit I didn't feel the need to return the punches because I didn't feel threatened. I know I?ve learnt a few things from last night (apart from the fact I need to start wearing contact lenses!) but I?m not sure how to put it into words. I?ve got a bit of black eye; I just hope it clears up before Christmas! But other than that I feel totally fine.

Anyone got any comments?
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Volcano Admim
12-20-2003, 08:19 AM
i seen the "Snatch" movie

"I hate pikies"

12-20-2003, 09:02 AM
bunch o ****ers.. I think it was very strange of them to pull your glasses of b4 striking you. That must have looked reeeally strange. Make a report, make them suffer

12-20-2003, 09:16 AM
Do you have a bad temper? I am similar where I really dont want to fight until the "switch gets flipped." Perhaps the training increases the threshold of what you can tolerate before you go off on someone. I dont necessarily think thats a bad thing UNLESS there comes a time when its truly a threat and you dont act. Besides, if we all spent our time kicking the a$$ of those who needed it... we would never have a free moment.

However, many aggressors get the mindset that if they can do it once... they can do it forever. You may have inadvertantly labeled yourself as a victim, so next time they see you... they may take it further. The chance to nip it in the bud is lost so now you have to make an even stronger move to contradict your first impression.

12-20-2003, 10:47 AM
Dont fret about it man. I have been in lots of similar altercations with a few actual events where i did defend myself. Trust me, its like something inside you knows the person has crossed the line and you then simply act on it. Some people have a temper though and, in your situation, would have beat them down because they asked for it, not because they were defending themselves.

As far as regretting not doing anything, well think of it this way, fights arent a means to glory as if life were a friggin movie, you could be dead from gunshot wounds right now had you done something. You want to find glory with your martial skill? Then do it in a tournament setting or by challenging other martial artists in full contact sparring. Not by attacking 4 people who probly are armed.

12-20-2003, 11:14 AM
im a very laid back person but i can "switch on" when i need to. for some reason something told me i didn't need too. im actually kinda scared of the thought of "switching on" because im such a laid back person i think i'd probably take the opposite to the extreme.

i don't think they actually planned to hit me until they took my glasses off. they took them off me because they thought it'd be funny and threw them down the carriage but they didn't start hitting me until i went to get up and go get them and then they ran off.

i just realised my signature "satisfaction loses, and humility gains" is pretty relavent to this...i think i can truly relate to that now.
Extreme q (http://vaporizer.org/reviews/extreme)

12-20-2003, 12:03 PM
one of these days im going to come on here and be like, man these 5 guys were ****ing with me last night, but i didn't do anything cause i was too scared to get ****ed up by 5 guys if i didnt have to.

im not passing judgment on your story in particular stubbs, im not even saying it necessarily applies to you, but i have seen a lot of the same type of stuff on the boards and i think that sometimes it's ok just to be scared.

12-20-2003, 12:22 PM
no thats the odd thing. i didn't feel scared at all! the only thing on my mind was to go get my glasses. they ran off before i could even think about what was going on. i would thought that with the training i've done i would've instinctively fought back but i didn't. i don't really get why :confused:
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12-20-2003, 01:08 PM
I would b scared.. probebly.
unless I'm in a real bad mood

12-20-2003, 01:12 PM
i wasn't totally sober (cos i was coming back from the club) so maybe that's why i didn't feel scared or switched on. in any case, i ****ing hate pikies!
Teen Swedish (http://www.****tube.com/categories/1052/swedish/videos/1)

12-20-2003, 01:56 PM
Its all pretty normal. After a while of training and getting hit regularly, it takes a lot more to get ****ed enough to loose the hounds.

It probably felt like children were hitting you and you were more annoyed than scared.

12-22-2003, 08:25 AM
Please excuse my lack of travel experience.

What in the wide world of sports is a pikie???

I live in a fairly large city (Louisville KY) and we have our fair share of shady characters on the streets, but random acts of beating don't seem to happen much here.

Then again, KY has a concealed carry law that allows liscensed citizens to carry a concealed firearm.

I am not a fan of this law. I think all citizens should be required to carry a firearm out in the open.

12-22-2003, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Okami
What in the wide world of sports is a pikie???

Scottish gypsies, basically. They tool around in mobile homes and have their own accent that's almost a dialect in itself.

There's a lot of prejudice against them in the UK, as they're generally viewed as a pack of thieves.

The fact that a lot of them are a pack of thieves doesn't help this perception much.

The movie Snatch featured them fairly prominently.

norther practitioner
12-22-2003, 02:04 PM
I live in a fairly large city (Louisville KY)

OXYMORON of the year!

Stubbs.. sorry to hear of the troubles..

**** like that sucks.

12-22-2003, 02:13 PM
I took many punches in highschool without fighting back, for no good reason. I owe it all to my wrestling training


12-22-2003, 02:24 PM
As a person who has taken a punch to the face while wearing glasses, you should be thankful that they had the "courtesy(if you will)" to take them off before giving you a sissy pummeling. The Situation is fuct and I have sympathy for you. But you did the right thing, friend. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind. Karma will catch up to the pikies, and maybe the gypsy *******s will get what they deserve.

I have a perma-croked noes thanx to a shot to the face while wearing glasses. But thats okay considering what I did to ol' buddy I pheonix-eye fisted on the bridge of the nose.

12-22-2003, 03:08 PM
turribli parshall totha perriwinkl blew.

12-23-2003, 10:59 AM
Lots of people in England use the owrd pikies instead of townies, which I prefer, because it doesn't come with the racial connotation.

a townie is just a low life scumbag, puffa, kappa tracksuit trousers, hanging around the local convenience store, about 14-20 yrs old, baseball cap, reebok classics.

lots of people say pikie when they mean townie.:)

Ray Pina
12-23-2003, 11:37 AM
If you and your friend wanted to be left alone you should have moved to a car without hyped up kids in it (I'm guessing these people had to be between 16 and 25). Once the original verbal altercation began, and you could not deesculate it, move!

It being to late to do that, you SHOULD HAVE BEEN SCARED. Caught sitting while attacked by numerouas people and not scared? Did you consider they could have been armed? That's the only thing you should ever assume.

No reason to "turn the switch"? You have a black eye ... how are they?

What good is your training if it hasn't taught you awareness (situational as well as general), the importance of position (remaining seated as people you just had a conflict with pass), and general combatives. I use the word combatives because you did defend yourself. You held your hands up I'm sure while they kept punching you.

Don't defend. Avoid! And when you can't, destroy.

I don't blame you though, I blame the general state of martial arts as viewed through the filter of this bulletin board where everyone is too busy "Taking the Correct" and doing various things with it instead of critically viewing their training.

A hockey player would have fought back! Why not a martial artist.

12-23-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist

A hockey player would have fought back! Why not a martial artist.

A hockey player that fights feels that he has something to prove. A martial artist doesn't. Some martial artists probably feel that if need be they could sqwash whatever "beef" arises. Some street punks are ignorant like that and will throw a sucker punch and run like little children. An experienced fighter knows that they could end that persons life right then and there if they really wanted to and chooses not to. I think having a more controlled/peaceful mindset gives more patience tolerance levels to experienced fighters. Those losers were obviously bored and decided to be ****wads and pick a fight. I would've felt sorry for them too.

Ray Pina
12-23-2003, 12:39 PM
That's bull$hit and I hope you are wise enough to know why.

CaptainPickAx now has a rearanged nose, this other guy has a black eye. Yes, martial arts has prevented me from having to engage in full out fights in the past. Not too long ago a big guy grabbed me at an after hours and the way I handled it showed he should calm down a bit... and he did. Problem solved.

But people actually striking you? You let them? Because it displays the inner peace you gained as a martial artists?

My friend, you are so lost even the phony balogna meditation you are referring to can't help. Do us all a favor and stop saying you study martial arts. Take up yoga, knitting. But to train in a combat system and state the above? I just don't get it.

Maybe you think if you just lie there they will be nice enough and stop after while, when THEY think you've had enough. Good technique! Is that shaolin?

12-23-2003, 01:07 PM
I agree with EF. Like I said in my previous post... I reacted in much the same way in highschool. I don't know why but most of the time that was just the reaction of my body and mind... to not react and take it. I don't know why I did some times to defend myself and not others. I don't think me just "accepting" the attack has anything to do with training, as my only training was wrestled, and everything to do with how my mind works.

Psychology should play a big part in self defense

12-23-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
That's bull$hit and I hope you are wise enough to know why.

CaptainPickAx now has a rearanged nose, this other guy has a black eye. Yes, martial arts has prevented me from having to engage in full out fights in the past. Not too long ago a big guy grabbed me at an after hours and the way I handled it showed he should calm down a bit... and he did. Problem solved.

But people actually striking you? You let them? Because it displays the inner peace you gained as a martial artists?

My friend, you are so lost even the phony balogna meditation you are referring to can't help. Do us all a favor and stop saying you study martial arts. Take up yoga, knitting. But to train in a combat system and state the above? I just don't get it.

Maybe you think if you just lie there they will be nice enough and stop after while, when THEY think you've had enough. Good technique! Is that shaolin?

point taken. I am wrong.

12-23-2003, 02:18 PM
Its kinda hard to dodge/block a punch in my situation. I've told this story before, so its old news. There were 4 factors to my crooked nose:

1. I was drunk
2. Multiple Advasaries
3. White belt in Shaolin-Do with no previous Martial Experience
4. The strike was a blindside attack.

Now, I don't know who that last statement about quiting martial arts was aimed at, so I'm letting that sit on the sidelines right now. I don't have crooked nose because I let some chump smack me around. Its because I stood up in the face of opposition and broke it's nose, opposition's cousin to the right of me was the cause of my crooked nose.

and that is why today, I wouldn't of fought. I try to never put myself in a situation where I'm out numbered.

Ray Pina
12-23-2003, 02:44 PM
Captain, wasn't referring to your case, but:

1) Drunk ... strike one

2) multiples ... OK, nothing you can do about that. That's the variable.

3) White belt (nothing you can do about that either) in Shaolin Do ....

Ray Pina
12-23-2003, 02:44 PM
Captain, wasn't referring to your case, but:

1) Drunk ... strike one

2) multiples ... OK, nothing you can do about that. That's the variable.

3) White belt (nothing you can do about that either) in Shaolin Do,.

4) Blind sided ... strike two. How does someone get behind, next to you unoticed? Training, training, awereness, awereness.

Nobody wants to engage multiples. Few want to fight one on one anyway. But once they start, you have to deal with it. Chosing to do nothing is a bad choice. Defending enough to clear an escape is at least something. Don't rely on the other's compassion. HELP YOURSELF!

Sorry to hear about your past experience. To me, that is more motivation to learn to control a violent situation, not turn my back on it and hope it goes away.

I live in NY and spend more time in places that I shouldn't be by myself but nothing ever happens. Watch your surroundings and peoples' behavior. Notice the roudy drunks up the block and cross. Notice a train car packed with youths late at night and get in another car. Get that glass bottle of Snapple for the short walk to the subway ... makes people think, maybe even twice. Buy a Spyder Co pocket knife ... very inexpensive. I never want to use it, but I'll pull it if confronted by two, let alone 5. You never know the other guy's heart. They may have no thought about leaving you for dead. Two childhood class mates (karate) died to pipes to the head in Newark. The other guys just didn't stop.

Hope for the best and to surrounded by kindness. Prepare for the worst and for malicious intent.

12-23-2003, 02:46 PM
Drunkness...Strike One, Two, and Three. It completely fux your skills up...

12-23-2003, 02:58 PM
D@mn right

12-23-2003, 04:08 PM
ok i wasn't tottally drunk but i wasn't totally sober so thats strike one for me.

"4) Blind sided ... strike two. How does someone get behind, next to you unoticed? Training, training, awereness, awereness.

in my situation they were getting off the training, most of the group were either off the train or by the door behind me. one of the first ones that got off even said merry christmas as he was getting off (i think he was a bit embarrassed of his drunken mates) so my "alert level" kinda went down. we didn't go to a different carriage because their weren't many seats and my mate really needed to sit down.

if i had the chance i would've wanted to have kept one of them on and chuck them off at a station they dont know (it was the last train) rather than beat the crap out of them. but that didn't happen so im not gonna think about it too much. i've learnt alot from this situation and i consider myself lucky to have learnt this lesson without getting hurt too much (it could've been alot worse!!).

my black eye's gone now! woo!

i'll try to write more if i get the time.

cheers for all the feedback peeps!
VAPORIZER AFFILIATE (http://vaporizeraffiliateprogram.com)

Chang Style Novice
12-23-2003, 08:01 PM
"Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing." - pilot's proverb.

Mr Punch
12-23-2003, 08:38 PM
I think Evolution Fist is wrong.

I dunno cos I wasn't there but it looks like you did the appropriate thing given your situation. It isn't always appropriate to fight back.

One example, we crossed a road one night on the way home from the pub (I wasn't remotely drunk, one of my friends, a big dangerous ex-army, ex-violent offender with a known short fuse and disregard for safety, was). A car with undetermined occupants swerved across a lane of traffic at us, just for the hell of it. We had to dive off the road and the car mounted the kerb. I wasn't too bothered: it was just badly judged high jinks, but if I could have, I would have taken their registration number down.

My friend on the other hand, picked up a bottle from the street and threw it, very accurately I must say, bouncing it off their back window. They swerved again and continued at the same stupid speed.

We turned the corner. Next thing we know (although about 4/5 mins later - enough for us to have calmed down, weighed up and dismissed the possibility that we were being followed) the car comes screeching round the corner and to a halt, and (can't remember how many: this was about ten years ago... but) a group of these kids (the oldest was probably 19 or so) jumped out or came running round the corner.

My big hard friend buggered off sharpish! lol

Now, I started running too; they hadn't stopped the car too close, so we had a bit of a start and I was a school running champion... but my friend (the only female of the group) was wearing para boots and ironically, they were too heavy for her to run in. So she stopped. So what am I gonna do? I stopped too.

So now there's me and a girl (in good heavy boots at least :D ) surrounded by at least 6 kids in the middle of a side road, two of whom were considerably bigger than me, and one of whom had picked up a stick in the chase.

What do you do?!

Mr Punch
12-23-2003, 08:43 PM
BTW, I agree with you Scotty, a lot of people seem to use pikeys to mean scallies, townie thugs and kids gangs...

some of them probably equate to the terms 'trailer trash'/'white trash' in the States. Some of them are maybe more inner-city. Some of them are real pikies... which BTW are usually descendants of Irish gypsies I think, not Scottish.

12-24-2003, 08:03 AM
so what the **** happened mat?

12-24-2003, 08:17 AM
yeah i prefer the term scallies to townies. townies means something a bit different to me (but they all kinda cross over). i know alot of people confuse the term pikey (i used to), but these didn't seem like scallies. normaly i can understand scallies but these guys spoke and looked like proper pikies. when they spoke you couldn't make out whether they were having a go at you or trying to sell you a caravan!

so what happened next mat?
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Meat Shake
12-24-2003, 08:54 AM
He chi blasted the biggest one, demonstrating to the group that he was now the alpha male. The rest were to bown down and follow his lead, or suffer the fate of their fallen leader.

Meat Shake
12-24-2003, 08:57 AM
Lst time something like that happened to me, CPA and myself had had waaaaaay too much to drink, and we were at a rich kid party. Needless to say, I dont have very much respect for the rich kids around here. Or anywhere for that matter. Their attitudes are just all wrong for the most part.
Anyhoo, I still dont remember how it happened, I just know that some sort of altercation occured, and myself and CPA were hurling insults at a group of about 15 people... They kept their distance and talked ****, and one of our sober friends ushered us quickly out the back realizing that we were drunk enough to fight all 15 at once.
Im glad they pushed us out the back tho... I was too drunk to accurately punch a wall.

Oh yeah... I think they got mad cause me and CPA tried to steal their keg. Hehehehe.... Silly drunk me and cpa....

12-24-2003, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Volcano Admim
i seen the "Snatch" movie

"I hate pikies"

werd me too:D

12-24-2003, 02:18 PM
"4) Blind sided ... strike two. How does someone get behind, next to you unoticed? Training, training, awereness, awereness"

That's unfair. Training doesn't give you 100% perfect awareness.

Mr Punch
12-24-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
He chi blasted the biggest one, demonstrating to the group that he was now the alpha male. The rest were to bown down and follow his lead, or suffer the fate of their fallen leader. Jesus Shake, as you were obviously there I hope you would have helped out if my chi blast had failed!

I was asking what YOU would do!!! Well, more specifically, the all-prepared Mr Evolution Fist.

edit; maaaan, I'm such a media wh*re!:D

Mr Punch
12-24-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Meat Shake
I was too drunk to accurately punch a wall.
Yeah, those walls can be a bugger when they don't stop moving.

12-24-2003, 09:37 PM
...or when you can't tell up from down.