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Pork Chop
12-22-2003, 12:55 AM
Holy cr@p
46 seconds?
I don't know if I'm late with this Pride Bushido post; but just got done watching it on squiggly vision.
Someone let me know when the clip's on line.

12-22-2003, 01:18 AM
What are you talking about?

12-22-2003, 07:47 AM
I haven't seen the show yet... d@mn vcr is broken and I'm not ordering without taping :)

12-22-2003, 08:08 AM
He is talking about Mirko Crocop in his match with Don Cares jr. Opened with Cares trying to take Mirko down which was solidly defeated. Mirko began showing aggression from the left side with hard crosses... but that masked what was to come. Suddenly as Cares neared the corner ropes, Mirko fired off his trademark left round-kick cleanly knocking Cares out. Arms dropping to his side, Cares faded to the ground only to be dealt the coup de grace by a snapping hook to the face by Mirko. Blood drizzled to the mat as Cares seemed completely oblivious of what was happening around him. Forty-six seconds...

Although, I am a fan of Mirko... I couldnt help feeling sorry for Cares. These kind of defeats have to be a blow to ones esteem. I hope he loves the profession because this was a pretty horrid defeat. However with Mirko its not surprising.

Pork Chop
12-22-2003, 09:08 AM
*wiping tears from eyes*
Losttrack, that was beautiful man.

Maybe the guy knew what he was gonna get and that was the reason for the mask; but yah, getting KTFO in the first round screws with your head.

norther practitioner
12-22-2003, 01:11 PM
Great description LT..

Wow, I'll have to check that out.

12-22-2003, 01:43 PM
I also thought Renzo Gracie vs. Carlos Newton was an excellent matchup. I couldn't pick a winner before the match because both these guys are so far beyond me in grappling skill. Someone who knew no grappling might not even have a clue what was going on in that fight. LOL at Ralph Gracie's new public image , compared to his image in 1996.( although his opponents are way, way better now) Think of how he talked back in 1996 at Extreme Fighting. The best gracie is Royce , because he seems to have the most serious attitude , and is funny

12-22-2003, 02:19 PM
Hehe. Yeah Newton was fun to watch since he has this fierce instinct, balance, and strength. My fav part of the match was when Renzo was fully pressing him and in a split second Newton shifted his body and Renzo went flying past him into the canvas. Thats a rare treat with two people who are soo accomplished. The rest of the Gracie/Team Japan matches sorta paled in comparison after that fight. Ill say this for Ryan Gracie... that guy is bloodthirty! He almost threw the referee off his feet trying to stomp his opponents head into the canvas after the match was called.

If I could decide the future, I would have Ryan get schooled by Yoshida in an upcoming bout. That might just be enuff to earn a Royce/Yoshida rematch.

Ford Prefect
12-22-2003, 02:30 PM
Wow. Mirko is an exciting fighter. You guys have links to recaps and/or clips? I didn't see anything after a quick look at sherdog and adcc.

12-22-2003, 02:43 PM
It was Renzo. He took a kick to head that didn't put him down. Then he went for a guillotine choke.

Mr Punch
12-23-2003, 09:40 PM
The week before last, the Shooto bout in Tokyo NK Hall, Maihama, maybe it was the welterweight world championship, I can't remember which fight it was...

Rumina Sato (http://fcfighter.brinkster.net/fighter.asp?FighterID=9293) who's no slouch, vs Alexandre Franca Noguiera (http://fcfighter.brinkster.net/fighter.asp?FighterID=8983) .

Noguiera is driven/ allows himself to be driven back into a clinch on the ropes. Noguiera gets a reverse headlock, all seems safe. Then, in clean textbook fashion, Noguiera locks his legs around the still standing Sato. Sato's bent over with Nog's full weight, and it's only a matter of (not very much) time before he falls forwards straight into a textbook guillotine. Beautiful.

On the down side, my friend Ryan's run of losses continued with a wicked little left hook to his temple. :( After some clinch work and a couple of shoots he rocked his guy, followed up, punched the guy back onto the ropes, and went in again for a killer straight left, dropping his right hand and letting in the hook which you could barely even see. Didn't even look like it hit him, except he went down like Bambi. Fair play he got up again, standing 7 count, then got beaten into the ground.

Rule Number One. Keep your hands up.

Easy for me to say from the back of the stadium though!:D

Rampage Jackson was there, ringside for Bao Quach. I was well impressed by Quach (despite losing to a rear naked and having a sketchy fight record), and Jackson is a big ****er. :D

Mr Punch
12-23-2003, 09:50 PM
Silly me... Susumu (http://come.to/susumu)'s got the whole 'fight'... Click on Shooto 03.12.14.