View Full Version : Only my Shuai Chiao Association is real??

10-14-2001, 09:06 PM
A number of weeks ago Gene Chicoine placed a pretty ballsy link on his site..

He knocked a lot of the dominant Shuai Chiao instructors in America.. and China.

David Chang, the grandson of Chang Tung Sheng, came back to say this

In my opinion, Chang showed a lot more class. I think in the end Chicoine will burn his bridges with all other associations of Shuai Chiao

What do ya think?

Water Dragon
10-14-2001, 09:11 PM
Nothing to add, just a thumbs up

You may take my life, but you will never take my Freedom

10-14-2001, 09:30 PM
I don't know a whole lot about this whole situation, but I had read recently in Inside Kungfu a response to one of Mr. Chicoine's (or one of students) statements. Basically, the response alleged that Mr. Chicoine was claiming that racism was the reason he was not getting any respect in Shuai Chiao circles.

If that is the case, that sounds like a lame excuse. I agree, the second post had far more class. I liken the 2 posts to something a police officer friend taught me once: "If you are ever in a situation where it's your word against someone else's, remember that the one with the coolest head and uses the least name calling usually wins out."

We are trained in wushu; we must protect the Temple!

10-14-2001, 09:53 PM
I did here that Chicoine went to China and received a general "cold" reception. I think he went to the Tai Pai (sp?) police acadamy and they only let him do a beginner video tape on Shuai Chiao.. but this is only what I heard

MonkeySlap Too
10-14-2001, 10:33 PM
I don't think GC CARES if he burns any bridges, he seems more obsessed with making 'master-like' proclamations.

Frankly, I know I've induldged this topic before myself, but I feel like were picking on a guy who just wants to take his ball and go home. Only he never brought his ball in the first place.

Other than for amusement purposes, these rave outs are rather sad. I'd rather just ignore him.

There is a lot that can be said about GC, but as I have never personally met him, I won't go passing the stories on.

I am a big beleiver in luck. The more I work, the more luck I have.

KC Elbows
10-14-2001, 10:41 PM
Oh, c'mon Mankeyslap! Don't take the high road on us now!! ;)

What is this world coming to?

MonkeySlap Too
10-14-2001, 10:54 PM
I know, I know. What can I say? I have found a new compassion for my fellow man.

I am a big beleiver in luck. The more I work, the more luck I have.