View Full Version : Wing Chun evident in Bruce's movies?

12-26-2003, 08:04 AM
It's been a long time since I've watched any of the Little Dragon's movies. I've seen them all of course, but not since I was a kid. I didn't even know what Wing Chun was then.

I was curious whether or not Wing Chun techniques are evident in his various movies, or if the king fu choreography in his films is more like Wu Shu (flashy and more performace oriented). What films and scenes of Bruce's depict Wing Chun techniques and theory? I'm feeling like checking out some of his movies again.

I hope everyone had (and is having) a great Holiday season!

12-26-2003, 09:29 AM
The starting position vs. Bob Wall (O'hara) in Enter the Dragon...followed by pak da, etc.

And during the fight with Chuck Norris (in Return Of The Dragon)...

In several instances during that fight...watch it again carefully.

old jong
12-26-2003, 09:33 AM
There is a place in Enter the Dragon when he take care of a sentry.
We don't see but ear very fast punches: Paf...Pa-pa-paf!....Sound like chain punches to me!...;)

But, Jackie Chan is closer to Wing Chun most of the times IMO!;) (Rumble in the Bronx)

12-26-2003, 10:07 AM
I second that about Jackie Chan. ;)

12-26-2003, 04:07 PM
Thanks for the response Old Jong and UWC! Enter the Dragon was certainly on my must see again list... I'll look for those scenes. I can't remember the Chuck Norris sequence at all... it's been that long. I'll have to rent that again too. Thanks again!

12-26-2003, 04:11 PM
Azwingchun & Old Jong, yeah I'll have to check out some Jackie Chan flicks too. I remember the Big Brawl as making an impression on me when I was younger, and I also saw Drunken Master a looooong time ago. I liked both of those. I'll have to get them soon too as well as Rumble in the Bronx, which I don't think I've ever seen.


Nick Forrer
12-28-2003, 10:46 AM
The film 'wheels on meals' staring jackie, yuen, and Sammo has some wing chun in it, particuarly at the start where you see them training on the dummy briefly.

It also imo has one of jackies best fights against benny 'the jet' urquidez.

The film maybe called something else in other countries so by way of explanation it is set in Barcleona with a rather tenuous plot about an orphaned heiress.

Oh and it also has Jackie skateboarding:D :D

As regards Bruce Lee

If memory serves he does a very fast fluid pak, lap punch combo
aginst the western guy with the tash in the japanese garden at the end of 'fist of fury'.

His son Brandon also does some rather similar 'trapping' in the film 'rapid fire'.



12-29-2003, 03:31 PM
This is a bit off subject, but have you seen the first matrix movie? At the end when neo fights agent smith in the hallway and starts blocking all his strikes one handed. I saw some pok, ton, lop, and gon saus there. Of course its not 100% wing chun becuase he is not attacking his opponets center, he is showing off one handed. They are wing chun type moves though.

12-30-2003, 02:46 PM
I am curious if anyone knows if Jet Li studied Wing Chun? I believe I saw a poster once that said 'People who have studied Wing Chun', and it showed Bruce Lee, someone else and Jet Li. I have never heard this before or since. ;)

01-04-2004, 12:13 PM
if you look for it you will see it - just as those who search for truth find their own.
anyone who has done wing chun will display it in what they do
anyone who has done wing chun will see it in other things

i believe you could see wing chun in my dancing argentian tango - becuase i do it
or if you were looking for it

01-04-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by EmptyCup
did anybody see the jackie chan film gorgeous? he graduated from that rumble in the bronx routine...

i wonder if that flexible metal dummy is sold anywhere...

That movie was kinda boring. But I remember the dummy scene. I like wooden ones better :)

01-09-2004, 08:27 PM
Okay, so in the past two weeks I've forced my girlfriend to watch the entire "Samurai" trilogy, Once Upon a Time in China (pt.1), Rumble In the Bronx, and Drunken Master. She's a great sport, since she's not that interested in martial arts. I have to say that Rumble In the Bronx was a pretty stupid plot even for a martial arts film. I did like the WC Dummy sequence in it though. Drunken Master was a lot of fun. I'd forgotten how good some of it was.

Anyway, last night while watching the credits of RITB, my girlfriend made the quite accurate observation that Kung Fu flicks tend to be just like Porno movies. Her point was that there's basically a thin plot with mostly bad acting tying together a bunch of "action" scenes.

So I turned to her, and said,"I guess that's true. I'd never thought of that before." Then I raised an eyebrow and asked, "And exactly how do you know that??" :D

01-09-2004, 08:52 PM
Victor Wrote
And during the fight with Chuck Norris (in Return Of The Dragon)...

DEFINATELY on the top of my list!!! I have the good fortune of being with someone who will watch it over and over again with me (frame by frame rocks) and point out everything in that last fight with Chuck Norris. There is some good WC in there.
Could have waxed Chuck's back for that scene though.....blech....:eek:

If you are trying to get right to that scene it is at the end.


01-10-2004, 09:10 AM
Wentwest wrote:
Okay, so in the past two weeks I've forced my girlfriend to watch the entire "Samurai" trilogy, Once Upon a Time in China (pt.1), Rumble In the Bronx, and Drunken Master. She's a great sport, since she's not that interested in martial arts. I have to say that Rumble In the Bronx was a pretty stupid plot even for a martial arts film.

Hi Wentwest,
There are a few other really good movies that have more of a plot, better cinematography, better acting, etc., if you need to make amends with your g/f.

We have TONS of MA movies, and I mean TONS. Alot of them come from Hong Kong before they are released here so I am not sure if you can get the ones I am thinking of here yet, but Hero, and Musa are two that are definately worth checking out. Hero is amazing (from a girls perspective and the guys think it is pretty cool too).

Phil Redmond would be able to let you know if they are available here or not. He could also give some good input on some other must sees. He is my MA video movie store.


01-10-2004, 07:10 PM
"Wing Chun evident in Bruce's movies? "

Let's see. I've seen all the "Die Hard"s, "Pulp Fiction", "Unbreakable", and quite a few others. Not much WC in any of those.

Got "Bruce Almightly" out on DVD during the break. Not a lot of WC in that either.


01-11-2004, 09:53 AM
But then there's "12 monkeys," while not having much Wing Chun in it, the title is really a secret reference to an ancient all but lost Shaolin style ;)