View Full Version : Breathing in jumproping

12-26-2003, 12:49 PM
Do you guys coordinate your breathing with your jumps?

Also, is it better to breathe through your nose or mouth when jumproping or doing other cardio exercises.

Cardio is a *****. I'm so out of shape this way it's not even funny. I bet you my total of all my jumprope sets added together is less than one of your sets.

Oh yeah, if I'm 22 years old and weigh 160lbs now (stupid cardio) what's a good heartrate for me to be at when I'm done?

Ford Prefect
12-26-2003, 01:37 PM
My boxing coach always had us breath through our nose since that's what we'd be doing in the ring. It was two quick inhalations, followed by a longer exhale. It seems to work. I do this when I start getting winded when I'm jogging and it helps me rebound too.

*sniff* *sniff* *bloooow* The exhale takes as much time as the two inhales. It's a lot easier to demonstrate than write down.

12-26-2003, 06:00 PM
I like to coordinate with my jumps, if I'm relaxed it will be a longer out breath, if it is becoming more difficult I do the same amount of time for the in breath and out breath. I breath through both nose and mouth but try to emphasize the nose. Example might be

in 2 out 3
in 3 out 4
in 3 out 3

12-27-2003, 05:36 PM
IF: What's your resting pulse rate? Be honest.
Heart rate should only be monitored against yourself.I would say in a 3 min shuffle you should be around 120-130 bpm(but its all about intensity so thats no real standard),Putting in speed and explosive bursts is what will work the HR up.Thats up to you.

Breathing : as said try to get all the air out.In through the nose, out through the mouth,faster and more explosive as needed.