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View Full Version : Qi Gong Theory

12-27-2003, 11:01 PM
I'd like to start this thread to have a no-nonsense discussion on Qi Gong theory with discriptive examples. For instance, I practice Wuji Qi Gong which is a standing meditative exercise and Qi Gong. From my understanding this qi gong works by proper alignment between heaven and earth. By having proper alignment the Qi can flow between heaven and earth, open channels and with the mental aspect of directing you Yi to the Wuji point, qi can be collected and stored. However, I also see a seperate, physical, aspect which is totally detached from the afore mentioned theory. This physical aspect is governed under TCM Theory. So I've found that both theoretical models must be addressed for success in this exercise.

From another thread. I do not see how the "Jing Qi Shen" come into play in this or any other Qi Gong exercise I have.

Anyone can add/comment here.

12-28-2003, 12:46 AM
I don't see such a distinct seperation myself , I don't know anything about TCM though. The use of the 5 elements and the idea of jing, chi, shen is important in qigong as well I think. I have learned methods which use total visualisation of different colors internally and externally. One example would be holding a ball of energy visualising it as different colorered light , such as white , red , and yellow and then condense the light, and then bring the light into the body. Also another method would be to hold a ball of light between your palms visualising red, yellow, white, blue, green all at the same time and rotate the ball between the palms mixing all the colors around. Visualising green and yellow colors mixing inside your body is another way. For energy to mix according to the 5 elements is important I think for health and to create an indestructble body. Many of the routines and postures in qigong are based off the 5 elements and are physical manifestations of them . I would think i'm probably an intermediate level qigong student , so I don't know a whole lot but I think -

jing- lower dantien development

qi- solar plexus development

shen- peneal gland development

12-28-2003, 09:38 PM
Q.how does the QI flow between heaven and earth?

Q.more specifically what route does the qi flow?

A. The lesser heavenly circuit ie up the spine to the brain

if you study wuji qi gong you probably have read jan diepersloot's 2 books warriors of stillness on page 101 book 1 it is mentioned. On page 43 of book 2 it is briefly mentioned.

Almost all Qi Gong theories inter-relate with TCM theories, they use the same language. that is the awesome thing about the chinese arts there is this great standard which weeds out things that don't work.

12-29-2003, 12:38 AM

While I have Jan's first book Warrior's of Stillness I have not actually read it. I bought it when Cai Song Fang came to Florida on a trip my friend sponsored through Fang Ha and my other friend. We trained with him for over a week and it was a tremendous experience.

The conclusions I have stated in my first post I have come to through practice.

To address your Q and A below. First I find Qi rotates/spirals counter- clockwise (where I am on earth). It may or may not be different below the equator (I heard it is opposite below the equator). Secondly, The Wuji point, the point of attention is located on the Chong Mei vessel which runs through the center of the the body between Hui Yin and Bai Hui vertically and the belly button and Ming Men horizontally. When properly positioned there are 3 lines which are from GB-21 (Jian Jing) to Yong Quan (K-1) on either side and the afore mentioned Bai Hui to Hui Yin. The Bai Hui to Hui Yin line lands vertically on a point between the two feet at a cross section of Yong Quan (K-1)

Now, to talk about two distinct systems. It is my feeling while one may affect the other (bigger affecting smaller), if the strength of a particular organ system is not particularly strong (let's say spleen) then consideration must be taken to adjust diet to compensate for this weakness otherwise success will be over-shadowed by discomfort relating to the spleen.

Jing Qi Shen Essense anyone?

12-29-2003, 04:32 PM
We have something in common, I have trained with Fong Ha too!

He is an awesome teacher. :D

chinese saying; "talk don't cook rice".

one of the problems in discussing your questions is the chinese use analogies like purifying iron to metal, or like the chinese character for "Qi" is a pot of rice of a fire and the steam is Qi. Plus like alot of others I am still in the smelting process and cannot clearly explain the complete process. That is why I suggest you read some books by some experts in this subject. I would start with the one you already own. "warriors of stillness"

12-29-2003, 04:39 PM
In one of my books there is an 11 page chapter which answers your questions.

This is why I am hesitant to write about it on a forum.

Eva Wong has a whole book on the subject.

01-10-2004, 02:23 PM
We call this Daogong. Just sit quietly for a long time concentrating on the perineum. This will cause the ching to heat up and overflow creating "dan". This will overflow to the qihai and pierce the coxxyx and go through the three passes. Then other stuff happens.

01-10-2004, 08:20 PM
boneset, what book has an 11 page chapter? Eva Wong's?

Buddy, thanks for the reply. So you're using a mental (Yi) method. Are there other methods using a physical exercise?


01-11-2004, 05:56 AM
We have gongs for lengthening (in and out) the soft tissue, for opening and closing the joints and cavities, for pressurizing the synovial and cerebral spinal fluids, for uniting the energies of heaven and earth, etc. The one I descibed is more for glandular effect and eals more dirctly with Jing, qi, shen.

Repulsive Monkey
01-20-2004, 10:05 AM
Chong Mei does not connect Ming-men to Ren 8 on the belly button at all. Ming Men is on the Du Channel and Ren 8 is on the Ren channel. Both at the bottom end meet up with Hui Yin and only the Du channel meets up with Bai Hui also called Du 20.

The Chong Mei does not land vertically land on Yong Chuan at all. Yong Chuan is exclusive to the Kidney channel and is the Jing Well point.

And qi usually spirals clockwise not counter clockwise.
Where do you get your TCM from?

01-25-2004, 01:09 AM
Chong Mei does not connect Ming-men to Ren 8 on the belly button at all. Ming Men is on the Du Channel and Ren 8 is on the Ren channel. Both at the bottom end meet up with Hui Yin and only the Du channel meets up with Bai Hui also called Du 20.

The Chong Mei does not land vertically land on Yong Chuan at all. Yong Chuan is exclusive to the Kidney channel and is the Jing Well point.

And qi usually spirals clockwise not counter clockwise.
Where do you get your TCM from?

RM, you misunderstood me or I did a poor job of describing. I never meant to infer the conclusions you arrived at above. Let me try again.

The Wuji point is located in the center of the body between the belly button and Ming Men from front to back and between Bai Hui and Hui Yin vertically. Where these two lines intersect is where the Wuji Point is. I am understood that this lies on the Chong Mei Vessel.

A guide to determine proper stance, place each foot at a distance where the Yong Chong (K1) of each foot lies directly beneath Jian Jing (GB-21). If you draw a line vertically from Jian Jing to Yong Chong you get two vertical lines as you face the frontal aspect of the body. Then you can dissect the body through the center from Bai Hui to Hui Yin and continue down until the line lands on the ground between the two feet which are parallel by the way. So now you have three vertical imaginary lines when viewing from the frontal aspect. Now, the center line, if the posture is correct, should fall on another imaginary line going from left to right (or vise versa) which dissects the two Yong Chong points and lands in the middle. This will tell you if you are leaning too far forward or too far back.

Here's a drawing from Jan's book that should make it clearer.


Regarding the nature of the spiraling of Qi. These are my feelings through practice. That Qi spirals counter clockwise from heaven to earth. This is my sensation and is not an absolute. You may have a different reaction.

Hopefully this is clearer.