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View Full Version : Kungfu to Karate?(not about history)

12-29-2003, 10:40 AM
I know allot of people switch from Karate to kungfu because of the myth that Kungfu is a more sophisticated art with soft circular whatever.

My question is how many of you have gone from kungfu to karate and what was the xperience like. Differences or similarities in enviornment, philosophy, technique etc.

Also how compatible are the 2?

I have practiced other arts than kungfu but never any style of Karate and was curious about it.

12-29-2003, 12:10 PM
i BRIEFLY(read: 6 months) studied Kenpo & didn't really enjoy it. It was a bit too stiff for my tastes, and didn't 'move' the way that felt natural to me. but i will admit, i LOVE to see Karate, any kind, performed well, with skill. it's a beautiful thang...:cool:

i studied Wing Chun for nearly 2 years and loved every bit of it, and if i had the chance to study here(i moved so i can't): wingchunnyc.com ; i would study Wing Chun again....

i've been boxing for some time now and love not only the workout, but immediate, practical application of 4 simple punches + the weekly full contact sparring.

nothing like getting your ribs 'tucked in' by a fellow sparring partner to teach you react & adjust quickly to incoming attacks:D