View Full Version : bagua and taijutsu

01-07-2004, 12:07 PM
I think that most people think that the JMA closest to Bagua is aikido, but I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with Bujinkan style taijutsu. What do you think of them as complementary arts?

01-07-2004, 07:41 PM
Hey Falcor,

I used to study taijutsu and now I am a BaGua player. The only similiarities I found are some of the throws. Other than that, they really are two different arts. Body development, strategies, tactics - all different.

Personally my vote is for BaGua.


01-13-2004, 10:58 AM
Water and fire of taijitsu bujinkai might go with bagua. Either is its own.

I like what I think of as Pa Kua (as a by the way).