View Full Version : Instructors in LA area

01-09-2004, 09:42 PM
Hey, question: I live in the Santa Clarita area, near LA, and i was wondering if u know of any good martial art instructors in my area? Thanks. David

01-09-2004, 11:21 PM
If you're near LA go see Tim Cartmell. He's an authority on internal arts and one of the few Neijia types producing fighters.

01-10-2004, 05:43 AM
Well if you want to travel as far as Crip' suggests I can think of several dozens of other options besides. If you want to hook up in Ventura for some bagua, hsing-i and tai chi, send me a PM with your phone and I'll give you a call. No school but some class time and hard work. I also have a friend with a school in Ventura who teaches Southern 5 Animals and Southern Praying Mantis if that's something your interested in.

01-10-2004, 05:47 AM
BTW, my teacher is in Monterey Park, and just to keep it real, there are more than "a few" teachers there producing fighters. Tim is an excellent choice but there are so many options to choose in LA. You didn't even say if you're looking for Kung Fu. I just assumed, since this is a kung fu board. Maybe you're interested in something else?;)

01-10-2004, 06:17 AM
Originally posted by CrippledAvenger
If you're near LA go see Tim Cartmell. He's an authority on internal arts and one of the few Neijia types producing fighters.
I can't get past this one CrippledAvenger,
I know you had good intentions, and Tim is a great guy. Have you ever met him? Any of his students? Do you know anything about his classes besides what you have heard on the internet? Are you aware that there are literally thousands of Martial Arts schools in the LA area? Some of the most famous and infamous instructors. Some you would never hear about or suspect if it was right in front of your eyes. Some with commercial kwoons, dojo's, dojang's, school's, some just training in their own backyards and parks. No doubt, every one of them claim to produce fighters.

If you are interested in Chinese martial arts alone, LA has the largest Chinese population in North America. Mostly in Monterey Park. But it's a city about 5 or 6 times the area of Chicago. Sending 7Animal to Tim's school, that's like me sending you to, oh maybe, Detroit to study. Still, depending on what you are looking for and what you're willing to do to find it, that's not so bad. But if you ask Tim personally, and I don't presume to speak for him, but I would guess he would not claim to be an authority or use terms like neijia at all. He's a lifelong practitioner though, and there are certainly ones who claim authority with far less knowledge and training as him.

Best advice for 7Animal is to go to as many teachers as he/she can with an open mind. Try and watch or participate in one class or so. Ask a lot of questions. See what it feels like to you. If you leave with any doubts at all, keep looking. There is too much good stuff out there to settle for less than you want.

MonkeySlap Too
01-10-2004, 11:05 AM
The South Mantis guy Count knows is bad @ss.

there is also my Shuai chiao brother Mark Cheng in West Hollywood.

Su Dong Cheng is also down there - I hear very good things about him. Watched his apes and really liked them.

If you want to go IMA - Victor DeThouras is in Bellflower - In addition to knifefighting, Victor coaches Erin (the Brazilian Killer) McPhee, who has a cage fighting school right nearby.

LA is chock full of good stuff./ Take Count up on his offer, he's a great guy, and I'm bummed I didn't get to hang with him more when I was down there.

01-10-2004, 11:09 AM
Sorry Count. I shoulda differed to you and MST. :D No blood, no foul gents?

MonkeySlap Too
01-10-2004, 11:24 AM
CA - no need to defer to me...I think Tim Cartmell rocks too...I think Count is just saying he's got peronal experience on the matter...

01-10-2004, 12:18 PM
Interesting variations on 6 and 8. Its basically the same form we do with a few different flavors.

Sweet & clean back sweep on #8, I'd give it a good mark.

01-10-2004, 03:38 PM
xie li wong,

Your school looks pretty cool. I even saw a picture of my own teacher on your website that I never knew about. LOL!

Hey MS2, I wish we could have spent more time together when you were around. One of our new bagua students who comes with his wife also study with Victor. I can't tell you his name since I make a rule not to even bother learning names until they stick around for at least a year, but he says he knew you. I asked him about Victors classes this morning and I wish I could have met him while you were around.

CA, no foul at all. Actually if a person is checking around for schools, it would be a mistake to not go visit Tim's school.

Mine is the second from the right, the badist one in the crowd. (http://www.harmoniousfist.com/images/photos/jademasters.jpg)

01-16-2004, 04:28 AM
Mine is the second from the right, the badist one in the crowd.
Sifu Tsou is an excellent teacher but the best in that crowd? You really are misinformed. There are several high level Masters in that photo who's skill you have never witnessed. You offend. Yet you are entitled to your opinion.

Tell me your real name so I might have a word with your teacher as you bring him shame.

The trouble with these internet lists is you never know WHO is reading them....

01-16-2004, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by Lokhopkuen
Mine is the second from the right, the badist one in the crowd.
Sifu Tsou is an excellent teacher but the best in that crowd? You really are misinformed. There are several high level Masters in that photo who's skill you have never witnessed. You offend. Yet you are entitled to your opinion.

Tell me your real name so I might have a word with your teacher as you bring him shame.

The trouble with these internet lists is you never know WHO is reading them....
Excuse me? I bring him shame in what way? I offend??

First of all, you didn't read that quite right friend. Try again little slower, with a little less emotion and bias.

Second, if you don't know who I am, how do you know what and who I have witnessed? What makes you think I'm not qualified to judge what "high level" is?

Third, if you would like to have a word with my teacher, go ahead, you won't even need to know my real name. I don't hide who I am with a screen name. Most people have known who "count" is. "count" is my niokname for years before there was an internet. I get mail addressed to "count". Most forum folks know my real name anyway. Besides, just tell him the one who speaks the loudest on the internet about our school, he'll know who I am. :p

01-16-2004, 08:02 PM
Where do you see emotion?

You disrespect you own teacher standing on your soap box with your loud proclamation. If a Sifu is good, it is know and spoken of with respect. If a Sifu is not good then the obvious will follow.
You disrespect Sifu Shum who is senior to your teacher in age and accomplishment as well as Sifu Hui who is his contemporary.

And you still have not said your name....

No matter. Please accept my apologies for attempting to educate you.


01-16-2004, 08:29 PM
There are no martial arts available on the west coast. They have good coffee though. Can you smell it?

01-16-2004, 09:18 PM
I smell it Bai He. A mocha granda with a double shot of espresso. :cool:

Thank you Lokhopkuen for trying to educate me. In the 20 years I have spent with my current sifu, he has not mentioned once that he studied with or from the gentlemen you mentioned. Odd but none the less, I have been more than respectful and complementary of all the sifu's mentioned in this thread with all of my comments so I'm not sure what your point is?? If my opinion is that my sifu looks the badist in a crowd or a photo, I think anyone can read it as my opinion and take it for what it's worth. As you say, it is my opinion and I am entitled to it. As far as my name, for you, count will do. He will know who your talking about. ;)

01-16-2004, 10:25 PM
Didn't say he studied with Shum only that Master Shum is senior and I'll leave it at that.

Btw. Though some of my students write under the lokhopkuen handle, My name is Kisu and I am never hard to find.

I shall go and practice now as talking to people on these list is a complete waste of time.

Best wishes

01-16-2004, 11:03 PM
Well don't hurt yourself jumping down off your own soapbox there sport.:rolleyes: