View Full Version : Unknown Praying Mantis Style

01-12-2004, 12:01 PM
Hello all,

I have only just learned about the fact that there are many different stlyes of praying mantis, and i have realised that i do not know which style mine is. My teacher has just left for China so i am not able to ask her, and so would apreciate any help that you could give.

My style:

I have learned 3 kicks (High kick, Point kick and Swinging kick) which are all executed at head height or above.

I have learned eight stances (ready stance, 3/7 stance, 4/6 stance, horse stance, single leg stance, empty stance, easy-change stance and pressing stance)

I have learned many breathing techniques and we practise stances extensively.

I have learned many hand techniques which involve many strikes and grabs, but also "tiger palm" techniques.

We also have a warm up and training chi-gung excercise called "Lohangun" (or something like that)

If anyone can help i would greatly apreciate it.
Many thanks


01-13-2004, 06:07 PM
Not enough info. Many styles, not just mantis, have all those things.

01-13-2004, 06:26 PM
Oh yea, it's rare in mantis to kick above the head.

01-13-2004, 09:00 PM
what is your teacher's name, and where are you located?

01-14-2004, 11:35 AM
hmmmm, I'm not sure what else i can say about my style,

Are there any things that would really distinguish my style from every other mantis fist?

As we do not have 7 star stance i am assuming that it is not 7 star mantis.

We train in straight sword techniques, but i am not advanced enough to do so yet....

If anyone can think of any more features that may put my style away from every other style it would be very much apreaciated.

I am based in Cambridge, UK.


01-14-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by blackmantis
Hello all,

I have only just learned about the fact that there are many different stlyes of praying mantis, and i have realised that i do not know which style mine is. My teacher has just left for China so i am not able to ask her, and so would apreciate any help that you could give.

Can you ask one of your classmates what style of Praying Mantis is practiced in your school?

01-14-2004, 10:05 PM
Hey Blackmantis.

Another piece of information that might help everyone out is what forms you know, or what ones are in your syllabus.

Best of luck to you.


01-17-2004, 09:38 AM
I'm taught by a friend, and there are no other students.

As for forms, i have only learned one major form, and i cannot recall its name. It begins with a block into Changing Stance, and involves manys techniques such as using Empty Stance with Mantis Claws.

I know it is northern mantis, and that it is connected to Shaolin.

Are there any other things that could make my style unique?


01-18-2004, 07:17 PM
What exactly has your teacher told you about what you are learning? Would it be taboo of me to ask how you actually began this training?

01-18-2004, 10:33 PM
Pardon me as I re-iterate: Let me put it this way.... when you pick a teacher one should make sure that they are infatuated with their art. If someone claims to know everything about what they teach then they are not worthy to be your teacher. If your teacher shows to be in awe of what they teach you, then you are probably in the right place. A true teacher is first, and foremost, a professional student... a junkie if you will, who does not have the control to pull themselves away from what they are delving into. When an individual ceases to experience wonder, then they have reached a plateau and have become someone who needs to be taught themselves. Second, humor is paramount in life, especially when learning a fighting art or *any* art that involves the control of living forces within our miniscule universe. There are two things you know how to do at birth that most have not even pondered. Most everyone is aware that crying is natural and not taught... few realize that laughter is our second nature. The only other naturally occurring communication within our species that comes to us at birth. I won't ramble too much, but one who is truly zealous in their training of a martial science wil *always* have humor. It has do to with a recognition of what life is and why they enjoy the entirety of what it is they teach and what they learn... even if it is not understood. Teachers do not often choose to be teachers.... they normally end up becoming teachers while searching for something to hone their own learning... only to become aware that what they seek is not readily available and something that they will strive to provide to others. Bam! You're a teacher! Surprise! haha ok, yeah, I've started rambling. My main point was to make sure that you test anything you learn and not immediately take what you have learned to heart until your source has been proven... my apologies for the longwindedness and I wish you well in your endeavors. My previous questions still stand.

01-19-2004, 11:53 AM
That's all very interesting, but I have total faith in my teacher, and that is not really what's in question.

I guess it would help if someone exlplained what the defining features of all the major mantis styles are.



Hua Lin Laoshi
01-21-2004, 08:09 AM
Definitely not Wah Lum. The terminology doesn't match.

01-21-2004, 12:33 PM
my best suggestion for you is just to wait for your teacher to retun & ask her. You will just end up going in circles here asking the questions you are asking with the limited information you have on the subject.
Best wishes,