View Full Version : ATTN: Mr Mortal!

01-20-2004, 12:19 PM
Dear Mr. Mortal:

Throughout my travels, I hear rumours and innuendos about artists of the martial variety, although it is generally my personal ethical policy not to comment. However, on a recent excursion in New York City, I came across a fellow whom said that he knew a person named 'mortal' and that mortal excels in "The art of fighting without fighting" and made mention of an automobile, a toll both and two chickens. Although this sounded like the most odd combination, I was intrigued. And since much of the style that I have mastered involves "the art of fighting without fighting", I thought I might enquire further. If this is in fact you, would you care to expound upon this most beguiling subject matter?



01-20-2004, 03:07 PM
I first started training in buck tooth jack ass style from tokyo in the late eighties. I was driving down 42nd street in my camaro listening to a flock of seagull song when I ran over a small boy running for his ball. It was then I realized I didin't have very good reflexes. True I shouldn't have been rolling that joint.
I went to my local strip mall and it was history from there.