View Full Version : Pinch Front Lever/Now this is body tension

01-26-2004, 03:13 PM
Check this out.
I can do a Front Lever but this motivates me

01-26-2004, 05:37 PM
That last picture is amazing.

There's a pic in the most recent IronMind catalog of a guy doing a weighted one armed one finger pullup.

01-26-2004, 06:24 PM
wow, very impressive.

Ford Prefect
01-27-2004, 07:41 AM
Great if you're into bouldering or rock climbing. I don't have any rafters so what I did is buy a few different size blocks of wood, and put a bolt through the middle. I attached a steel cable to the bolt and a latch to the other end of the cable. I can attach weight plates to the cable, so I attach how ever many plates I want, and farmer's walk pinch gripping the block of wood. It's kind of like a home made one of these:


but a lot cheaper...

01-28-2004, 04:37 PM
I did the same thing with a block of wood over 3" thick, drilled a hole through the middle and put in some towing rope. If you knot a carabiner on the end you can hook the rope over itself and put plates on the rope.

I haven't used it for a while though. My latest grip craze is towel chinups and weighted towel chinups.