View Full Version : KUNG FU HUSTLE - Stephen Chow's latest Kung Fu Flick

South Paw
10-24-2003, 09:16 PM
Sneak Preview of some pictures of Steven Chow's latest movie 'Kung Fu Hustle'.

SanSoo Student
10-27-2003, 10:20 PM
What's it about?

South Paw
10-27-2003, 11:33 PM
Kungfu Hustle takes place in Guangdong in China in 1940s. Stephen Chow plays a hopeless hooligan Ah Sing. Ah Sing has a truly sharp tongue and often twists facts and overwhelms people with his gift of the gab. However, he lacks a strong will and doesn't have a career. It's his ideal to join the merciless and notorious Axe Gang and become a notable figure in the gang. At this time, Axe Gang is sparing no effort in capturing a district not yet under its influence. However, this place has many hidden talents such as a tyrannical fat landlady and her husband, whom by contrast, looks like a weakling, who lead a group of martial arts experts who has been concealing their abilities, against the Axe Gang using their miraculous skills.
Chengshi Evening News

10-28-2003, 12:28 PM
There's mention of Kung Fu Hustle and Shaolin Soccer (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=403), and it's relationship to Miramax and Tri Star distribution.

10-28-2003, 12:37 PM
Good, I was afraid it was going to be about a guy who wanted to promote shaolin kung fu by forming a shaolin disco-dance team with his old kung fu brothers.

SanSoo Student
10-29-2003, 08:33 AM
ahaha Kung Fu Funk..disco style!!!

South Paw
10-29-2003, 11:57 PM

Thanks for your reply.

To learn some more about the movie Kung Fu Hustle just click:

South Paw
01-26-2004, 11:59 PM
The latest on the film Kung Fu Hustle (http://home.planet.nl/~padbe017/template.htm) in which GM Chiu Chi Ling is playing a role.

South Paw
01-30-2004, 04:44 AM
Hi Gene,

I'm also very curious.
I'll keep posting if I have some news to report on this film.


01-30-2004, 08:23 AM
hmm sammo hung isnt gonna be action choerographer anymore. i like sammo's fight scenes he uses a lot more chin na than normal people.

01-30-2004, 11:18 AM
He has a wicked front kick - drops all his girth on you. Ever see Paper Marraige? It's a guilty pleasure of mine, especially the Maggie Cheung mud wrestling scene. Some great stuff. But he seems a little burnt after his TV show experience. That started out strong, but it didn't sustain itself, at least choreographically speaking.

norther practitioner
01-30-2004, 01:35 PM
Yeah, that show went from wow, to ugh, more cheesy USA sitcom choreography...

The first season has some good stuff though.

South Paw
10-01-2004, 02:39 PM
The film already played at the Toronto International Film Festival last month.
It will appear in January 2005.




Kind regards,

12-29-2004, 03:38 PM
Go Stephan Chow! (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-12/28/content_2387931.htm)

01-01-2005, 03:49 AM
yeah i helped with that. i brought some chick to the thearter in hangzhou to see it. good good movie :D

01-12-2005, 08:34 PM
it is worthwhile to pay money for enjoying it in the movie theater.
what stephen chow starred and directed kung fu is that he wants to express respect to Bruce Lee,and Martial Art .
it is not just a comic movie but a good kung fu movie.

01-13-2005, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by speedyfist
it is worthwhile to pay money for enjoying it in the movie theater.
what stephen chow starred and directed kung fu is that he wants to express respect to Bruce Lee,and Martial Art .
it is not just a comic movie but a good kung fu movie.

the kung fu is pretty good in it.

01-16-2005, 04:36 PM
Just saw Kung Fu Hustle yesterday - my film of the year so far! It's absolutely brilliant, really funny and absurd. Go see it! ;)

01-17-2005, 08:59 AM
Given the choice between Shaolin Soccer or Kung Fu which one i prefer?I think i will choose Kung Fu.Not only its CGI is 5 times better than Shaolin Soccer,but also it affects my feelings about Chow's past movies . Although it is said that he plays a role who appears half of the time,i think it doesn't diminish the importance of his role. Because played Buddha palm .The key is that Sing is not really bad ,and Sing in why did he change his mind to hit the top world's killer(Fire-clouded devil)with a stick,and why did he stop fighting to that crazy guy untill he the play always said "i am not a good man,i want to kill blah..blah.."but if someone were a bad guy ,how can he or she say "i want to kill a person,and i wanna be a bad person!" Because bad guys kill people without reasons instead of hesitating about that! So he can hit TOP world's killer right now.However,Sing was struggling with right and wrong as if he was on the edge of darkness,and stood on the steel bar where he waited for someone give him a push. Who did push him at this moment? Yes! What you think is that girl.She told him with sign language. "Hey! Did you forget?You saved me in the past!" But,Stephen Chow told the reporter that mute girl's lines should be " Hey! Did you forget?you are a good person!why you robbed me ? Thus,Sing were facing the dilemma of being a good person or a bad guy. Finally,Sing said to himself and realised that he is a good man! This is why he was for the landlady and landlord.Likewise,after he got hurt badly,the landlady asked him "how come you became righteous?Have you got something to say?" Then,Sing drew a stick of candy with his blood. In fact,it shows that he is a good man within,and is ready to do what he has to do and what he is prepared to do.It is similar to following his instincts like 6 guys in Shaolin Soccer who had found their roles after they got punched in the match.
To sum up,every time i see Kung Fu ,i have a different feeling. It is worthwhile to pay money to see it again and again!Stephen Chow not only earns our money,but also makes everyone laugh and cry!

It is a logical argument that Sing struck Beast with a stick due to
Stephen Chow's press interview.

01-17-2005, 06:32 PM
I'm sure there was a spoiler in that last post, but I couldn't get past the syntax and grammer. I just read this morning that there's a new book out on Animal language that poses the argument against it since animals don't have syntax (an old argument really). Obviously, the author has never studied chinglish... ;)

01-17-2005, 08:30 PM
I think it's spoiler protected text - having seen the movie I can kinda understand his post (kinda), but I can also see quite clearly where your confusion comes from! ;)

01-18-2005, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by GeneChing
I'm sure there was a spoiler in that last post, but I couldn't get past the syntax and grammer. I just read this morning that there's a new book out on Animal language that poses the argument against it since animals don't have syntax (an old argument really). Obviously, the author has never studied chinglish... ;)
it seems you are capable of understanding many languages.
So,you may check Chow's interview presented as follow.
討 論 題 目  周星馳: 我是中國的靈魂 從來都是  16/01
2004年12月,《功夫》上畫,打破_輕銋q影票房所有紀錄 。上星期三,特_漪I政報告出台,主張推動_輕鉹憭く郱N 產業,並將電影業點名成當中的龍頭旗艦。此時此刻,向 周星馳取經提問,意義_咫j。
第一節星爺自發批判傳媒,內容一針見血,日後有機會在 我的文化理論課再講,在此不贅。第二節我訪問星爺,由 《功夫》的一招一式、講到港式創意產業的終極精神,和 華人電影在全球化底下何去何從的大問題。第三節星爺訪 問我,問談情說愛如何可以做到「虛無縹緲,又蕩氣迴腸 」﹖
近兩小時的聚_措L後,同行的編輯成功地取得了星爺的親 筆簽名,我也成功地確認了兩件_冒n的事情﹕
周星馳是一_茼酗艀雩ㄙ犒q影人。想真正了解星爺的電影 世界,不_n問他《西遊記》是否代表後現代,大理論他自 認不在行。也不_n一本正經地問他特區政府究竟如何可以振興創意產業 。(我_抶桯L問他,他露出一_茈菾磽〞滷ㄠ扛穜﹛A然後望 我說﹕「不如你答」。)相反,問他如來神掌第二式和第 八式有何不同,趙薇光頭前和光頭後的心情因何有異,他會舉一反三、如數碗碟。我對《功夫》提出不 少批評,他明顯地全部想過,而且想得很多、很細、很入 肉。我問世界電影市場霸道底下,如何可以堅持本土地道 電影特色﹖他說堅持本土地道特色,「攬住這_蚅_」,就 是打入世界電影市場最好的方法。三分精靈,七分確切, 十分周星馳。
在以下的專訪,你會見到一_茼酗腄B有腦、有情、有趣的 周星馳。《功夫》對_輕鉹憭く郱N產業的啟示,莫過於此 。


明報專訊】吳﹕吳俊雄 周﹕周星馳
吳﹕《功夫》上映後評論很多,有批評指這戲不似周星馳 的電影。他_抳‘H前周星馳的故事性強,小人物性格很立 體,無厘頭的笑話很厲害,但今次這些東西相對較弱。有 一_茪漲a網民說《功夫》特技太犀利,情節反而被壓下去 ,小人物的性格含糊,你是否同意﹖
無論觀眾如何評價 我都同意
周﹕特技太犀利,都同意,特技都幾犀利的。小人物性格 ……基本上觀眾無論有什麼評價或者感想,我都是同意的。戲拍了出來 ,觀眾去看,就是觀眾話事,你只能做一_蚑晢捸A有那些有用,我需_n再改良 ,有那些是我_n取捨的。
吳﹕以前的戲你由頭帶到尾,場_惚雃h細節,人物很立體 ,但在這戲,你12分鐘之後才出場,好多群戲,變成放在 無賴星仔灶上的戲相對短少,有人就批評主角由無賴變成 好人的過程醞釀並不足夠。
周﹕當然我拍時是覺得夠的,出來後如果有人覺得不夠, 這_罝n跟進一下,希望下次連這方_掖ㄟ策n。你拍每套電 影都有一些不同的東西想試,講明是群戲,相對來說你自 己的戲就會少點,你就_n貴精不貴多。當然有人覺得這不 足夠,但以我現在的程度,我覺得OK。我覺得有些東西我 已經鋪排了進去,但當然_n觀眾覺得「是啊」才是……我自己好怕一件事﹕喂﹗不是啊 ﹗呢──記得起嗎﹖我在第32分鐘呢……喂,我那堣ㄛO 有_茬o樣的場_情A我那堛熒N思不就是什麼什麼來﹖這樣 就死了,你_n這樣每格告訴他,我這埵訛荂u啦」字,那 堣S有_茪偵簹F西,你都get不到……觀眾看不到,是你做得不夠,你再去告訴他是無用的。我只 能說,這_罝n再研究,再跟進。

多看幾次《功夫》 可能另有發現

吳﹕我明白你不喜歡「解畫」,但有兩點我想追問。第一 是周星馳的角色由一_蚅篘儹蚰@的人,忽然變得好有正義 感,與梁小龍做一_茖獄礞j犧牲的搏鬥,那_茤坋磏鉣亃q 何而來﹖第二是主角最後彈上3萬_^呎之後,忽然頓悟, M後一_茼p來神掌打下來那段,其實我小時也是功夫片迷,我常覺得一_荋雲q人能夠變成一_蚍F害的功 夫人,中間一定有一_蚢L程,我覺得戲中對此缺乏交代。

i think i wrote it from here "周﹕那無法不解釋一下了。我_鴠貌熒Q法,是那人正站在 一_蚚雿t,他本灶是一_茼n的底子,不過環境令他以為想 走另一條路。由第一場開始他在掙扎,可見他根本不是一 _蚚a人,他不斷在說「我不是_茼n人,我_n如何如何」, 但壞人怎會說這樣的對白﹖一_蚚a人,他怎會說「我_n殺 人,我_n做壞人」。那一下他砰一聲打下去火雲邪神處, 其實他是隨時都會這樣做的。他處在邊緣,站在鋼線上, 就在等人推他一把……那誰去推他一把呢﹖就是那_茪k孩 子,那女孩告訴他﹕喂,你忘了呀,你救過我。其實那真 正的台詞是﹕喂,你忘了呀,你是好人來的,為什麼你打 劫呀﹖於是他就好矛盾,之後隔了一兩場戲又去到最後那 _蚋鈺岈I,先前推了他,是否就即是讓他明白﹕我明了, _鴩荍甯O_茼n人﹖不是的,戲劇上不是這樣,_n去到某_ 位,某_荍鉧靰漲魽A一是這邊,一是那邊,他就回去自己 所屬的地方,那一棍結果他打下去_蚚a人那堙C於是最後 ,我又在破廟round up,元秋元華問點解你會突然間這樣﹖你還有什麼話說﹖ 然後他畫了一枝波板糖,其實這就等於告訴大家﹕其實我 就是這樣。又是歸位的意思。"

這些東西,我是第一次說出來,大家不明瞭,我認為是有 技術上做得不好。不過,《西遊記》一開始上映時,人_ 沒有那麼瘋狂,後來多看幾次,呀﹗這_茯O這樣﹔再看, 呀﹗那_茯O那樣。有時,我覺得《功夫》會不會有這_茈i 能﹖多看兩次,你會覺得,咿──全部有齊喎。這_茪ㄔX 奇。

 日度夜度 都是幫其他人度


周﹕其實這_茪]是我想嘗試的。嘗試有時需_n有膽量。那些人說﹕嘩,你 差一句對白,為什麼不說出來﹖你說出來又無人話你,說 出來是天公地道,為什麼不說﹖想試試,看又如何。那時 我認為不應該說出來,譬如有些位,像波板糖,我想不到 一句對白,我想了很久,呀,他應該說些什麼﹖說那_茠i板糖令我走回正義的路 上,你怎樣說﹖未必沒有這樣一句對白,是我想不出吧。

關於收起星仔這一點,我不知是否因為導演的工作。其實我自己_n求好高,作為一_蚞仴t,第 一你_n講整_茯G事,第二你_n處理每一_蚨t_的部分,你 _n他_怢C一_茬ㄞS別一點。我記得拍《功夫》時,好多東 西,日度夜度,大部分都是幫其他演_度的。以前自己拍戲,每一秒 都在想自己跟茖漸y可以怎樣,跟茠滌囮@可以怎樣,但 現在大部分時間我都在想他_n怎樣,我總覺得我自己「是 但啦」,「得謚捸v。我自己都想再發揮得好一點,再勁 點,再「出」一點,但有時顧此失彼。這_荓↙G在每一天 拍攝都是如此,我最留意的肯定不是自己,我最留意的一 定有其他演_,即使在看熒幕,都是在講其他人,然後有 _茪H來告訴我,「喂,你_魙i喎」,大家都ok了,但自己 「_曮Y好掂」。


【明報專訊】吳﹕這套戲有好多招式,如鐵線拳和如來神 掌,全部都是我_怳p時_唻ㄨL的東西。《功夫》成功的地 方,是將這些模糊的印象變成一些我_怓搊o見的東西。但 是有關練功這件事我想追問一下。功夫片我覺得最緊_n不 是最後的輸贏,而是練功的過程。例如《少林三十六房》 其實完全是講練功的。練功令一_茪H的性格改變,思想道 行更上一層樓,片中見到的如來神掌是一_茼n超級的武功 ,但好像突然出現,是不是你想了3日也想不到如何表達,因此放棄練功﹖

 周﹕其實不是想不到,是今次不想做練功。練功是功夫 片必備的東西,我_茪H尤其有興趣,因為我都是練功的。我的經驗是,在電影中有一樣主力的東 西做得出來,已經好難得,千萬不_n想荌筐熉芊A或者三 樣,是不能的。其實我最想做是好多高手,有高手,又有 高手,跟住再有高手,這臥虎藏龍的感覺。嘩﹗_鴩茈L又 是,跟住有_茼A勁點又出來,這也是以前看功夫片自己很荌g的。我想今次主力做這_荂A所 有東西都神秘點,不是你看茈L_W練3年有成。



 周﹕最困難是你_n決定做這些東西。_漸我_n決定拍功 夫片,然後是什麼功夫片﹖傇悼握偵礡S是虎鶴雙形還是 如來神掌﹖因為好不同,功夫範疇好廣,你_n有實有虛,該如何處理﹖ 當我最後決定做如來神掌、獅吼功和六指琴魔時,都有好多不同的意見。你_n告訴別人,為什麼我覺得 是work的。我實情認為這些是我_岯輕鉿n地道的文化。當 然也有人認為是太地道了,除了_輕銦A誰會明白什麼是如來神 掌﹖但我正正_n揀最地道的東西,將它做到適合其他地方 的人的口味,因為其他地方的人,正正就_n他未看過的、不知道的、聽也未聽過的。譬如你為外國人煮_飽A難道你煮漢堡包給他﹖你當然弄_蚇N賣、排骨叉燒飯加隻煎蛋——太陽蛋、雲吞麵、「有咁地道得咁地道」。我亦相信他一定喜歡這些, 他無理由來到你處,_鳩A的東西,無理由又想你做_蚨~堡 包或煎件扒來_鳩a﹗

 我一定_n最地道的東西,但我_n用最好的技術,將它做 到最好的quality,所以我一定用那些東西,包括_絳痋C有人會問,「_曮Y呀嘛﹖又如來神掌﹖」我就係 ,一定_n係,無得_曮Y﹗你千萬不_n功虧一簣,最後弄_ 貝多芬來襯如來神掌,這就「死畀你睇」﹗我的想法是﹕ 最地道的東西,是「寶」來的,好多都是「寶」來的,只 是我_怳ㄦ磳收O一回事,它就不是一回事,但你當它是一 回事,其實它真的可以是「寶」。現在我_怞b所有的地方 都破了華語片的紀錄,在經濟的角度看,其實我是做了很 好的事,但沒有人意識到,可能大家只覺得我在_輕鉿菑v 跟自己鬥。當然我不會說電影是十全十美,不過_n留意今 次,雖然這_茪虪s《功夫》,但它是非常有_輕鉿漹m的東 西,以往人_怍瓵蚺δn太localise,說太過本地化,一定 不成的。我覺得未必如此。我今次是掉轉來想,不locali se的不用,暫時來說,so far so good。

 吳﹕你有沒有看過張藝謀的《十_戛I伏》和《_^雄》﹖ 很多人都拿這兩套戲跟你的《功夫》比較,說大家都在做 一_茼酗什磥憭かS色,又有世界市場吸引力的東西。但有 人批評《十_戛I伏》是拍給西人看的,將一些表_惜W很中 國的東西搞到很漂亮、很舞蹈化,但沒有地道質感。你自 己看這兩套戲時怎麼想﹖

周﹕《十_戛I伏》我沒有看。《_^雄》我看了,《_^雄》 我自己是喜歡的。當然在中國東方的_麈嚏B題材,給我做 ,我覺得還有很多可以發揮,但我覺得都算不錯。總之那 時看完,行出戲院我朋友問我﹕得_爣o呀﹖,我話「得﹗ 」,咁樣囉。
我是中國的靈魂 從來都是
周﹕有。我看完之後朋友問我﹕得_爣o﹖,我話「得﹗」 ,咁樣囉。他(泰_菑悒ㄐ^是一_茼n喜歡_輕銋q影的導演,當然他拍的是 一_茈~國片,外國靈魂,但用中國的東西包裝。
明報專訪  百老匯論壇http://www.cinema.com.hk/forum/c_forum_detail.php3?TitleID=33712

01-25-2005, 10:45 AM
But I've just seen Kung Fu Hustle and I was right, there were spoilers in your review, which is considered bad form unless you warn the reader beforehand. And Serpent's right, your review does make more sense.

I thoroughly enjoyed Kung Fu Hustle. It's a very strange film, strange like Shaolin Soccer with irreverent detours and innovative use of CGI. Chow is now one of my favorite filmmakers. He's a maverick, breaking the mold and re-interpreting the genre. And he always succeeds in making me laugh. I've been thinking about how to describe this film to people who haven't seen it without giving any spoilers, and I keep wanted to compare it to Shaolin Soccer, since that's the only film I can think of that's in the ballpark. Like Shaolin Soccer, it pushes the edge of the envelope on what a martial arts film can be. It's much darker and more serious - in a way - but then it has these classic moments of Chow-only insanity. Clear homage moments are given to Bruce Lee and Matrix. But Chow is smart - knowing he can't do what Lee did (some of the fights and gestures are scene-for-scene lifts of Lee) he makes up for it with hilarious CGI. And what a great role for Chiu Chi Ling! Plus my old friend Lunza (Shaolin monk Shi Xingwu) plays Coolie. There's even a tribute scene to the Road Runner. No one has come close to emulating Shaolin Soccer yet, and Kung Fu Hustle will be the same. I'm not sure which film I liked better in the end. Shaolin Soccer was more cohesive in a way - more digestible by pop culture. On the whole, it had better flow. Kung Fu Hustle has more obvious moments that appeal to the martial artist. It has some hairpin plot turns, or better put, atmospheric turns. It's more predictable, especially if you know Kung Fu films. Like Zhang Yimou's Hero and House of Flying Daggers, I don't think a comparision between the two films is really fair, but inevitable.

I'll have to see KFH again a few times. I'd definately recommend it. I'm trying to acquire a good universal platform DVD for MartialArtsMart.com (http://www.martialartsmart.com). This film, and Jackie Chan's New Police Story (http://www.martialartsmart.net/dvd10083.html) have renewed my faith in Hong Kong movie making.

Li Kao
01-25-2005, 11:07 PM
I liked KFH quite a bit too -- Chow has made some really funny movies over the years, and he keeps getting better. My personal favorite of his though still remains "The God of Cookery" -- Karen Mok's character is quite unforgettable in that one!

01-27-2005, 10:56 AM
This is a really great Kung Fu flick i saw it when i was on a 17 day wushu training trip in the Zhejiang province it was awsome.

01-27-2005, 11:00 AM
So Shaolin Lube you really do admit that you went out with Kelly from hangzhou. Didnt she ask you if you were married!? :D

01-27-2005, 06:20 PM
You didn't say anything about that in your e-zine story (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=575). That's sounds like the good dirt. Why ever did you hold out on us? ;)

01-28-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
You didn't say anything about that in your e-zine story (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=575). That's sounds like the good dirt. Why ever did you hold out on us? ;)

**** jojo look what you did now. so yeah i went to the thearter with this girl to see it. we get there shes asking me if i have gf, if i ever want to get married. which do i like better for kids, boy or girl, and such. i was just humble and answered them. i did treat to the thearter and she got me 10 yuan off. :o she didnt even translate that much for me. the physical comedy was good. but no subtitles. well chinese ones. she writes me a lot now. good thing she hasnt mentioned anything about coming to america to see me or marriage, cause shes only my friend. if i need a chinese girl in china, i have auntie who was trying to hook me up with a couple girls. cause she thought it was horrible that i was single, nice and 23. then the security guy i became good friends with, when i go back we are going to his hometown for fun.

and when did you see it jojo :o with kelly, nancy, dan, wayne, ed, and javier?

01-28-2005, 09:20 PM
Hey me Javier and abunch of theother guys got these emails from them like be happy and healthy to teach them chinese or something like that. Did you get it

01-28-2005, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by ShaolinJOJO
Hey me Javier and abunch of theother guys got these emails from them like be happy and healthy to teach them chinese or something like that. Did you get it

yeah! but it was teach them english and they will help me with my chinese. one of them is like maybe i can visit you. i was like avoiding it all together. oh man.

01-30-2005, 05:05 PM
It was a great movie. It even inspired me to change my avatar!

01-31-2005, 03:04 PM
Stephen Chow and Tony Ja are the only interesting guys in KF flicks right now. Of course, New Police Story was pretty good but so DARK...

01-31-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by shaolinboxer
Stephen Chow and Tony Ja are the only interesting guys in KF flicks right now. Of course, New Police Story was pretty good but so DARK...

yeah with the young hip criminals. sometimes those young hip cool criminals make me laugh, cause they are all into extreme sports and such. like the cops in gen x cops and such. jeeze. i guess in hk they eat that stuff up.

02-01-2005, 10:12 AM
NEW POLICE STORY (http://www.martialartsmart.net/dvd10083.html) was quite a reinvention of Jackie Chan's character, a real break from the Kung Fu clown he's been portraying in the US. Quite daring really. I was delighted to see Jackie pull it off, frankly. People tend to underestimate him and stereotype him, mostly because he's done some really cheesy stuff, especially lately. But I've been following Jackie's career for almost 30 years now, so for me, NPS was a definate milestone.

norther practitioner
02-01-2005, 10:49 AM
HK bad guys sometimes seem like the "punks" they put in B films in the early 90s/late 80s and such..

I have watched more Jackie Chan films than I'd like to admit, and I'd put NPS up there with the best of them, and a definite return to the ol' school.... with ropes.

02-01-2005, 12:06 PM
oh its definetly dark and a good movie and brings back the old jackie chan. but i always find the bad guys funny for some reason. in hk it seems the last couple years with young hero's/villians is that they have to be cool and hip. so they make them all into extreme sports or dress hip and stuff. they jsut cant be "normal" it seems over done. :o. but yeah I have seen a lot of jacki chan stuff too and this is definetly the best thing he has done in a couple years. but i also liked shanghai nights and the rush hour series :X. i need to go buy twin dragons, i remember that being pretty good.

02-01-2005, 12:49 PM
I just got a call from Sony Pictures. They're working on releasing Kung Fu Hustle in March. That's a lot faster than I thought.

02-01-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
I just got a call from Sony Pictures. They're working on releasing Kung Fu Hustle in March. That's a lot faster than I thought. http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&cf=info&id=1808617679

March 18 (limited)

SanSoo Student
02-02-2005, 07:29 AM
NOOO!! not limited release, they need to do nationwide...I bet it would be a hit then

02-02-2005, 10:43 AM
Look at the history of subtitled films in national release. Sadly, America isn't a nation of readers and I don't think Sony Pictures Classics will dub this. At least I hope not.

Now I also realize why it's been so hard to get a DVD for resale at MartialArtsMart (http://www.martialartsmart.com) - I've had my eye on KFH for a long time hoping to bring it here like we did for Hero and are doing for New Police Story (http://www.martialartsmart.net/dvd10083.html).

02-02-2005, 10:50 AM
isnt KFH out on dvd in china by now? i mean, I bought andy lau's movie "A world without thieves" on dvd in china, and it was still out in the thearters in china.

02-02-2005, 11:53 AM
...but those are region 3 platform. We only deal in region 1 (USA) or universal platform DVDs. Also we don't deal in bootlegs. Official product only. You may pay a little more, but the production quality is generally far superior, and the earnings go to the rightful recipients.

02-02-2005, 01:02 PM
my fortune cookie jsut said "be confident in your own lovability" so i guess it means i have to push more buttons!!!! :o
werd, ill pick it up off you guys if you get one in.

02-02-2005, 05:34 PM
...but if Sony Classic Pictures is going to release it stateside that soon, they'll probably clamp down on HK uni-platform DVDs and it'll go straight to US DVD distribution. In which case, we won't carry it. We generally don't carry DVDs in regular release which explains why we don't carry Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or even Enter the Dragon. You can find that stuff at Blockbuster so it's not worth it for us to try to compete there.

02-02-2005, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
...but if Sony Classic Pictures is going to release it stateside that soon, they'll probably clamp down on HK uni-platform DVDs and it'll go straight to US DVD distribution. In which case, we won't carry it. We generally don't carry DVDs in regular release which explains why we don't carry Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or even Enter the Dragon. You can find that stuff at Blockbuster so it's not worth it for us to try to compete there.

well get those uni dvd's quick then ;).. blockbuster..... i'm not a member :(

02-02-2005, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by GeneChing
...but if Sony Classic Pictures is going to release it stateside that soon, they'll probably clamp down on HK uni-platform DVDs and it'll go straight to US DVD distribution. In which case, we won't carry it. We generally don't carry DVDs in regular release which explains why we don't carry Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or even Enter the Dragon. You can find that stuff at Blockbuster so it's not worth it for us to try to compete there.

well get those uni dvd's quick then ;).. blockbuster..... i'm not a member :( boo hoo. guess they got walmart.

02-10-2005, 10:59 AM
Hey Shaolin Lube you forgot to drop off my cds at the school the other night ago.:D

02-10-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by ShaolinJOJO
Hey Shaolin Lube you forgot to drop off my cds at the school the other night ago.:D

yeah i didnt get home until 11pm and i had to wake up at 3pm. so chill kid.

South Paw
03-05-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Gene Ching
And what a great role for Chiu Chi Ling!

You're right Gene. It sure is the best role for him so far. I'm really happy for Sifu Chiu Chi Ling.....and he showed superb Hung Gar!


03-07-2005, 08:01 PM
I saw a subbed version of the movie not too long ago. It was quite an entertaining and funny movie. I loved the comedy in the movie which was even better than Steven Chow's Shaolin Soccer. I say everyone should go see it.

03-08-2005, 10:53 AM
chinese release is out now. region 3 dvd.

03-11-2005, 05:40 AM

I saw Kung Fu Hustle and I have to agree with you guys. It is one great movie. I enjoyed the score as much as the movie. It was really nice to see Bruce Liang back in the movies again. He still has his legs.

Kung Fu Hustle successfully transfers the spirit and the look of Jademan comics to the screen.

Thank you all for recommending this movie!


03-11-2005, 10:12 AM
Kung Fu Hustle is scheduled for a limited release (LA & NY) on March 18 and a national release on April Fool's Day, appropriately. It's being advertising in the video gaming mags, which are expensive ads since vidoegame mags are one of the few genres that continues to succeed on the newsstand. It surprised me that it's going to be rated R.

03-14-2005, 08:27 PM
at least you guys got to see it with subtitles that you could understand. :(

03-15-2005, 10:10 AM
... I think the only thing I would need subtitles for would be who Chow gets his powers in the end. That was a bit of a deux ex machina move, but it works with the flow of the film.

I just saw it again last Saturday (the first time I saw it was off HK DVD on a 3" screen on my kid's computer). It's much better on a bigger screen (obviously). As always, I'll be interested to see how it plays in the US, whether Americans can 'get it' and what kind of release it gets. April 1st is probably not that good of a date since that means it'll go head-to-head with Sin City (http://www.sincitythemovie.com/#) which will probably take the box office for that weekend.

03-15-2005, 07:25 PM
... I think the only thing I would need subtitles for would be who Chow gets his powers in the end. That was a bit of a deux ex machina move, but it works with the flow of the film.

thats exactly why i need subtitles. i understood it a bit, but had no clue really. the rest your right. it doesnt matter.

03-16-2005, 02:45 PM
...I can't reveal it here because it would be too much of a spoiler.

Tell me this thread isn't going to evolve into another geneching/shaolinlueb ping pong match. I still haven't got all the nacho stains out from the last one.... ;)

03-16-2005, 09:49 PM
hahahahaha nice, i guess we can talk in email then.
dude you wouldnt believe the press this movie recieved when it first came out in china. i was over there when it came out. infact i think i saw it on christmas day with my friend. it was all over the tv and posters everywhere. and every other poster was yao ming.

03-21-2005, 04:10 PM
I hear their pushing back the date of Kung Fu Hustle one week - probably to avoid Sin City's premiere. They're always pushing around release dates of HK films. Poor Stephan Chow....he must hate that.

03-22-2005, 03:44 PM
Just adding my vote for this was a great movie.
If you are near a chinatown, get the official VCD. The quality is very good and it's only about 9 bucks. Comes with English subs.

Also, check out the official site:
Keep hitting backspace and it will randomly go to a different character page.

Here's the one for Chiu Chi Ling:

And for the hoopla, enter the site, click on "media" and then "video extras" It has the major asian cities premier videos. Pretty cool. Another bonus is the video clips (quite a few and subtitlted) and the corny computer games.

03-24-2005, 06:25 AM
I finally saw Kung Fu Hustle yesterday and liked it so much I immediately watched it a second time!!!! This is the best Martial Arts Comedy ever!

04-08-2005, 11:06 AM
With Hustle opening in NY and LA today, I ran across this nice pic of Chiu Chi Ling Sifu:

The caption is: Chiu Chi Ling plays a tailor who finds himself under siege in #34;Kung Fu Hustle,#34; Stephen Chow's comedic take on the martial arts genre.

The article can be found at:


04-11-2005, 10:37 AM
KFH opened in seven theaters April 8 and garnered $293,025. That comes to an average of $41,861 per theater, which the AP calls 'whopping'. An expanded nationwide release will be April 22.

04-11-2005, 01:52 PM
Whopping indeed!

I had no idea what to compare $41K/cinema to so I looked up the AP article.
"Sahara", the number one movie that same weekend, averaged $5,866 in 3,154 theaters. Not sure how other limited releases fair but that's a huge gap.

That's a serious can of Kung Fu Whoop A$$! Hope the major release does as well.

Thanks Gene

04-12-2005, 10:14 AM
Given Kung Fu Hustle's extraordinary seven theater box office last weekend, Sony Classics has scheduled a 2000 theater nationwide release for the 22nd. That's a major release. Things are looking good for KFH. :cool:

04-18-2005, 09:45 AM
Please see our exclusive new Kung Fu Hustle article (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=592) available on our e-zine. :cool:

04-18-2005, 12:14 PM
I enjoyed the movie, too.

There are some graphical violences that may not be good for kids.

Other than that, it is fun for the whole family.

Hong Kong comedy in Kung Fu style.

The landlady has the lion roar gong. The women that yell a lot are called lion roar in the east of the river or He Dong Shi Hou 河东狮吼.

The bad guy said that oh it is only a loudspeaker and I was defeated. Da La Ba 大喇叭.

Zhou has the body structure of MA. Only the Ren Du Er Mai needed to be opened. The bad guy did that by the headbutt of a frog and pushed upward to the sky. Zhou stepped on a soaring eagle and met Buddha in the shape of clouds. He then gained the power or Qi of a Buddha hand.

All the jokes and tidbits of stories are all familar.

Ba Gua Gun (staff), iron wire fist, and 12 Lu Tang Tui. Hmm, ok.

Tai Chi landlord, and sonic booms from Gu Zheng, hmm

White crane spreading wing in Yang style. ok.


It is fun with Qi blasts extra ordinare.


Lollipop story is A plus.



Li Kao
04-19-2005, 05:09 PM
I am hoping Kung Fu Hustle gets some exposure and picks up steam after the nationwide release too. Not sure if the American audience will grasp all of Chow's humor, but he certainly deserves to be noticed.

When considering the numbers so far, they look very promising, but I think you have to realize that in a small number of theaters, the average can be misleading somewhat. So far, KFH has only been shown in 7 theaters. That's 7 theaters divided between the 2 biggest cities in the country. Naturally, the fans who have been waiting to see this movie have a very limited choice right now and so the averages will look sky-high. In a little over a week, KFH has made $622,655. It took $269,225 on its opening weekend and has a theater average of $38,460. The average for Sin City is only $9,015 per theater, but Sin City took in $29,120,273 on its opening weekend, with over 3,000 theaters. Of course, it's kind of silly and pointless to compare a limited international film with a major Hollywood release. KFH has already eclipsed Chow's previous film, Shaolin Soccer, which grossed a paltry $489,600 (mostly due to a bungled release/promotion in my opinion).

I don't mean to sound all doom and gloom, I just worry that this movie may get mismarketed like Shaolin Soccer did. I know that I will see it when it comes to Phoenix as I love watching films like this on the big screen. Hopefully it will do better than my expectations.


Li Kao
04-19-2005, 05:19 PM
Man, I am going to come off like a sourpuss or something, but I wanted to bring up something that has puzzled me somewhat in Chow's movies. In KFH, Shaolin Soccer, and The God of Cookery (my 3 Chow faves) -- Chow has a habit of disrespecting, humiliating, and dismissing the timid female leads who seek his affection. In God of Cookery and Shaolin Soccer, the females (Karen Mok and Zhao Wei) are initially portrayed as unattractive and flawed somehow. In KFH, the female was actually quite cute from the get-go, but was deaf. Then, at least in the earlier 2 films, after the females go through a transformation and become beautiful, and suddenly Chow has a change of heart and takes them in with open arms. (What red-blooded male wouldn't take in Karen Mok or Zhao Wei for that matter? =)

I realize these movies are comedies, and I do enjoy them immensely. But this has always kind of gnawed at me -- what is the message he is sending out? I realize I am probably overanalyzing and maybe this is part of the humor I don't understand perhaps. Just something I've pondered ... has anyone else noticed this in Chow's movies?


04-19-2005, 11:22 PM
In Shaolin soccer. A Mei knows Tai Ji and even makes dough in Tai Ji ball spinning. And yet she has no confidence. The boss always yelled at her.

Zhou Xing Chi helped her to gain self confidence. She said I am what I am. I am A Mei. The boss fast punches are deflected and she was pushed away.

A Mei shaved her hairs to support the team at the end and won.

In Kung Fu hustle, it is the other way around. The girl is very confident and good. Zhou has no confidence in being good. He tried very hard to be something he is not which is a bad guy. He tried to rob the girl of her money from selling ice creams. The girl showed him the lollipop candy she saved in the box for him all these years. Zhou was moved and confused.

The moment of truth came when the Fu Tou Bang or axe gang leader said do something. do something quickly your mother. Zhou turned around and hit the leader and then the bad guy interwined with Tai Chi landlord and lion roar landlady. Zhou turned around to be in the good side now. He suffered heavy punches to save landlord and landlady. All these punches actually opened up his Ren Du Er Mai and made the Qi flow unobstructed.

Zhou's doing good and received good results: the friendship of the lollipop girl and opening of his Qi flow. Zhou's doing bad is getting nowhere. It is called Yuan with Buddha.

In short, the goodness in many people brought Zhou back to be in goodness. He then gained the power of the Buddha hand. Actually, many good people in the pigy village and the girl showed Zhou many acts of goodness or hands of Buddha already. So now Zhou turned around and tried to save the village against Fu Tou Bang.

In the end, the girl met him in front of the candy store. They both became kids again. Which means they both resume what was left behind when they were both kids. Or the girl helped Zhou to grow and mature.

So there are switching roles for the leading females and Zhou in the 2 movies.

The hand of Buddha is not the Qi blast. The symbolism is that the acts of goodness in many people in the movie are all hands of Buddha.


04-24-2005, 06:17 PM
. . . it was good . . . I liked it . . . a lot . . .

04-25-2005, 09:27 AM
KFH cashed in at 7.3 million, making its domestic gross just more than $8 million and garnering the #5 spot nationally. #1 was the Interpreter with Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn ($22.8 million), #4 was A Lot Like Love with Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet... :rolleyes:

04-25-2005, 09:36 AM
I liked Shaolin Soccer better. Kung Fu Hustle was alright, and the special effects and fights were awesome, but it lacked a lot of the character development that made Shaolin Soccer such a good film.

04-25-2005, 10:21 AM
This just came out on friday where im at... I enjoyed the film alot, thought it was funny and really liked the action.

Ill agree with MK though, I broke way more ribs watchin soccer than hustle. I did like the reference to soccer at the beginning of hustle though..."No more soccer." LOL

04-25-2005, 10:36 AM
Actually, it means "still playing ball or always playing ball?" Zhong Ti Ball?

There are also character developments just in more extreme ways.

They are all high hands. They have seen enough fighting and retired in disguise.

1. The Tang Tui kicker works as a laborer or "Gu Li" and owed 3 months' rents.

2. The Hung Gar southern fist tailor is gay or a rabbit.

3. The English speaking dough and Chinese doughnut "Yo Tiau" maker wields Ba Gua Gun (staff). His nickname is Gwai or ghost.

4. The Tai Chi landlord and Lion Roar landlady lost a son and now in hiding.

Each showed up only at the last minute.

The Tang Tui kicker showed up to save the kids from getting burned.

The whole film actually is more about Sing (Stephen Chow Xing Chi) in different stages.

04-25-2005, 02:50 PM
This is where not speaking chinese really sucks. I dont get to really hear the movie.

I just started to learn so maybe in 5 years or so...

04-26-2005, 08:45 AM
I perceived it as standard Chinese style theatre--with uniform jestures and big emotion so that one could get it even without a command of the spoken language. Soon people will be knowledgeable in counting to three in Southern Chinese at least.

One hidden master was hands, one was legs, one was weapon. The highr forms of Kung-Fu was music because in the translation to English the hiding wanna-be thug said~ she sings. Next higher or same height was deflection or redistribution of force/lightness/softness/flexibility with great grip-twisting strengthof the hands-wrists. A superior fighting skill of Kung-Fu is indicated to be Music, and restructuring sound in a focused manner. The tunes were probabally hints as to the attacks. I should go study the classics more...Greater Kung-Fu skill was being able to take strikes whithout damage to your performance. I called this correctly early in the film showing, thanks to exposure to the talkie "Five Deadly Venoms," in which I associated the same skill to take hits. Also developed useability of the head in attacking. But the highest form of Kung-Fu I got from this talkie was Humility/Mercy. The best fighter thought he couldn't fight and didn't realize his actual ability. The most experienced figher or Killer there was shown One technique that was not comprehensibe to him. Mercy.~

The higher in skill the more it was subtle or hidden. The Gang was disrespectful to the top Killer because of his appearance. But he seemed to know his skill and abilities and their dis respect just showed him that they were not knowledgeable. The middle or lower level kung-Fu people were into flash and cool appearance.

The surface is not the ocean; you might see ripples or you might see waves; but you do not know the water unless you are in it. And even then you only realize that you cannot know the full breadth or depth of it. There are no baby butterflys--Enlightenment~. -by Ernie Moore Jr.

I No_Know

04-26-2005, 07:40 PM
It is just a movie. It is for fun and entertainment.

However, the movie does carry the same messages from classical CMA novels and movie.

1. The purpose of studying Kung Fu is not to bully or rob somebody. The purpose is to help the weak and uphold the Justice. Or Xing Xia Zhang Yi 行侠仗义. If I do not do it as if go to the hell, nobody else will. 我不入地狱谁入地狱.

2. There is always another higher mountain and another deeper pond. If you are good at certain skills, there will always be someone else that is better.

3. Force did not win people. Hearts can only be won by hearts. The big kids may beat Chow up and yet Chow got the girl and the candy. On the other hand, one against many big kids. That is a lot to take on. Chow believed the high person disguised as a beggar. Chow believed that he practices Buddha palm and he is ready to Xing Xia Zhang Yi.

4. Chow was misguided by his failure or perceived failure to be good. He then decided to be bad. However, he is no good at all. He failed miserably in being bad. He picked a seemingly weak village to pick on. It turned out to be with a lot of high hands in residence.

5. Chow was moved by all the good people's Xing Xia Zhang Yi. From the Tang Tui kicker, Southern fist and Ba Gua Gun guys, Tai Chi landlord to lion roar landlady. When the toad guy interwined with landlord and landlady "Bao Zhu Gong and Bao Zhu Po", the Fu Tou Bang leader yelled something about his mother, Chow was all confused. Chow turned around and to be in the good side again. He decided to go to the hell and tried to save the landlord and landlady. Chow is willing to die for them or for something that is good. Actually, Chow is not aware of the fact that he has the indestructible body of the diamond, or Jing Kang Bu Huai Zhi Shen 金刚不坏之身.

6. Chow recovered and his Ren Du Er Mai channels opened. He has Qi flow in all of his moves. He took care of the landlady and landlord and faced Fu Tou Bang all by himself. He goes to the hell and Xing Xia Zhang Yi.

7. Chow has Buddha Yuan with the girl. So they picked up what was left behind when there were kids. This is called instant Karma or Karma in the same life and not the next.

I may go on and on.

The toad guy was not interested in being the leader of the Axe gang. He put himself in the hospital. He believed that nobody may beat him. He was out for the challenge. When he knew he was lost to the Buddha palm, he was willing to admit that he lost.

Overall, it is a good story with all the classical CMA novels and movie tidbits.


Ray Pina
04-27-2005, 11:32 AM
Better than I thought it could be. Actualy some pretty good use of wire work.

04-27-2005, 11:35 AM
I liked Shaolin Soccer better. Kung Fu Hustle lacked character development, IMO.

04-27-2005, 07:51 PM
Just like so many other CMA novel and movie fans, I was no different.

Shaolin soccer sort of trivialized Kung fu into small techniques. Or Xiao Ji Liang. Why? Tai Chi is used to make dough and to be a goalie. Shaolin fists are used to play soccer only. The swordplay is used to trim a tree. The light step is used to avoid a fall from a banana peel. The hitting palm is to push your BMW into a parking spot.

Kung Fu sort of redeemed everything from Shaolin soccer.

That is why in the very beginning, Chow said still playing or kicking soccer?

Kung Fu is for something more serious.

What for?

Kung Fu is used to help the weak and uphold the justice. Or Xing Xia Zhang Yi 行侠仗义.

The Tang Tui kicker is willing to fight so many with axes just to save the kids.

The iron wire boxer came out. Two against so many.

The English speaking Chinese dougnut maker came out and used the staff to sweep all the gangs with guns. Heng Sao Qian Jung 横扫千军.

Why they came out? Yes, Xing Xia Zhang Yi.

All the Kung Fu values are totally upheld in this movie. That is why Chow called it Kung Fu.

All the computer generated image and extra Qi blast sort of exaggerated a lot.

It is a comedy. Then it is ok to go to the extremes.

But all in all, Chow redeem himself in this movie.

This is what the CMA novels and movie traditionalists including moi all thought.

But hey it is just a movie. Nobody really cares the philosophy about Kung Fu and life, does it?


norther practitioner
04-28-2005, 08:51 AM
I'm going to go see it tom.

I just like being able to see this stuff on the big screen from time to time.

05-08-2005, 08:48 AM
Here is a quote from Wu Xia forum.

- Firstly, the old begger that tricks Sing into buying the martial arts manual is played by non other than Yuen Cheung yan, brother of the renowned Yuen Wo Ping. He's also a skilled choreographer himself and has appeared in numerous Hong Kong martial arts film.

- One of the powerful skills practiced by the Landlady where she delivers a shattering roar is actually a skill practised by a character called Golden maned Lion Lord in a very well known wuxia novel called ( Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre ). He is one of 4 extremely skilled martial artists from which forms a puglistic sect of whom each possesses a distinctive skill, the other 3 being White eyebrowed Eagle Lord, Green Bat Lord, Purple Dragon Lord, all translating loosely. Their original Chinese names sound alot cooler of course.
Another skill she uses when chasing Sing at breakneck speed is a tribute to yet another skill in ( 8 Steps of the Heavenly Dragon, see below ) called Ling Bo Wei Bu ( a non offensive skill that allows the practicer to move at very fast speed ie very good qinggoing )

- One of the skills used by the Landlady's husband is of course the renowned Taiji Quan ( the simple theory behind this skill lies in counterattacking your opponents with their own attacks, well illstrated in the film ), a real life martial arts, the founder of whom is Zhang Sanfeng, also a character himself in a famous wuixa novel called 8 Steps of the Heavenly Dragon, of which is a prequel to Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre. ( mentioned above ).

- The very destructive skill used by the 2 assassins ( using the Chinese musical instrument Guzhen or Qin ) was probably derived from a well know Hong Kong martial arts filmed called Tian Mo Qin ( loosely translating as the Heaven Demonic Qin ), where a powerful martial artists uses the Qin as her weapon, unleashing waves of killer Chi while playing the instrument.

- The skill used by the Beast at the end of the film is of course the Toad Stance, used by again, 1 of four highly skilled martial artists in the film Legend of the Condor Heroes ( also a prequel to Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre mentioned above ) of whom are translating loosely again, Western Poison, Eastern Evil, Southern and Northern Begger.

- The skill used by Sing is the very well known Wan Fuo Ru Lai Shen Zhang, translating as the Ru Lai Palm of the 10000 Buddha's. In a Hong Kong remake of a film with this name the main adversary of the person who practices Rulai Shen Zhang is Tian Can Jiao, or Heavenly Cicada Legs, a powerful skill unleashed with kicks and is played by the same actor who plays the Landlady's Husband.

- At the end of the film, when the begger again tries to sell some martial arts manuals to a befuddled kid, those manuals are actually a collection of some of the most powerful martial art skills found in several very well known novels, namely

- Stance of the 9 Suns ( the most powerful skill in the novel Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre. )

- Yi Yang Zhi ( A very powerful skill used by a few puglists in 8 Steps of the Heavenly Dragon )

- Dugu Jiu Jian ( A very powerful swordsplay skill used in the novel and film of the same name Swordsman )

- I missed out on 2 more of them, who knows ?

And lastly, though the 3 villagers that defended the townspeople did not yield any supernaturally powerful skills, they are real martial arts ie the Qiang ( the spear, a derivative of the pole used by Shaolin Monks ), and Nanquan BeiTui, ie Southern Fists and Northern Kicks, a term used to describe the people who practice martial arts in China, where the South is well known for its Fist attacks and the North for its Kicks.

That's all I know folks. Those who do know more please add in, and correct me where I'm wrong ! Hope the information was a little entertaining ! :]

05-08-2005, 08:59 AM
Here is another quote:

The Gongfu Hustlers

Yuen Wah; Landlord; Specialty skill: Taichi
One of the original Seven Little Fortunes - the famous Peking opera school performing group which included Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung - Yuen Wah has appeared in more than 100 movies, co-starring with the likes of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Wu Jing.

Yuen Qiu; Landlady; Specialty skill: Lion's Roar
Also one of the Seven Little Fortunes, Yuen Qiu was a well-known stuntwoman in Hong Kong's film industry. She also made a brief appearance in 1974 James Bond movie The Man with The Golden Gun. She is now a housewife and made her return to showbiz in Kung Fu Hustle after 28 years at the request of Stephen Chow.

Chiu Chi Ling; Tailor; Specialty skill: Iron Chain Fist
An expert in the Hung Gar style of martial arts, he has been in over 70 Hong Kong action films as an actor and stuntman. He has a martial arts school in San Francisco and travels all over the world teaching the style.

Xing Yu; Coolie; Specialty skill: Twelve Kicking Techniques of Tan House
He started his martial arts training at Shaolin Temple at the age of 10 and still represents it as a performer on overseas tours.

Leung Siu Lung; Beast; Specialty skill: Kunlun Sect's Toad Skill
He was once ranked with Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan as Hong Kong's Three Little Dragons, and was a martial arts action star and choreographer in the 1970s and 1980s.

Dong Zhi Hua; Donut; Specialty skill: Eight Trigram Staff
A famous Peking opera star in China, he was the leading man in several films directed by famed action director Chang Cheh. They included Great Shanghai in 1937c (1986) and Slaughter in Xian (1987).

Jia Kang Xi; Harpist #1; Specialty skill: Deadly Melody
He joined a Peking opera troupe at the age of 13 and received martial arts training as part of his studies. He made his first screen appearance in Slaughter in Xian.

Fung Hak On; Harpist #2; Specialty skill: Deadly Melody
He joined the legendary Shaw Brothers Studios in the 1970s and has appeared in action films directed by Chang Cheh, John Woo and Yuen Wo Ping. He also works as a martial arts choreographer.

05-09-2005, 07:47 PM
It is just a movie. It is for fun and entertainment.

However, the movie does carry the same messages from classical CMA novels and movie.

1. The purpose of studying Kung Fu is not to bully or rob somebody. The purpose is to help the weak and uphold the Justice. Or Xing Xia Zhang Yi 行侠仗义. If I do not do it as if go to the hell, nobody else will. 我不入地狱谁入地狱.


That was really very very cool of you to write all that down.

I wonder if there is anyone here to appreciate it? So many people believe movies are movies. That they were invented out of thin air.

Try to tell them a movie or a cartoon contains real kung fu principles and these people refuse to believe it.

Thanks again.

South Paw
05-12-2005, 03:13 AM
I wonder if there is anyone here to appreciate it? So many people believe movies are movies. That they were invented out of thin air.

I appreciate it!

Kind Regards,
Klaas Padberg Evenboer

11-13-2005, 10:23 AM
And I know you are out there. This just in from Reuters.

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Martial arts comedy "Kung Fu Hustle" won the best film title at the Chinese-language version of the
Oscars on Sunday, becoming the biggest winner at the Golden Horse ceremony in Taiwan.

Taiwan has played host to the Golden Horse awards, which showcase Chinese-language films, for 42 years, but contestants from Hong Kong and China have stolen the spotlight in recent years as Taiwan's renowned art films lost their appeal.

A raucous tale set in 1930s China about a hapless gangster's attempt to prove himself deadly, "Kung Fu Hustle" bagged five awards, including best director for Hong Kong's superstar actor-turned-director
Stephen Chow. It was nominated in 10 categories.

The U.S-financed hit earned six Hong Kong Film Awards -- including best picture -- earlier this year, set a box office record in Hong Kong for a Chinese-language film and racked up millions of dollars at overseas box offices.

04-21-2006, 11:21 AM
who was the villain in kung fu hustle--the one who had the huge battle with our hero at the end of the film, the one who used toad style? was it bolo yeung? his face looks familiar, but i couldn't catch the actor's name from the credits. please help!

Sang Feng Fan
04-21-2006, 01:44 PM

07-30-2007, 11:38 AM
The KungFuMagazine.com/KUNG FU HUSTLE: AXE-KICKIN’ EDITION Sweepstakes (http://www.kungfumagazine.net/index.html) begins at 12:00 a.m. PST on 07/31/07 (that's tomorrow) and online entries must be received by 6:00 p.m. PST on 08/20/07.

08-06-2007, 02:39 PM
Ok, I Better Win!

08-20-2007, 01:15 PM
Our KUNG FU HUSTLE: AXE-KICKIN EDITION DVD contest ends at 6 PM tonight. Good luck!

05-14-2009, 09:36 AM
Dr. Craig Reid used the same title for his review (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=592). He often defaults to bad song title puns. :rolleyes:

Kung Fu Hustle Preview: Do The Hustle (http://kotaku.com/5250668/kung-fu-hustle-preview-do-the-hustle)
By Brian Crecente, 9:00 AM on Tue May 12 2009

Based on Stephen Chow's over-the-top martial arts movie Kung Fu Hustle, this free massively multiplayer game hopes to make its money through micro-transactions and its name through casual side-scrolling fights.

What Is It?
Kung Fu Hustle is based on Stephen Chow's movie of the same name. In the game you play as a computer nerd who learns Kung Fu and sets about righting his village's wrongs. The entire game is essentially played as a classic side-scrolling fighter.

What We Saw
I was able to play a few minutes against some enemies in what felt like an instance and then fought a few multiplayer battles in a village that was essentially a fighting arena.

How Far Along Is It?
It's currently in closed beta in Taiwan.

What Needs Improvement?
Ping: It's a bad sign when you're playing on local servers against five or so other people and the game is suffering from ping issues. With the game in beta, I assume this is at the top of the list to be fixed.

Multiplayer Fights: The multiplayer fights were as confusing as you would expect in a side-scrolling bout that involved five fighters. The worst problem was that people would get caught between two other players and just hammered. Not much fun for anyone involved. If it can be tweaked, it could be fun though. I especially like that you bet coins on matches.

More Chow: This is supposed to be based on one of my favorite modern Kung-Fu movies, but I really couldn't tell. Where are the over-the-top battles? Where is the sly sense of humor? This game definitely needs more of Chow's influence.

Depth: What I saw of the game made it feel like a very simplified side-scrolling fighter with the occasional multiplayer match thrown in. Kung Fu Hustle is going to need a lot more depth to compete on any level online.

What Should Stay The Same?
Fighting: While simplistic it worked. There are four movement keys, two attacks, a block and a jump. Tapping a couple of keys at a time launches different combos. For instance up and light attack for some fighters will give you a rising punch. As you play the game you unlock and can buy more and more attack combos. When I played I had about a dozen. It's a lot more fun running around doing flying kicks and sweeps to level up than hammering things with a sword.

Look: The game's look is very clean, very anime. It works well with the game and its roots.

Pricing: The good news, the best news, is that Kung-Fu hustle will be free. The developers plan to make money by selling you extra lives and items like clothing and such. Depending on how they price the extras, it could be very worthwhile.

Final Thoughts
Kung Fu Hustle is a fresh approach to an increasingly tired genre. Massively multiplayer online games too often follow in each other's footsteps. It's nice to see someone trying something completely different. Of course different doesn't always mean better. Right now the game is too light, even for free to play, to warrant my time. But there's definitely some potential there.

05-15-2009, 10:27 AM
kung fu hustle mmo? awesome

11-19-2009, 10:34 AM
Maybe he should have shown CJ7 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=48211)

Teacher shows 'R' rated movie in class as reward; mother furious (http://www.bakersfieldnow.com/news/70337982.html)
Story Updated: Nov 17, 2009 at 7:22 PM PST
By Carol Ferguson, Eyewitness News

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. -- A mother is furious that her son's sixth-grade teacher showed an "R" rated movie class.

The movie was "Kung Fu Hustle," and Standard Middle School Principal Tonny Gisbertz said it was clearly not appropriate.

Parent Heidi Flook is still outraged.

"I never in a million years thought my son would be watching "R" rated movies in his class, when he should be there learning," she said on Tuesday.

Part of the movie was shown in Caleb Gonzalez' class Friday, according to the mother. Flook said her son spent the weekend with his dad and asked if they could rent the movie so he could see more of it.

When the dad started looking at the movie, he was shocked.

"He said there's a lot of violence, there's some foul language and nudity scenes," Flook said.

Flook said her son was then shown more of the movie on Monday when a substitute was teaching the sixth-grade class. That's the day the mother put in a round of phone calls to the school principal, vice principal and Standard School District superintendent.

Principal Gisbertz called Flook on Monday, and said the situation was being dealt with.

"I'm concerned it's something that we should not be showing in the classroom," Gisbertz told Eyewitness News on Tuesday. "It's clearly inappropriate, and it's something I need to talk to the teacher about, and make sure it didn't happen again."

Gisbertz said action has been taken with the teacher who showed the movie, but he would not be more specific.

"It's a personnel matter, and naturally I can't talk about personnel matters. But I can tell you we dealt with it, and it won't happen again."

Flook is not entirely satisfied.

"I think it's my right as a parent to know what happened to a teacher that chooses to play an 'R' rated movie in front of my son," she said.

The principal also said he will take this issue to the rest of the school staff.

"We're in the process of doing that," he said. "I will remind the staff what the criteria are for showing videos and movies."

Other educators contacted by Eyewitness News said videos and movies shown in the class should be appropriate for instruction, educational in nature, and related to what's being taught.

Gisbertz agreed with that, saying there are appropriate videos or movies that could be shown.

"It's not unusual for a teacher to show a video for something that's related to the curriculum they're teaching."

The principal said this teacher was showing the movie as a reward for academic achievement, but it clearly not the right type of reward. The mother agrees with that, and she takes a wider view of the issue.

"I think it's very important that at the end of the day, parents ask their kids, 'What did you do today?'"

Flook said if parents aren't happy with what they hear, next they need to start asking school officials lots of questions.

"If something like this happens, to hold teachers, and staff, the superintendent -- everyone accountable."

The principal said he's glad this parent did contact the school.

"The key is communication," Gisbertz said.

11-19-2009, 10:41 AM

some of these american mothers make me sick. over protective paranoid coddlers is what they are.

she should just have her kid removed from that school, keep him in a protective padded room with soft furniture and no sharp edges, blend all his food into a shake so he cant choke on it, play re runs of little house on the prairie, and make sure to check his diaper regularly so he doesnt get a rash.

i feel bad for her kid, first he cant watch a really funny movie, that truly is an innocent film, and hes going to probably grow up under a protective shield of mom, only to find out later in life he got jacked.

11-19-2009, 10:45 AM
It was rated R ??
It was on the other day on TV here :confused:
WTF ??

11-19-2009, 10:58 AM
I could have sworn that KFH was rated maybe PG-13 at the most. I've seen lots of PG-13 films that have far "worse" things for "children" in them than KFH.

This mother reminds me of a lot of the religious fanatics who protest things like the Harry Potter books, that get kids actually reading, because they think the books are "evil".

11-19-2009, 11:00 AM
I saw Showgirls on TV. It was late night TV and there was a lot of digital blurring. And I think it was only like half an hour long...:p

I remember it was released as R in the US and I thought that was a little excessive.

11-19-2009, 11:01 AM
I saw Showgirls on TV. It was late night TV and there was a lot of digital blurring. And I think it was only like half an hour long...:p

I remember it was released as R in the US and I thought that was a little excessive.

Sure, but this was on spike TV and I don't recall any parts being edited out...
And nudity??? I don't recall any on the DVD.

01-13-2012, 11:17 AM
Apple tastes sweet (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/entertainment/2012-01/13/content_14443116.htm)
Updated: 2012-01-13 17:17
By Liu Wei (China Daily)

You are the Apple of My Eye is the romance flick written, directed and led by first-timers that has become the highest-grossing Chinese film ever in Hong Kong.

It has usurped the top spot held by Steven Chow's Kung Fu Hustle by earning $7.8 million. It has also set a new Taiwan box office record by raking in nearly $15 million.

The film is based on Taiwan writer/director Giddens Ko's own story - that of a boy's first love.

But the subject is only part of the reason the film struck a chord with so many.

It also provides a vivid depiction of teenage life, a period most people would like to relive - a time for joking around with friends and getting a crush on the boy or girl next door.

Despite being 29 in real life, the lead actress, Michelle Chen, presents the innocent beauty of a high school girl brilliantly. The lead actor, Ko Chen-tung, who's actually 20, shows the best qualities of young boys - boundless energy and fearless confidence.

The film is showing in mainland theaters, minus such spicy scenes as when the boy masturbates in class and walks around naked in his house.
It is a sad day indeed when a masturbating boy beats the Axe Gang. :(

01-14-2012, 01:14 AM
Not a surprise, really. I would imagine this type of film has been more popular in HK and Taiwan than kung fu-related films for many years. They go ga-ga over romantic movies.

The description of this film (except for the wanking) sounds like an updated version of the Taiwanese 'young romance' types of films from the '70s that mostly starred Lin Ching-Hsia (Brigitte Lin), Chin Hsiang-Lin, Ching Han, and Lin Feng-Chiao (Jackie's wife), etc.. I had to sit through a number of those in-between kung fu flicks during quadruple subtitled features back in the early '80s.

03-09-2012, 10:22 AM
Stephen Chow's company in contract tussle with "Kung Fu Hustle" star (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/entertainment/view/1187943/1/.html)
Posted: 09 March 2012 1301 hrs

HONG KONG: Hong Kong actor-director Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu Hustle" co-star Bruce Leung recently lashed out at Chow's film company Star Overseas over a contractual dispute, reported Hong Kong media.

Leung, who plays the evil martial arts expert The Beast in "Kung Fu Hustle", claimed that Star Overseas had breached the terms of the management contract he had signed with them and often took an inordinately large cut of his earnings.

"That year, he (Chow) personally called me and asked me to sign with him. His sincerity convinced me and I agreed to sign on for three years.

"Who knew his company would take a commission at a 'seafood rate' (a rate that varies wildly) and really took a big cut. It's outrageous!" said Leung.

"When I asked to see the contract, they (Star Overseas) said they couldn't find it!"

The 64-year-old actor, who also appeared in the critically acclaimed 2010 film "Gallants", expressed he had asked to terminate his contract after just a year because of these complications.

"I'll just take it as a lesson," Leung said.

In response to Leung's allegations, a spokesperson for Star Overseas said they take a percentage of Leung's earnings "according to the contract and not according to a 'seafood rate'", pointing out that the company did not lose the contract and could show Leung a copy.

Star Overseas went on to refute Leung's claims that he terminated his contract early, clarifying that it simply expired.

Chow's film company has been involved in a number of contractual disputes with its artistes to date.

Chinese actress Eva Huang, who worked with Chow in 2004's "Kung Fu Hustle", left Star Overseas after an unhappy legal tussle over contractual issues, as did Kitty Zhang, who starred alongside Chow in his 2008 film "CJ7".
Gotta remember that slang 'seafood rate'. Here are threads on CJ7 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=48211) and Gallants (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57614).

11-17-2014, 09:56 AM
As much as I disdain post-production 3D, I would buy a ticket for this...:cool:

Kung Fu Hustle to Be Re-Released in 3D (http://variety.com/2014/film/news/kung-fu-hustle-to-be-re-released-in-3d-1201358021/)

November 16, 2014 | 05:58PM PT
Patrick Frater
Asia Bureau Chief

HONG KONG Iconic Hong Kong actor-director Stephen Chows hit Kung Fu Hustle is to be rereleased as a 3D movie in China.

The kinetic comedy actioner was originally released in 2004. It has been comprehensively enhanced and will be released in Mandarin and Cantonese versions by China Film Group, Huayi Brothers and Sony / Columbia Pictures.

The release date is tentatively set for Dec. 24.

Althought the 2004 original grossed $17 million in North America, there are currently no plans to re-release the 3D film outside mainland China, a Sony spokesman said.

The original film grossed RMB170 million in China, worth $20 million at prevailing 2004 exchange rates and $27.6 million at todays rates.

Since that time the Chinese film industry has been transformed by modernization and multiplexing and the national box office has multiplied more than 30-fold. That gives the rerelease a strong chance of beating the score of the original outing.

Chows last theatrical release Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons was released in early 2013 and grossed $196 million.

Wong Kar-wais The Grandmaster, which was also released early last year, is also set to re-release as a 3D conversion by Bona Film Group. Its release date has now been pushed from this month to Jan. 8, 2015.

01-16-2015, 10:13 AM
...I'd have to go all the way to China. :(

Stephen Chow's classic Kung Fu Hustle gets new life in 3D (http://www.scmp.com/magazines/48hrs/article/1679598/outtakes)
Ben Sin

A digitally remastered 3D version of Kung Fu Hustle is showing on the mainland.

Hustle over the border for 3D version of Chow classic

While he's not as famous worldwide as Jackie Chan, nor as critically acclaimed as Tony Leung Chiu-wai, and nowhere near as ubiquitous in local culture as Andy Lau, Stephen Chow Sing-chi is arguably the best-loved actor of Hong Kong cinema's golden age (1980s and early '90s). His mo lei tau (slapstick) films did not rack up awards like Wong Kar-wai's , nor did they develop a global following like John Woo's, but they often broke local box office records five of the 10 highest-grossing local films, including the top two, are Chow vehicles and influenced a generation of Cantonese slang.

Last month marked the 10th anniversary of Kung Fu Hustle, the "last Chow Sing-chi film" in the eyes of many fans (CJ7, released in 2007, was such a departure from the star's style that most have dismissed it) and a digitally remastered 3D version of Hustle has hit big screens on the mainland. Local fans who want to revisit Chow's classic in 3D will have to travel across the border, however, as a representative for Sony says there are no plans to release the film in Hong Kong. That's a pity, given Chow's iconic status.

02-09-2015, 11:08 PM
I just saw a picture that reminded me of the fight scene between the Beast and Chow's character. It's when he crouches into his Kunlun Toad style stance and starts croaking. The release of qi causes the dust to be blown out from around him with each croak (min 4:46).


Well, here is the pic. The toad's croaking is causing ripples in the water. Off topic, but I figured someone may get a kick out of it.


04-13-2016, 10:06 AM
Women in Martial Arts: Yuen Qiu 元秋 The roaring matriarch (http://www.timeout.com.hk/film/features/75827/women-in-martial-arts-yuen-qiu-the-roaring-matriarch.html)
Posted: 15 Mar 2016


With extensive training in Pekinese opera and martial arts tutelage from the great Yu Jim-yuen (who also taught Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Wah), Yuen Qiu began her career as one of the earliest female stuntwomen in the film industry. In 1974, Yuen nabbed a role in the James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun, playing a Japanese karate kicking school girl who rescues 007. She continued with 13 other films and was on track to become as big as Jackie Chan until she decided to settle down and get married.

The film that the marked her major comeback came almost 20 years later Steven Chows international hit, Kung Fu Hustle. Her role as the temperamental, chain smoothing, give-no-****s landlady of Pig Sty Alley put her back into the limelight and her performance won her the best supporting actress award at the 42nd Golden Horse Film Awards.

The scene where she unleashes the lions roar while dressed in curlers and a pink nightgown will forever be etched in our minds. In fact, the role was so memorable that Ann Chiang, a politician in Hong Kong whose speaking manner has been likened to the character, was given Yuen Qiu as her nickname. Since Kung Fu Hustle, Yuen Qiu has kept active, appearing in films and drama series in the Mainland and Hong Kong, such as the TVB drama Wudang Rules. The older Yuen gets, the more formidable looking she becomes.

Ambrose Li
Nice profile on Yuen Qiu. This is part of Time Out Hong Kong's profiles on Women in martial arts (http://www.timeout.com.hk/film/features/75821/women-in-martial-arts.html).

02-03-2020, 03:16 PM
From Bruce to the Beast and Beyond
By Gene Ching


WINTER 2020 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=1518)

Kung Fu Hustle (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?28036-KUNG-FU-HUSTLE)
Bruce Lee imitators (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68378-Bruce-Lee-imitators)

02-07-2020, 08:39 AM

Winter 2020 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71573-Winter-2020)
Kung Fu Hustle (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?28036-KUNG-FU-HUSTLE)
Bruce Lee imitators (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68378-Bruce-Lee-imitators)