View Full Version : Being pinned to the ground by 5 people

01-29-2004, 04:08 PM

I can't link the link itself because it has swearing in the title. I found it off bullshido.

Myself, I don't necessarily disbeleive it's possible to do what's in the pictures using internal principles, but I don't know. I have no experience with this style or group, but I found Wong Kiew Kit's book on qigong very interesting.I have not seen anything like this in person but have been told about similar experiments by chen taijiquan people who also crack the people's joint while breaking out

I don't think the so-called unbendable arm is useless if you turn the waist and use shaking power

01-29-2004, 04:46 PM
the arm thing isn't impossible -- i can do it myself, and it took almost no practice to get it right. there's nothing mystic about it. the problem most people have is that they try to fight the force by flexing the tricep to keep the arm from bending. the way it works is not by flexing the tricep, but extending the whole arm forward through the elbow. i wouldn't call it internal as a matter of using my qi or whatever to make my arm unbendable to most people. i might call it internal if that meant i was just using controlled body angles and motions.

it's nothing special, and i doubt any of his other "tricks" are, either.

Royal Dragon
01-29-2004, 05:00 PM
Sorry, but the only one really putting weight on that guy was the girl in white on top. And she did not look all that well balanced either. I hate to side with the BJJ crowd, but put any halfway deacent Bjj guy on him, and he's going nowhere.

01-29-2004, 05:14 PM
rd's right. under closer inspection, these shoes are loafers.

er, under closer inspection, the balding dude in black has his legs decently braced, but his arms were just sitting on the guy's left arm. no real difficulty. likewise, if everyone else's weight or pressure (pushing) is just going down, a little shimmying will let that pressure slide off his limbs and allow him to slip through. put all five people on him in a decent restraint or dogpile, and the guy's screwed, plain and simple.

01-29-2004, 05:15 PM
Okay , yeah I see that now. No one has a real hold trapping him or tying him up. Some are just pushing with the palms and who knows how real it was or if they just letting him up. The girl is just sitting on him with weight but no technique with structure like a 3 point triangle

But I don't know, the whole thing was 3 seconds

David Jamieson
01-29-2004, 06:23 PM
uh, wtf was that?? lol

The dude would've been more convincing if he demonstrated outside of his own student body with some for real people attempting to for real hold him down.

Backing up information with the same information is as the title states...lol.

Honestly, he would have been better off getting into a ufc or something the way that came off.


01-29-2004, 08:15 PM
Want to bend that guy's arm? Slam him in the gonads with your knee and then see if he can maintain his "internal power"...

01-29-2004, 08:52 PM
rubthebuddha said:
the arm thing isn't impossible -- i can do it myself, and it took almost no practice to get it right. there's nothing mystic about it. the problem most people have is that they try to fight the force by flexing the tricep to keep the arm from bending. the way it works is not by flexing the tricep, but extending the whole arm forward through the elbow.

Um. How else are you going to straighten your arm if not by using the triceps?

rd's right. under closer inspection, these shoes are loafers.


01-29-2004, 10:33 PM
ironfist -- it's a different use of force. if you're fighting with the tricep to push against the pressure, it won't work unless you're as strong as sevenstar and the person attempting to bend your arm is as much a puss as ralek. instead of pushing against the force, just reach with your arm through your joints. it may sound esoteric, but that hippie **** is not what i'm talkin about. just reach out through your arm out toward the wall. it sounds weird, i know. just have your girlfriend try it with you. you'll have it down, as long as you don't push against the force and instead reach out through your arm. then, let her try, cause it's only fair.

if you are still struggling with this, PM and we'll find a better way to learn ya.

also: do you know where that loafer reference is from?

01-30-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
it won't work unless you're as strong as sevenstar and the person attempting to bend your arm is as much a puss as ralek.

^ lol!!!!!!

also: do you know where that loafer reference is from?

Yeah that's why I was laughing so hard. Rainer Wolfcastle is about to kill Bart and Bart goes "your shoes are untied!" Rainer stops and bends down to look at his shoes and Bart runs away. As Rainer is looking at his shoes, day changes to night and then finally Rainer realizes "upon further inspection, these are loafers."


01-30-2004, 02:07 PM
So he has fought over 100 times. Anyone heard of him?

01-30-2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by IronFist

^ lol!!!!!!

Yeah that's why I was laughing so hard. Rainer Wolfcastle is about to kill Bart and Bart goes "your shoes are untied!" Rainer stops and bends down to look at his shoes and Bart runs away. As Rainer is looking at his shoes, day changes to night and then finally Rainer realizes "upon further inspection, these are loafers."


Actually, it was Jay Sherman, not Bart; that was the Simpsons/Critic crossover episode.

01-30-2004, 03:17 PM
I've been on the bottom of a Polyester Pileup! I was in the middle of smashing a beer bottle on a guy's head when cop #1 tackled me and put me on my stomach. 3 cops later and a knee on my neck, they made sure I wasn't going anywhere.


01-30-2004, 03:51 PM
i read nothing but the title.

being pinned to the ground by 5 people means you are about to take it up the ass or wherever else they might want to give it to you.

01-30-2004, 03:56 PM
Wasn't Sun Lu Tang pinned by 3 Japanese and worked his way out in an instint?

01-30-2004, 04:47 PM
fatherdog gets the golden hickey award for the rainier wolfcastle/jay sherman combo. jay had given rainier a bad review, and then shoe episode began.

ironfist -- as a runner-up prize, you get to give fatherdog that hickey. pucker up, baby.

"hey, nudnick, your shoe's untied."

"from here, they appear to be tied, but i will go in for a closer look."

"taxi! to the airport!"

later that night ...

"on closer inspection, these are loafers."

and the other best line from that ep:

jay: "you must be the man who didn't know if he had a pimple or a boil."
homer: "it was a gummi bear."

01-31-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
"hey, nudnick, your shoe's untied."

"from here, they appear to be tied, but i will go in for a closer look."

"taxi! to the airport!"

later that night ...

"on closer inspection, these are loafers."

and the other best line from that ep:

jay: "you must be the man who didn't know if he had a pimple or a boil."
homer: "it was a gummi bear."


01-31-2004, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
but that hippie **** is not what i'm talkin about.

Yeah right, tree-hugging hippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!