View Full Version : Paint Ballin

Single Tiger
02-04-2004, 10:32 PM
Hey do we Have any Paint Ballers out there (NYC)
just came back from a great game and i'm forming a squard
cause i'm the only MA there and i'd like to give the game
some rep.
so if you live in NYC
and want to shoot some people

02-05-2004, 08:01 AM
Sorry. I like paintballing. But I'm a little too south for your needs.

02-05-2004, 08:35 AM
airsoft man, only way to go.

MonkeySlap Too
02-05-2004, 11:21 AM
An old girlfriend bought me a day of PB as a birthday gift years ago. I got paired with a bunch of kids from a church group against the paramilitary weekend warriors.

Those kids kicked their @sses.

02-05-2004, 11:37 AM
Kids are a holy terror at paintball man. Small targets, inexhaustible. I once watched some 12 year old eliminate my entire flipping team of desk jockeys. When I finally got a bead on him, I must have shot him five times just to be sure. (Felt kinda bad about that afterward, but he was completely nonplussed.)

MonkeySlap Too
02-05-2004, 02:33 PM
We had some good strategies. I had a squad lay flat on the top of a downward slope - with the arc of the pb's and the small size of the targets, they were impossible to hit, and alllowed only one entry to our tterritory.

When the attack came, I was on that other side, turned to face my team, and fired over thier heads, while I 'retreated' into enemy territory.

While the battle raged against the invincible church kids, I captured the flag.

We were a team for the rest of the day, using rented guns aganst really hardcore PB players and dusting them all.

Whenever in doubt on how to win - just think like a 12 year old. Their ego's haven't decided they know it all aready and the mind just keeps on working...

Meat Shake
02-05-2004, 02:36 PM
Paintball is big down here... Used to love going paintballing, but that was years ago.
Havent done it recently... I should though... Its good stuff.

02-05-2004, 07:59 PM
airsoft man, only way to go. Talk about atracting the geeks. Fat guys in blackhawk tactical vests.

I love airsoft anyway.

Single Tiger
02-05-2004, 11:26 PM
to bad you guys are so south.
if you got some speed ball tips let me know.
we played some guys called snake eyes(pros)
we held or own for awile but they got us one
by one while staying hidin from view or quickly
replacing those who were out.
(man it was a good team)