View Full Version : ankle weights

02-06-2004, 06:23 AM
i was thinking of buying ankle weights. my goals are to jump higher, run faster and have power and speed in my kicks. what do you guys think of this?

shaolin kungfu
02-06-2004, 06:45 AM
ummm, bad idea. ankle weights can huirt the joints. If you want power, hit a heavy bag. if you want speed, shadowbox and focus mitts. I don't really know what you would do to jump higher. I hear olympic weight lifters have freakishly high jumps, you might try that.

02-06-2004, 07:02 AM
if you want ot jump higher and you have time and patience to train...

get a small box (like a shoe box) and jump over it 50 times a day. after one month change the box to middle sized box and continue to jump over it 50 times a day. after another month go to something bigger (perhaps a chair) and keep repating this process. In 1 year or so you should have very high and powerful jumps.

02-06-2004, 11:16 AM
you can do lifting motions with the weights - do them slowly and controlled. Yes, the aerobics type stuff - lift you leg to the front as high as you can, to the side, the back, etc. Invest in some heavy ankleweights (like 20lb) and walk around with them all day.

02-06-2004, 11:16 AM
you can do lifting motions with the weights - do them slowly and controlled. Yes, the aerobics type stuff - lift you leg to the front as high as you can, to the side, the back, etc. Invest in some heavy ankleweights (like 20lb) and walk around with them all day.

02-06-2004, 11:18 AM
you can do lifting motions with the weights - do them slowly and controlled. Yes, the aerobics type stuff - lift you leg to the front as high as you can, to the side, the back, etc. Invest in some heavy ankleweights (like 20lb) and walk around with them all day.

you don't want to do anything ballistic, like kicking or running, but you can do what I listed above. Try it and let us know your results - I don't use ankleweights much, so I'm anxious to hear about it.

02-06-2004, 01:43 PM
Or you could ask in the training and exercise forum.

02-06-2004, 09:04 PM
It's okay as long as you do no fast movements that may hurt your joints. In fact, slow movements may be even better.


02-07-2004, 06:08 AM
**** i was thinking of practicing my kicks with the weights on and running around, but thats out of the question now.

Mr Punch
02-08-2004, 06:22 AM
I've run a lot in army boots and that can be a real chore. Also, some years down the line my knees were considerably weakened, but I don't know if that was the cause or not. So I wouldn't necessarily recommend ankle weights for running. However, army guys don't seem to go at the knees any more than average geezers on the street. Go figure.

I did repair my knees and they are now in good shape, through tai chi, chikung and wing chun, plus some bodyweight exercises, so I suppose if you run with weights and do something of these programmes at the same time you can probably offset some of the damage.

If you want to run with weight to increase your endurance, and maybe eventually your speed, try a backpack with some heavy nonsense in it, or a weighted vest or something: there's a better weight distribution so you aren't straining your knees so much.

As for kicking, I think it's a bad idea unless you're kicking a target like a heavy bag. Sevenstar's idea is good though, I used to do that with my little sisters clinging to my legs - they loved it!!! :D ... oh, and more conventional ankle weights, if you don't have any small children handy!!!

02-08-2004, 09:38 AM
For jumping exercises, do searches on plyometric exercises.