View Full Version : Coolest/stupidest training

02-08-2004, 11:43 PM
What is the coolest training method/tool you've ever seen?

What is the stupidest training method/tool you've ever seen?

02-08-2004, 11:49 PM
coolest - SC pulley/Judo inner tube

stupidest - walking on rice paper in order to make your steps lighter.

Meat Shake
02-09-2004, 09:10 AM
"doing weights whilst balancing on a garden fence to develop strenght and balance"

and most likely horribly improper form!

Coolest - I really like throwing the SC square bag. Rock poles are fun too.

Stupidest - Ive met MAists that punch plate weights (the kind you put on a barbell) for "iron palm" training... I told him that all it was going to give him was arthritis.

02-09-2004, 09:26 AM
Best: I dunno



I hope thats what I think it is (a guy doing Kempo to 2 dummies).

02-09-2004, 09:57 AM
best -- circuit drills. i fuggin love 'em.

worst -- someone posted a link a while back to another forum that had some dude doing weighted squats on a swiss ball.

02-09-2004, 10:15 AM
lol @ "Grandmaster" clip... kemp at its finest

the worst: anything in which you seriously(not being a joke) have to yell "kiahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

02-09-2004, 10:29 AM
what's wrong with the work on 2 dummies? Some of those techniques aren't necesarily "practical" but he looked like he knew what he was doing. Self defense wise I bet he could handle himself fairly well. Sounds to me like you guys are just having a knee "jerk" reaction to an art you may not agree with.

bung bo
02-09-2004, 11:01 AM
training stances barefoot in the snow is probably the stupidest thing i've ever heard of. you'll just get sick and frostbite.

02-09-2004, 11:05 AM

did you see the a$$ bump?

02-09-2004, 11:08 AM
no but like I said, other then a few techniques he did it didn't look all that bad to me.

stupidest - walking on rice paper in order to make your steps lighter.

LOL! You guys actually did this?!

Christopher M
02-09-2004, 11:19 AM
Circlewalking and getting kicked in the nuts while making a wierd face, respectively.

02-09-2004, 11:47 AM
One of my first classes at chinese kickboxing in Boston this guy picked up a heavy bag and put it over his head. As he ran around everybody had to hit him in the stomach. I'm about 180 pounds and he ran into a palm strike. It was fun for me. He got tripped up on a curtain and had to do it again. I was really stunned and everyone just laughed.

The dumbest are those wushu line drills where yu have yuor hands in the air and you kick like a fairy. running with real heavy ankle weights too

Water Dragon
02-09-2004, 11:52 AM
Coolest: SC rope pulley and rock pole

Stupidest: Jumping out of a tree into a horse stance

02-09-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by red5angel

LOL! You guys actually did this?!

Nah, that was one I read about.

02-09-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Water Dragon
Coolest: SC rope pulley and rock pole

Stupidest: Jumping out of a tree into a horse stance


02-09-2004, 12:41 PM
I'm about 180 pounds and he ran into a palm strike. It was fun for me. He got tripped up on a curtain and had to do it again.

so until you came a long there was no one in this class who could hit the guy hard enough to knock him down?

02-09-2004, 12:46 PM
actually, the curtain had been scaring students off for years -- it always played too rough.

02-09-2004, 12:57 PM
well everyone knows Rub, that CMA or Curtain Martial Arts is the most deadliest of arts, in or outside of the kwoon.

02-09-2004, 01:08 PM
actually, i thought CMA was a grappling art, because if you fall into the curtain, it'll tie your ass up and be a pain to get out of. :confused:

or it could be a standup tossing art like judo, particularly when you're carrying a heavy bag overhead, considering that the dude got swept by the curtain. :confused: :confused:

02-09-2004, 01:32 PM
What is SC rope drills and rock pole?

02-09-2004, 01:32 PM
swiss ball squats stupied? Great for core strength and balance, although not an exercise needed in MA.

whusu line kicking drills with hands in air (you mean to sides with palms to walls and fingers to ceiling?) a core training method in many schools of TCMA

best I've seen....silat single man footwork drills - amazing...there is a guy in london who teaches his own esoteric style of silat who can out manouver several attackers at once....seeing is believing...and I'm a believer!

worst I've seen....sparring in TCMA schools whose sparring / fighting is nothing how they train. Why waste years doing TCMA and fight like a kick / thai boxer?

02-10-2004, 12:28 AM
In kali, we had a lot of environmental training. One day my teacher took us around back and we were doing drills where one person was on a large window sil (but there wasn't a lot of space so you had to lean against something for support) and the other was on the groud. We did this on benches, and around trees, realy cool.

the worst was when I tried a demo class of this Shihe Quan school and they had me do a lift kick and I kicked higher than I had expected. According to their philosophy, that's inacceptable. I should always over estimate my abilities. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me cause that could get ugly in a fight... atleast that's my opinion. They also gave me a certificate stating I passed my blash sash examination (and it had a bunch of chinese mumbo jumbo on it too)(I didn't even physically own a sash yet, let alone pass any examination). They told me that if I went to China, I could teach in China with that certificate. I wish I still had the certificate, lol.

02-10-2004, 12:47 AM
We're saying doing WEIGHTED BARBELL squats on a swiss ball is stupid.

02-10-2004, 12:50 AM
ironfist -- you have something stuck in your cheek. looks kinda like a hook that a troll would use while fishing. ;)

02-10-2004, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha
ironfist -- you have something stuck in your cheek. looks kinda like a hook that a troll would use while fishing. ;)

Um, that one went over my head. :confused:

But while you're at it, what is this rope training and what is a rock pole?

shaolin kungfu
02-10-2004, 01:28 AM
what is this rope training and what is a rock pole?

You dont want to know.

I will say it has something to do with 6,000 pound balls.

02-10-2004, 08:14 AM
shaolin monks hanging themselves of trees with a rope to the neck and sitting in a praying position. I saw it on a documentary on tv, was hell cool.

doing pushups on your knees.

02-10-2004, 09:26 AM
the worst was when I tried a demo class of this Shihe Quan school and they had me do a lift kick and I kicked higher than I had expected. According to their philosophy, that's inacceptable. I should always over estimate my abilities. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me cause that could get ugly in a fight... atleast that's my opinion. They also gave me a certificate stating I passed my blash sash examination

You went to this place for a demo class and got a certificate saying you could teach and had a "black sash"?

02-10-2004, 08:09 PM
Basically, yea. It was some kinda intro/demo class where one of the instructors or advanced students had me do a couple things and showed me this really horrible stance (right fist up almost like boxing, left hand straight down, in an open palm position (with my wrist bending out away from me). From what I know, the "Black Sash" was their final ranking and they gave me this certificate signed by the instructor and it even had a chinese stamping on it. It was like they gave me a grab bag of Mc Kwoon stuff that any n00b would drool over (because we all know you need a certificate stating you are a black sash to teach in china!). The Sifu's name was Leon Prescott :-D. I should google and see if that school is still around.

SanSoo Student
02-10-2004, 08:21 PM
Could you Super-size your McDojo certificate? :D

02-10-2004, 10:31 PM
probably, but that would require a trip to kinko's.

i've never been a fan of the whole training method of just standing there while sifu or sensei takes out his marital problems on you with a shinai or something similar. i have no problem with contact, but i'd rather do it during sparring or such, when my pain comes from my technique not being good enough. if i'm not square, i get clocked upside the head, so i work on my body positioning. if my footwork sucks, i get knocked on my keister, so i work on my stepping and stances. if i'm not aggressive enough, it's a shin to my thigh, so i work on being more aggressive. but i think the element of earning your bruises through actually trying but not succeeding is far better than just standing there and taking it because the instructor has an urge to break out the "stick of enlightenment." pain is pain, but let it mean something. i have more than enough flaws in my techniques and applications that warrant an educational smack upside my person.

note -- i'm not talking about arm conditioning through hung gar or other such practices. that stuff is immediately applicable into techniques. i distinguish stuff like that from standing there getting smacked while thanking someone for hitting you. that merely makes you better at S&M.