View Full Version : Martial arts terms

02-13-2004, 01:47 AM
red5angel recently brought to my attention, that i do indeed know absolutly nothing about martial arts because I dont use the correct terminology and I had to ask what MMA and TMA mean.
Do you feel that this wanker is telling the truth?
does my 45 yrs in training kung fu sifu actually know nothing in the way of martial arts? just cos he's not bin on a forum before??????

02-13-2004, 02:31 AM
I doubt my sifu would have a clue what all the internet martial arts 'in talk' meant either, and I know he wouldn't care.
Nor would he care what red5angel thought of that. Nor would I. And neither should you.

02-13-2004, 02:45 AM
If Iagreed with him, it would be for different reasons, like your sweeping generalizations about MA you really don't know about (like your comments on capoeira) or for statements you made like "there is no need to block"

02-13-2004, 02:53 AM
i didnt mean there is no need to block. the way ive trained is that i never use the term block. if a strike is coming in, i will always atempt to pary, or strike the limb with the forarm. to me a "block" sugests a beginers karate term, very slow and basic.
like putting ur arm solidly in a the air, so the in coming strike will hit ur arm and not ur face. obv this dont work and a striking movement toward the attack is needed, so its not a block, its attacking the strike.

I didnt mean it in the sence that if a strike is coming in a will back flip over it!!!!!

02-13-2004, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by manofkent
I didnt mean it in the sence that if a strike is coming in a will back flip over it!!!!!

What??? you wouldnt bakc flip over it?? you should practise more.....hahahaha

02-13-2004, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by manofkent
i didnt mean there is no need to block. the way ive trained is that i never use the term block. if a strike is coming in, i will always atempt to pary, or strike the limb with the forarm. to me a "block" sugests a beginers karate term, very slow and basic.
like putting ur arm solidly in a the air, so the in coming strike will hit ur arm and not ur face. obv this dont work and a striking movement toward the attack is needed, so its not a block, its attacking the strike.

I didnt mean it in the sence that if a strike is coming in a will back flip over it!!!!!

like anything though, blocking has it's place. watch a boxer or kickboxer take a shot to the body - they block it. Also, a beginner may not be able to slip everything or sucessfully parry and counter - block/counter may be easier for him to pull off.

Now being the athlete that I am, I'd backflip over it... :D

02-13-2004, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by SevenStar

. Watch a boxer or kickboxer take a shot to the body - they block it.

You mean they get hit and just acept it? How is taking a hit a block?

Originally posted by SevenStar

Also, a beginner may not be able to slip everything or sucessfully parry and counter - block/counter may be easier for him to pull off.

. :D

But arts are not ment to be done imidiatly by beginners.....or why would we train for hours/years?

In defense of beginners, they may not be able to slip as such but most are much better at naturaly avoiding blows than they are at blocking them.

Ocer all I agree with manofkent that blocks are unnessecery, as in my class we just dont use any.

As for the whole abreviation thing, well I have been posting here for years and I still get confused, especialy on the ones that can mean more than one thing.

David Jamieson
02-13-2004, 05:55 AM
Well, not knowing what a couple of acronyms mean is hardly something to shoot at and probably shouldn't be taken so bad.

But there are a lot of things coming about from the information exchange and it's rapidity because of the internet.

Historical information, technical information, connecting with people who are expert on particular subjects is getting easier and easier everyday.

Many ideas that many people had about many subjects are being questioned and shattered. A lot of untruths are exposed, and many truthes are presented.

It's a amazing thing and if it has taught us anything, it's that word of mouth or one man's word make for great advertising but in the cold light of day, it's just crap.

words alone are becoming meaningless, especially in regards to martial arts. If you can't back up what you say you can, then you are better off not saying it. These days, if you want someones ear, you pretty much have to fight a crowd to get it.

Now, there are also a hella lotta whiny little biotches who just managed to get their cup to fit and now they think they've read a few websites and can go out and make some noise. You gotta watch out for these types, Mostly, they are americans, but some are from brazil and finland. :D

Free information is great, but in the coming and going you can still trace back and you can find out the source of the information that someone is telling you, from that point you can decide if you too want to hold to the same perception or look for a better answer.

Man of Kent-
Your insecurity about the comments of "a wanker" is revealing in itself. :D Don't mean to be a turd, but are you still worried about what others think of your fu after 45 years?
Red5 is just an instigating punk lol and he's from the great satan! What do you expect from an internet forum.

As you can see, I have now insulted you both and now it is your turn.


02-13-2004, 06:11 AM
45yrs??? no not me. sorry, i phrased that wrong. my sifu has been training for 45yrs.

A boxer does not really block, he'll try his best to get out the way, and if he cant, his arm mearly sofens the blow. cos the gloves are so big.

Kung Lek, good point man, and thank u. ive experianced quite a few diff martial arts, and trained since i was 9. however i dont have many friends that follow MA and i am dislecsic, which dont help much. so the last few weeks on this forum is pretty much the 1st time ive ever talked to other people about martial arts. its just annoying that ppl dont believe what u say, or dont like it just because of the way u write it.

David Jamieson
02-13-2004, 06:40 AM
MoK- When you say it's annoying that people don't believe you, I think that I would look at why it's annoying me first.

Many people will ridicule that which they fail to understand or are uncomfortable with the connotations of. This is a protective mechanism that many employ to shield their own inadequacies.

Kinda like university students who finally get something from their course and then argue the truth of it simply because they now have the facilities to articulate the concept. It doesn't mean they are right, it just means they finally understand what they have been taught from that source.

Life will go on if a someone trashes what you believe. Better to brush it off and continue than to languish in the bitter.


02-13-2004, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek

Now, there are also a hella lotta whiny little biotches who just managed to get their cup to fit and now they think they've read a few websites and can go out and make some noise. You gotta watch out for these types, Mostly, they are americans, but some are from brazil and finland. :D


Butbutbut....not from England? Our whiny biotches are of the same quality or better than anywhere else in the world (eh hosser)!

David Jamieson
02-13-2004, 07:10 AM
Oh right, sorry, my bad, I concede, the U.K is severly overpopulated with whiny biotches and is helmed by the biggest sycophant biotch ever.

Man, if that Blair guy isn't a candidate for 30 or 40 episodes of that freakish puppet show they have there, then I don't know who is!

What the heck was the name of that show again? Spitting image I think(?)

Now, The Welsh, pah! Don't get me going on these, my own blood line. What a sack of crackers there eh?


02-13-2004, 07:33 AM
you saw spitting image?

Do you know the words to the song "I never met a nice south african"?

David Jamieson
02-13-2004, 07:44 AM
No, but just see what happens if you try to attack me with a banana.

02-13-2004, 07:47 AM
Ok totaly besides the point, but anyway

I've Never met A Nice South African - sung by Spitting Image

I've travelled this old world of ours from Barnsley to Peru
I've had sunshine in the arctic and a swim in Tinbuktu
I've seen unicorns in Burma and a Yetti in Nepal
And I've danced with ten foot pygmies in a Montezuma hall
I've met the King of China and a working Yorkshire miner
But I've never met a nice South African.

No he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising man
'Cause we're a bunch of arrogant b***tards
Who hate black people

I once got served in Woolies aften less than four week's wait
I had lunch with Rowan Atkinson when he paid and wasn't late
I know a public swimming bath where they don't **** in the pool
I know a guy who got a job straight after leaving school
I've met a normal merman and a fairly modest German
But I've never met a nice South African.

No he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising man
'Cause we're a bunch of talentless murderers
Who smell like baboons

I've had a close encounter of the twenty-second kind
That's when an alien spaceship disappears up your behind
I got directory enquiries after less than forty rings
I've even heard a decent song by Paul McCartney's Wings
I've seen a flying pig in a quite convincing wig
But I've never met a nice South African.

No he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising man
'Cause we're a bunch of ignorant loudmouths
With no sense of humour - ha ha

I've met the Loch Ness monster and he looks like Fred Astaire
At the BBC in London he's the chief commissionaire
I know a place in Glasgow which is rife with daffodillies
I met a man in Katmandu who claimed to have two willies
I've had a nice pot noodle but I've never had a poodle
And I've never met a nice South African.

No he's never met a nice South African
And that's not bloody surprising man
Because we've never met one either
Except for Breyten Breytenbach and he's emigrated to Paris. (****s)

Yes he's quite a nice South African
And he's hardly ever killed anyone
And he's not smelly at all.
That's why they put him prison.


David Jamieson
02-13-2004, 07:59 AM
Man, I can't believe that even through benign comedy the brits are still bitter about the boers. lol

It was 100 yrs ago! Let it go. It's theirs now and you can't have it.


KC Elbows
02-13-2004, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Liokault

Butbutbut....not from England? Our whiny biotches are of the same quality or better than anywhere else in the world (eh hosser)!

Truer words have never been whined...er, said.:D

In defense of the blocking statement, most parries, done poorly, become blocks. Not saying blocks are by default poor parries, but saying that some styles insist on methods of parrying(intercepting, whatever) that leave that safety net of "if you do this wrong, it'll block effectively but not set you up as well to counter, and your sifu will be very angry at you for your sloppy kung fu!"

02-13-2004, 08:13 AM
red5angel recently brought to my attention, that i do indeed know absolutly nothing about martial arts because I dont use the correct terminology and I had to ask what MMA and TMA mean.

keeerist, your breakin' my heart here manofkent :rolleyes:

First of sll , was that post by your "45 year training kungfu sifu"? Cause I thought it was your post? And we are talking about the sam epost where not only did you not know some basic terminology but you claimed your freind walked into a school where he had to fight the top student, who broke a few of his ribs and his arm, then you walked in and "saved" the day by kicking a$$ and taking names? That post right?

The first term you should look up, and then polish your technique on is TROLL. Atleast when I want to be a "wanker" I know how to do it correctly ;)

KC Elbows
02-13-2004, 08:16 AM
Technically, Red5, you are incorrect.

See, we're american. We're not wankers, we're b@st@rds and arseholes. Now the british, they're wankers. I believe south africans are covered in another thread.

KC Elbows
02-13-2004, 08:18 AM
We don't want to get into terminology for canadians. As soon as we decide on a term, we'll have to come up with it's french equivalent, and Quebec will probably threaten to leave anyway.

02-13-2004, 08:37 AM
ah yes, thank you for setting me on the correct KC, I am a *******, and I know how to practice *******ism as well as the next man. If only manofkent would train for 45 years with ralek....

Mr Punch
02-13-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
Man, I can't believe that even through benign comedy the brits are still bitter about the boers. lol

It was 100 yrs ago! Let it go. It's theirs now and you can't have it.

cheers ha ha. :D

Or was it maybe because they had a despotic regime responsible for murdering thousands of people of another skin colour, while our governments stood by and watched... er, sorry, traded? **** right we were p1ssed: we could have been there cutting out the middleman and getting the blacks to steal their own diamonds and gold for us instead. If you mean the Boers, it's not theirs now, it's back to the zulus in case you hadn't noticed, and while they're not doing a great job, at least it's their own job.

And there was nothing benign about Spitting Image... unless you mean like a benign tumour?

But since you've just hit the poorest taste I've seen of you yet KL, I can't believe a Canuck has the balls to point the finger at Blair being a poodle when you retards are still taking it up the arse from the States over your only significant export, AND you have the queen as a head of state. Doh! :D Of course I could just shorten that to: I can't believe a Canuck has balls!!! :p :D

Mr Punch
02-13-2004, 09:44 AM
BTW Red, did a midget really challenge your friend???


No, really. I have to know!

02-13-2004, 09:48 AM
yep, they fought the first time too but the fight was broken up. He went looking for the guy again and almost got into a fight the second time. I guess it just goes to show it's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog!

Mr Punch
02-13-2004, 09:55 AM
What?! It was a midget dog?!

What was it, an ornamental ****su? Man, they tough.

02-13-2004, 09:55 AM
Its okay man don't sweat it. The internet forums are designed for one another to bash each other anonymously, and with out many hard consequences. I can see you are more than likely really dislexic like you mentioned before. My roomate is also dislexic. Its frustrating to him when he writes and types stuff too. I usually (or someone else) will proof read his stuff and sometimes its hard to make sense of it.

However the important acronyms to learn are:



Anything else can be omitted. Don't let people get to ya. I know that being dislexic you can mean one thing and when you write it out it sounds completely different. So I guess you will just have to get used to re-explaining yourself unfortunately.

Also, no one here is a master of every martial art (or a master of one martial art) so its totally okay to ask questions; just as long as you don't start a lineage debate on the wing chun forum.

Mr Punch
02-13-2004, 09:58 AM
The word is dyslexic!!!

How cruel is that!


02-13-2004, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
Man, I can't believe that even through benign comedy the brits are still bitter about the boers. lol

It was 100 yrs ago! Let it go. It's theirs now and you can't have it.


LOL its not about bitterness.......we did good in Africa.....better than we did in canada. Its about the South African white population being basterds....and its...well ...true.

I put the question: Who here has met a nice South African?

02-13-2004, 10:08 AM
liokault - I've met several. A good freind of mine is South African and they are nice people, no apparent anger towards anyone in particular. The Bowyer I apprenticed out to a a few years ago was also south african and he was probably the nicest man I have ever met. Very sincere.

02-13-2004, 10:10 AM
Next you will be telling me you know a bright Casnadian, or a Turk you would lend money to.

02-13-2004, 10:15 AM
Actually, I have a few South African friends that I met two years ago on holiday in Thailand. They were white, and they were a good group of folks. One of them was Nelson Mandella's former attorney. They were a fun bunch of guys and girls to hang out with, and they all had great senses of humor. Taught me a lot of SA slang....


02-13-2004, 10:18 AM
I'm not so sure about the canadian thing but I've met a few turks I'd loan money to :)

02-15-2004, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by red5angel

...where not only did you not know some basic terminology ...

MMA, TMA, TCMA, CMA, JMA, BJJ etc etc etc are not martial arts terms, they are internet abbreviations, nothing more.

maybe they could qualify as martial arts terms if you martial art experience is the internet?

02-16-2004, 04:46 AM

David Jamieson
02-16-2004, 10:40 AM

Our head of state is the Governor General actually.
Our country was brought into being through mighty acts of legislation afterall and was a relatively bloodless affair.

As for my remarks about SA, I was in no way shape or form making a political statement or even really giving a hoot about it anyway, I was merely making fun of the british because well, The self depricating humour course deep in my veins.

Lately the Canadian position on America is about the same. we have the same relationship as we ever had with them. It's just that their current presidential administration doesn't sitr well with us, and we think he and his crew are the biggest pack of wankers ever to wank a wanked wank. Same goes for Bucky over the pond :D

We may be middle of the road, but were the best dang middle of the road anyone will ever get a chance at being.

Yay Canada, we are simply better than "you". :D....seriously, we are.

...and you, are not


Meat Shake
02-16-2004, 10:50 AM
Canadian chicks are easy.

02-16-2004, 10:54 AM
Hey Kung Lek

I have found a new way of stopping my Canadian Girlfriend try to get me to move to Canada with her.

I wish I had thought of it before.

She wants to move to Montreal, so I have told her that I will go only if I can point out to all the French Canadians that I meet that I have spent more time in total in France then them (with France being only an hour away), and that its over rated.

David Jamieson
02-16-2004, 11:18 AM

You gotta take a more positive stance. Montréal is a fairly cosmopolitan city. It's multi-lingual as far as going out and about anywhere, and Quebec is one of Canada's truly officially bilingual provinces. I don't think they see themselves as anything more than what they've been for years, French Canadians. Besides, French is the language of love, you'd go further whispering "j'tamie mon cheri" in her ear!

Having said that, I like Toronto better. But that's me. :D


Meat Shake
02-16-2004, 11:21 AM
I like wherever they hold the cannibus cup.
Quebec I think.

Canada seems cool, way to hella cold for my liking however.

02-16-2004, 11:37 AM

02-16-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Kung Lek

. Besides, French is the language of love, you'd go further whispering "j'tamie mon cheri" in her ear!

Having said that, I like Toronto better. But that's me. :D


Nope....low grunting followed by a wet ear, is the language of love.